20 year old guy comes here from leftynet

>20 year old guy comes here from leftynet
>actually smart enough to see that left wing ideologies smell
>too scared to acknowledge it, knows that would mean that he was living a life full of lies
>still wants to dig into it, his curiosity and lust for knowledge and truth drives him
>finds out about this place
>first 3 threads he sees is lefty shills bashing racist bigot intolerant islamophobe Trump and praising Hillary Marxberg Fatimah Clinton
>he doesn't go further to find redpill threads, because of how guilty these first posts made "right wingers" sound, he hates feeling guilty
>he doesn't wanna be labelled as a racist or a bigot
>he wouldn't know how to deal with it
>"h-ha-ha I kn-n-new that liberalism and leftism is the way to go, even this Sup Forumsitically incorrect says so, the muslims and jews are our friends! t-thanks Sup Forums!"
>and with that he flees, with his head back in the sand, with some regret, him knowing full well that he's lying to himself
>but he doesn't know who to turn to so he'll continue being bluepilled until he commits suicide
>he'll never bloom into a redpilled being of truth, knowledge, facts and rationality



Other urls found in this thread:


I do enjoy gore.

Post more gore!

why would we want such a weak-willed pussy like that anyway? He's smart enough not to cuck, but he cucks anyway? Fuck him, he was cancer to begin with.

is he ok


>get redpilled
>just become depressed that all the people I care about would hate me if I ever told them how I really felt about certain things

Yeah, being enlightened sure is great.

We were all confused and weakened when we first came here, user, that's how marxism shaped us.

>implying redpill is enlightenment.
It's just a first step.
It is great. Just has its side effects.

He lost his body! Where did it go!

OMG is he ok??!?

Here is my vocaroo making fun of this picture.


I don't actually know the story behind that pic. Just a random obliterated dude.

i hope that guy is alright, did he fall of his bicycle?

Gosh, you don't have to get all torn up about it!

Nice shoop. Where's the original where the guy is alive and healthy?

Was getting blown up part of your plan?

>nah hes not gonna get that head off with one hit
>oh well

Oh hi. Didn't see you there.

I was just eating lunch.

Hand over the delegates, Dahnald.

just fuck off nigger

every time i see these videos i wish we'd just turn that whole region indiscriminately into glass.

Did he died???

Why use a proxy to shitpost, australia?
Check this one out.
Salam alaykum!
He ded.

Post gore in all shill threads. Shill by saying "this is what awaits you for voting trump, Allah akbar!"

Here I'll speak the saddest words of tongue and pen.

>Sup Forums was right again.

It's the thing that's especially fucked up about this board, I doubt most of us want any of the shit we talk about here to be true.

The dying white race. The Jewish and Globalist elite owning the world. The death throes of western civilization as we know it. The fact that most of the time, in all reality we as nations are the actual badguys. The idea that something as deeply rooted in historical "fact" like the Holocaust is more than likely a half truth or an outright lie.

More than anything though, the thing that hurts me most, and I imagine most of you as well, is the fact that we are the outsiders, the "crazy" ones, even though we're more critical of our own fact checking than anyone, we'll always be on the "wrong" side of history. and that we have to contain our power levels day to day so we aren't ousted in our own societies.

seriously, fuck em.

give them all a nuclear tan.

Im ultra left watched all john oliver show and supporting Trump. Plz kill urself idiot or I will 1956 u again

That's pretty smart, but I rather just stay honest. Or fight fire with fire?
Is this pasta? Good post anyway. Saved.
I still wish we had a peaceful solution, but I'm afraid that their whole religion is about "peace" as in wiping out others that are not them, so that there can be peace with only them being around.
They don't want no live and let live pussy ass bullshit.

I just wrote it on the spot, the saddest words bit is from a Sup Forums song tho

He just needed to pull himself together

Drink vodka and do krokodil.
Even your own president thinks u r degenerate if u r lefty.

>weak minded people like me are swayed by cheap throwaway posts made by trolls

Hahahahaa, what a fucking faggotfest

I thought you guys were the mighty master race?

Good job then!

Literally never said anything like what you are strawmanning me with.

>heh you have a valid opinion but I see here your flag is Aus tough luck pal

>Literally never said anything like what you are strawmanning me with.

>I see here your flag is Aus tough luck pal


I hope u will die, faggot.
Anyways I hope we will nuke u all soon

>the child who keeps moving for a better view

>nuke anyone who has opposing views
Makes sense why y'all lefties love Abdul's cock so much.
Children being innocent is a meme.
They love violence more than anything, dishing it out that is.
Here's one in action.