Malia Obama

Would u marry her? For 75k/yeah

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I´m not into sodomy


Good lord brehs

yeah, i dont have to look at her face when giving her painal

she's fit as fuck and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking shirt lifter

I've seen actual apes with more pleasing faces

She looks like the Pope.

For free, you are all faggots.

That face DansGame

Fookin prawn

She˙s ugly as fuck. But i might do it if she was into slave play. Then i would leak the video of her calling herself a dirty monkey and calling her father a puppet monkey.

It would ruin obama

literally looks like a monkey

king nigger obongo obomba hussein the CONMANder in grief can keep her

I'd make her a single mother.

He is just a monkey paid to read text. You give him too much credit. I am sure he is aware of how much of a puppet he is


Poor SS agent, highly trained and forced to be a zoo keeper

her face looks less shit on the two pictures on the right

I'd go 1812 on that ass

thats a man, man


no. she's black and to old.

If I go well with her, like, personality wise, then sure, I'd marry her. But if we didn't go well together? No, not even for 150k, fuck that.

Does she like it in the ass

She's got a hot body but for some reasons I find her disgusting.
And I fuck nigresses.

Yeah, I'd even pay more than that for her sister.

Disregard all obongo and obongo accessories

I wan't to rub my dick all over her legs. Those fucking thighs are driving me mad. I want her to twerk and piss on my face. So, yes, I'd marry her. For free. Shit, I'll pay.


zgub se nazat u srbuiju hrvat k te je kura zlegla

>I'll pay
Pay for a nigger. Never change old habits

No, I just find black women absolutely unattractive.

She has her mother's figure. And face.


and dick so 0/10

She's damn fine tho

Would bang for 100 bucks yearly

Bitch is uggo

What's wrong with her ass tho? Looks like implants.

Lou ?

I might accidentally have a dumbell dropped on my neck for this

*sweating intensifies*

Pls Obama don't kill me

Have you seen the mother? That's what your getting in a few years NO FUCKING THANKS

Literal perfection

Really America?!


You're right. She even LOOKS like Obama. Disgusting.


She's getting too hot for her own good. I'm not the one to spout dumb Sup Forums memes, but this is the point where the downhill spiral into legitimate degeneracy usually starts.

C'mon that could be any black girl coming off of air force one...

She is a sheboon and her face looks like a foot

>Barry will never be your father-in-law
Just strike me down

Pay your debts

Kys you mentally ill nigger lover

Underrated kek

>tfw looking at the crotch area to check to see if tranny


No I wouldn't she is fucking gross

I would marry her for free, she's gorgeous and her father seems cool.

wasted dubs, weak troll

You know how tall she is? She's 6'1" or 185cm, as tall as her father. Even without heels she'd probably tower over a large percentage of guys ITT

but I'm serious, I mean if you wouldn't hit these legs then you are a fag to begin with.

lol she's ugly i would never be happy in my life

>there are people on this board who would reject THIS gift

I thought that this was a faggot unfriendly place, so why are so many of em here?

i had no idea toilet water made "people" go blind its a male nigger you stupid faggot

Yes I would impregnate her with many latino babies and make her call me papi in bed


i checked google and i couldn't confirm her being transgender.

She's hot and everything, but she's childish. So no I wouldn't.

niggers cant be women tho

Marry? No.

Fuck for the sheer novelty factor then never talk to again? Sure.

>calling that chimp hit
Have some standards famlam.

All 3d is

>Probably if drunk/high
I have fucked worse.

Why are niggers so ugly

she's just old you dickhead.

>i'm desperate with terribly low standards, anyone who doesn't validate my desperation fuelled opinion is a (insert insult here).


Chimp DNA

$75k/year to jizz in the blown out asshole of king niggers first born daughter? Uhyeah

Got her mom's face - not a plus.

i'd rather be dirt poor
i'd rather fucking kill myself now that i think of it

honestly, fucking kill yourself my man. le kappa xDDDDDDD

>I love sloppy 200ths WHOLE GRAIN CRUNCH

fuck m8 she looks like uncle ben if he had hair

She's not even a decent ftm tranny



She has her fathers face so fuck no. Ted Cruz in a dress would be hotter than any of the Obama's.

Damn. She has obama's face but has Michelle's features (ie: chin)

Worst of them both.

Fuck off, Lithuania.

She inherited Moochelle's Gorilla features.

This is beyond race mixing. Like inter-species n' shit.

It hurts

I need more

I'm 5'8 she's 6'2

So no fucking way she will even talk to me

Would bang tho



what the fuck

She has a fine body but damn her face is ugly.


The only recokoning will be the Jews killing the last whites alive.Even hitler cant stop them now