Is this transkino? mother and son transitioning together

is this transkino? mother and son transitioning together

I get they want to be the opposite sex so bad but if you look like that afterwards, what's the fucking point?

ISIS is right. The West must die.

fucking mental illness

drop bombs on us

>transitioning when you are an uggo


only do it if you'll turn out fuckable

This is why I support Putin

You can thank the Jews for that.

I can't even imagine the amount of emotional abuse that went into both of them making this decision. This is sick, this is a delusion. Why are we supporting this? These people need help, not a fucking documentary.

>shit doesnt work if you attempt it after puberty
>use this as a reason to force the changes on kids

what the fuck does a kid know about any of this? injecting hormones into them because they picked up barbie instead of spiderman is pretty fucked up. If you wanna turn out like the monster on the right go ahead but at least leave the kids alone.

I sound like mrs lovejoy jesus christ how did it come to this

Putin/Assad 2020

>this is a delusion. Why are we supporting this?

>man claims he is alexander the great reborn
lol fuck off
>man claims he is a woman
someone get this man a surgeon.

I find it so weird how everyone has just fallen into this delusion into calling a 6'4 linebacker a she.

We stood around laughing at that woman who identified as black on the news but had she said she was a man (equally as ridiculous) she would have been applauded. How can you have such a stark line down the middle and accept one form of trans but not another i dont understand. Either accept its all ridiculous or just go down the rabbit hole and accept anything and everything

Honestly I don't give a shit, if you want to cut your tits off and call yourself Greg go ahead, but I'm not going to pretend it's normal or that you are some inspirational hero. Get therapy not a TV show

>watch the AD for GiGi """"""" Gorgeous""""""" on jewtube
>dad says I want my son's happiness more than I want old Greg back
>Old Greg
I feel like he said it on purpose.
Even funnier since my name is Greg.


Is this what living through the Weimar Republic was like?

Sodom and Gomorrah?

More like Sodomy give me some Morah!

>The idea of a son/daughter becoming trans after a parent becomes trans makes it pretty obvious that being trans is not "natural". It's clearly the influence of the parent that caused them to want to change genders.

But the kid started transitioning years before the parent.

Just nuke the whole planet

>tfw second week on nofap

I'd fuck the shit out of the daughter/son, desu

Historians are going to look back to our era with great disgust.

Isn't that rape though?

>his brothers bullied him for having a baby dick so hard he's a fag in drag now

You can't rape a man, silly.

I actually agree with that one. If you're dumb enough to get tricked you gotta pay the price and be dicked. Might as well, you're already a faggot for bringing a dude home.

Refusing a tranny sex? Damn right it's rape.

>tfw I know that if I every accidentally brought a tranny home I wouldn't be able to stop myself

fuck it, if you get that far you may as well

Do they not consider receding hairlines? Cause trannies will start losing hair because they are men, even if they grow it out.

I bet the father abandoned the family soon after the son was born. Just a prediction, because these two have to be rebelling against some "tragedy".

Can someone remind me why this disgusting shit is socially acceptable and even praised as something good?

Most "gender confused" people I know irl were molested as kids. Are there any stats out there that correlate trans and child abuse?

There's a correlation between homosexuality and child abuse, and transgenderism is just another type of faggotry

They're crazy enough to think inverting your penis inside you makes it a vagina, of course they don't consider receding hairlines or how poorly they'll pass later on in life.

This is the case for gays and lesbians too.

because jews, that's why. Because Jews. All programming is one fag or faggot, one dyke or carpet muncher, it's all shit. Every facet of it every bit of it. Day of the rope came and went and nothing happened. i'm blooming mad!


Worth a repost.

>talk shit to little brother all day
>call him little faggot and shit
>he decides to cut his dick off on television
>forces you to sit there and pose in photos with him now in drag
>your face gets plastered all over the world for being known as the brother to this weird shit

He got the last laugh it seems

How we currently deal with gender dysphoria is basically just is basically just the scientific community throwing their hands up in the air and saying "fuck it the brain is too hard to figure out and and the politics are too crazy for me to try."

>superior, victorious, bold nation
>lost a war to a bunch of rice farmers


>Comments are disabled for this video.
Just shut up and take it, Goy!

>it's the everything was perfect in the 50s meme again
Read a book faggot

That's more or less the exact point the decline started anyway

I mean before that it was also the country that landed on the moon, cured polio and smallpox, invented the computer and the airplane, etc.

>Read a book faggot
Why do you blacks always say this?

>invented the computer
>invented the airplane


>read a (((book)))
Lemme guess: the fact that any high school graduate could immediately afford a large suburban house with two cars and three kids on one entry level salary is totally outweighed by the fact that people were mean to the whopping 13% of the population that isn't white

This is what happens when your "freedoms and superiority" propaganda works too well. Instead of trying to instil a modicum of self control America went all out on the "We are gods" meme.

>invented the computer and the airplane

Yeah I hate it when blacks recommend me literature
You don't even have the basic Sup Forums rhetoric on point, what are you doing

Take your epic meme arrows and blow them out your ass

That prosperity was only because the rest of the world was still a devastated shithole from WW2, what's the solution now, bomb Europe and Asia to ruins?

at least they had 3 normal children. in olden days in was common for the runt to die off anyway

don't do nofap, kids

>mfw I'll never have a brother like pic related.

Why even live.

>american education


You're the equivalent of a WE-poster.

That's "aeroplane", you fucking mongoloid.

>man who's entire "sport" is what people who play real sports do as a warmup
>the world's greatest athlete

No one gives a fuck about the olympics. 2nd String NFL players are greater athletes than this faggot.

>when your tranny little brother is a better looking female than you

no bomb the Middle east duh

How do we save western civilization lads

his older brothers are gonna rape sooo many chicks when they get to college

It's at least a century too late for that, friend

>"invent" the airplane after someone else did it


Who is Shivkar Talpade?


Apparently a liar?

my my jazzs feet are might sexual

I wonder if in the future we'll look back on transitioning to treat gender dysphoria similar to how we look back on phrenology, just with more ruined lives.

butthurt favela monkey detected

>facts are now shitposting


Not for some time. The scientific community being on board with this and surgeons happily injecting children shows that this is somethign that will take time. Doctors arent about to one day wake up and think my god what have i done. Journals and the scientific community will fight back against it but in time the truth will come out, it always does. What happens then i dont know. Compensation? reparations for cutting off dicks?

Funny how you dropped the "invented the computer" narrative so fast

ENIAC was the first Turing-complete programmable computer

>brothers not beating Jazz up into a pulp for being a faggot

>drug addiction, mental illness and promiscuity is a modern phenomenon in America
Jesus grow the fuck up you snowflake, America was never some mythical socially perfect society

It's gotten worse.

>Yeah I hate it when blacks recommend me literature
How would you know if it's never happened?

>The 50's were really terrible, Goy!
>America was always degenerate!
>Whites never had prosperity really, when you think about it!
>Everything is getting better now!
>Sign up now for our lifetime HRT plan and save 2%!

>no father to keep them busy with normal activities, or keep them fucking grounded in reality, or just give them bigger problems to worry about
>boomer moms have literally 0 hobbies or interests, kid has zero fucking direction in life

I'm surprised shit like this doesn't happen more often desu. Moms are the worst.

>The US

do all of those kids have the same face, christ.

The worse part is when you see it happening in real time elsewhere, like "Thousands of black people lived in Britain in the 1300s" and "Germany has always been a nation of immigrants"

>single mothers
not even once

>gotten worse.
No... no it hasn't.
It's almost like you don't know the history of your own fucking country. As awful as it is now, it has always been worse in the past except for some magical time in the 80's-90's where things somehow actually did get pretty decent but then 9/11 happened because the peasants needed to be distracted.

People make fun of the KANGZ shit now, but in thirty years questioning it will land you in holocaust denier prison.

Also, Europe was always Islamic.

>don't want to look like ugly kike father/brother
>take the pink pill and be a cute girl instead

Hair loss is caused by testosterone, so that might not be true.

no it hasn't its just more reported/acknowledged
after the world wars the amount of people with mental illness/damage were through the roof. But society didn't know about things like PTSD so instead lots of drinking and domestic violence took place. Atleast some effort to look after unstable people is taken, unlike you 1950's fantasy where rape, drinking problems and mental illness where actually far worse.

I know puberty's a hard time but seriously pull your head out of your ass, you have it far easier then most Americans ever did.


>You were always drug-addicted paupers, Goy!

>It's a false flagger episode

>Men were always rapey and toxic!
>Now take this estrogen, Goyim.

>King Henry VI and Queen Margaret of Anjou as recently depicted on British state television

They should transition into fucking asylums.

kek this

We'll never be able to build enough ovens.

This is like an inside joke because the Queen was from France and that's what French people look like

>when your son becomes a girl and you decide you have to become a guy just so you can tell him his father is disappointed