Not joking or pedo baiting: What do (((they))) pour into the water these days?
And what effect does it have on males?
How to combat it?
Not joking or pedo baiting: What do (((they))) pour into the water these days?
then why did you start your thread with this pic to begin with?
Fuck off to your containment zone
idk about over there
but over here it's estrogen in the milk
so drink less milk
Teen girls have always been sexy.
It's just that now they wear more revealing clothes so you can actually see their curves.
They put fucking hormones in the water. Work out, don't jerk off to porn, eat as much live-culture food as possible, and maybe consider filtering the water you and your family drinks. But really, they kinda fucked us good.
jordyn actually looks much younger than she is, I don't think hormones have anything to do with her being cute
Fuck off with that nasty skank. Dunno how people can have such bad taste as to like that bitch.
is she under 18?
>but over here it's estrogen in the milk
>so drink less milk
really? i read somewhere that the fat in milk is good for making testosterone. i have a couple glasses a day.. fugg
she is 16 stop sexualizing her you fags
Don't know what they pour into the water. But I do know that many plastic bottles/containers in Europe cointain large amounts of xenoestrogen. In larger quantities xenoestrogen imitates the effect of estrogen thusly pussifying the male populus. That plus the safety & comfort breads weak, western men we have today.
Weak men bring hard times
Hard times breed strong men
Strong men bring good times
Good times breed weak men
Etc ad infinitum
Happy pills, medication , fluoride you know just standard stuff.
buy muh filters
"i read"
Head is clearly photoshopped...
still haven't seen any proof of this
Drink beer.
great, so i can legally fap to her pics.
cows are pumped with estrogen and hormones in order to keep them producing milk all year
without hormones they only produce milk when they're nursing calves
i'm not gonna be like most Sup Forumstards and tell you that I know this for certain and that the Jews are behind it
but I'm fairly convinced that it is true and you should research it for yourself
but I'm guessing giving cows hormones is a pretty common thing globally considering the benefits to profit
All I know is that its been documented that women are hitting puberty faster and growing much bigger boobs more frequently than in the past
and men seem to be getting wimpier and more complacent
this, in my mind, indicates too much estrogen in our diets
Does this mean Katy Perry is redpilled?
>hitting puberty faster
Not because of hormones in the food but because of more food being more available. Around twelve is the natural average age of menarche if she has access to plenty of food.
nice try, alexandro jonez
Based Germany
duh, growth hormones in meat
Gross, she was hot years ago not now.
Ever thought of the unnecessary and unhealthy stuff that is in the blue pill, red pill, black pill and so on sometimes (Sometimes??????)
Nah, she was always a nasty bitch. None of those "dance" sluts are hot.
Bisfenol on plastic, estrogen on milk, and so on
It causes girls to look like women and boys to look like girls
Through all history man have been attracted by 13- year old
These 18+ aoc are a feminist invention to put women on college and stoping them from becoming moms.
There's nothing wrong with you, it's society the one that's wrong.
What is the deal with that pic? Why is it funny? Why do niggers post it without irony?
Estroegen to feminize men.
>Drink beer.
Beer contains more Estreogens than anything, thats why man gets "man boobs".
>this, in my mind, indicates too much estrogen in our diets
Or it just indicates better diets in general.
>and men seem to be getting wimpier and more complacent
This is subjective. You could argue that men are wimpy nowadays for a plethora of reasons, but you could also argue that they are stronger because they are healthier.
I also don't know why you think that cows getting hormones means they'll be exuding hormones into milk. Or that orally consumed cow hormones can influence humans. But I'm not an expert on this, so just consider that you might have a slight confirmation bias there.
Estrogen in milk/food would be an easy explanation for world's problems but it can't be as simple as that.
Your head is clearly photoshopped.
She looks like a used old hag.
introduce me in this world please
>Around twelve is the natural average age of menarche if she has access to plenty of food.
You do realize that average age of menarch in the US is currently 9, right? And it ranges from 8 to 11 across europe.
>Beer contains more Estreogens than anything
which is why it gets marketed to men. the media actually convinced the goyim that if they're men, they should partake of the liquid woman-maker.
Only if you're 16-18 years old orelse it's jailtime for you, fucker.
>posts a kike
Exactly right Spain.
Because she's a slutbitch.
It is? Huh, must have changed. The point still stands.
Ryry is not a jew
> How to combat it?
Stop funding charities, save money. Start funding startups of your neighbors. It there is any good startups.
it's not fag. you can fuck her as soon as she turns 16.
Not if you're older than 18, Pedo skank.
Do you have a source for that?
last i checked it had dropped to 11-12 but not that low.
>what is gymo epidemia
id still do it now
Oh look it's (You) again. Ryry is full blown kike succubus
Do you mean Sup Forums? Or what is in the OP?
>Mohammed was right again
you're a retard. age of consent in Germany is 16. if you're underage yourself it's 14.
Great. In the UK, 16 means she can have sex, though I might get some dirty looks being seen with her since I'm 30.
No, she isn't. What do you have that says she is? Nothing because you're lying.
So why do you want to know? Are you just afraid or some other reason?
Only newfags dislike little girls
I don't know... I find them...attractive lately
I hate you redditors so fucking much. Almost all Hollywood is jewish.
Fucking newfag crossposters this has been known for years. Google Ryan Newman jewish you reddit piece of shit
So close...
Welcome to the watchlist spaghetti
Her sister is better
>>but over here it's estrogen in the milk
>>so drink less milk
>really? i read somewhere that the fat in milk is good for making testosterone. i have a couple glasses a day.. fugg
That feel when you were diagnosed as mildly lactose intolerant at age 6 and rarely touched the stuff since.
That's how it starts.
I start to question this when I saw that bdsm Laura B picture
Lera B dishing out the pedopill
Catalog whatever you uncover here:
I think (((they))) add fluoride to affect male teeth somehow
Back to Sup Forums Jew pedophile
Well, she's not that great anyway and she's too old now so who cares.
Latex dress and a riding crop doesn't mean it's BDSM. That's just you being a pervert.
>thinks Sup Forums has pedos
>telling me to go
Hello new
Sup Forums is filled with neofags like you
>Work at a summer camp for teens
>One cute 16 year old girl with huge tits gets a crush on me
>Tries to get to sleep next to me
>Always watching me
Needless to say, I rejected her efforts but had I been a little younger I would have been ready to fall in love. I'm 25 now.
I guess some things are just not meant to be.
O, the OP photo .... That's a real subject of hell. I don't mean necessarily going there. I mean here in this time and place.
I'm kind of neutral about this sort of things. I know where lots of photo's about it are. But could I just say this? I think the topic as a whole is quite interesting. Its such a deadly mess at the moment. Or even the last 1000 years.
>that ass eating video
>milk is for babies in all animal species
>somehow it's good for testosterone production in grown men
You fucked up hard
The water is not being treated to remove hormones. Plastics have chemicals that affect hormonal balance, even if they say it's BPA-free or whatever. Drinks in cans are also suspect, as the cans are lined with the same chemicals. Even the food is probably tainted with these hormones.
Find a way to filter water to get rid of hormones already in the water. Don't drink water bottled in plastics - chemicals bleeds into the water. Don't heat up food in plastic containers. Don't buy foods that can raise female hormone levels, like soy products. Don't buy food wrapped in plastics for a long time.
Daily reminder that this is NOT OKAY. The girls are forced to these shoots. They are often pressured by their parents, usually for money reasons.
No person should ever support this kind of material.
I just want to jerk off. It's not that I want to promote this in any possible manner
Google northern Ireland republic of Ireland fluoride. Best case study there is.
Like I said, I'm just going by what I read.
I don't know whether or not it's true
But I would point out that depending on where cows graze or what they eat also seems to affect the taste of milk so it doesn't seem that far fetched that hormones could transfer into the milk as well
but I don't really like milk except in cereal and with pastries and if there's a chance its putting estrogen in my body than I'm happy to drink less of it
Yes it is. No they are not. And nobody cares. take your pretentious virtue signaling back to reddot
>posts pick of 14-year-old loli looking sultry as fuck
>pedo bating
hans, please...
It's in the .onion section. I can't tell you where. Ever heard of this? This is information of a long time ago.
But the thread topic is really something else.
Tell us what you know
see, the problem is that she doesn't really know what she's doing...
if the loli could be proven to have the cognitive abilities of an adult, then the age of consent could be lowered accordingly
the brain dictates what's abuse or otherwise, not the chronology per se
This girl is 14.
fucking Sup Forums never gives me links...
Found it. The Borderline / 僕らの境界
that ID
>looks 24
and you plebes are cogitating about why males want their sarlaccs younger and toyter...?
Yeah, and she's a gross bitch.
>high heels
>bunch of makeup
>girl with huge tits
Code for shit face desu
Endocrine disruptors.
The most notorious is probably Bisphenol-A, but they don't put it "in the water" it's just a very useful chemical compound that gets used to make a lot of stuff like plastics.
There's a ton of other shit too. There's a grandfather law that says if you sold a chemical compound before the FDA had authority to regulate it you can continue to sell it. So basically it's legal to sell poison. Congress passed some law that will require the FDA to review like 20-80 of these chemicals at a time but each review could take years and there's 60,000+ of them.
How are these "child modelling" sites legal? They are basically fronts for child molesters. All the images they show up front are totally legal but send the right jew some money...
Too old
What does one really say to this sort of thing ??
I don't know.
It's all such a riff raff about this.