Hello my fellow white friends.
Get in here, take a break from the shills.
How do we prevent our countries to go down the same path as say the US?
How do we preserve the last remaining bastions of hope for the white race?
Hello my fellow white friends.
Get in here, take a break from the shills.
How do we prevent our countries to go down the same path as say the US?
How do we preserve the last remaining bastions of hope for the white race?
Australia reporting in.
After the census we'll probably won't be allowed in this thread anymore
No abbos bls
Brazil reporting! being white since 1822
leave the EU. it's only the first step, but the most necessary one
Legalize marital rape of white males and white females.
oh look, a divide and conquer thread
Israel needs to come toppling down, and Jewery has to entirely removed from the U.S. and the important European countries. Then get the women in line, take away most of their rights, kill the ones beyond saving, and abuse them to get their feminine instincts flowing, so we can get them under control.
Then, and probably before fixing the women, remove kebab. All shitskins and muslims are atuomatically out, if they're in useful roles (e.g. doctors, military, politics), try and phase them out and replace them quickly. Once Europe is completely white (excluding spain and mediterranean), the women are in line, and the kikes have absolutely no power in Europe or America, increase nationalism to extremes, create god-tier militaries, and bring back paganism/traditional european way of life.
I know it's hard to remove the eternal and almost impossible to conquer jew, but once their influence is gone (christianity is semitic, and has to disappear, but after everything else is dealt with, I know it sucks), Europe will be based and master race once again. Leaving the Eu will only be the first step, the last will be shooting or expelling the lat degenerate who won't accept the European way of life (complete independence for scotland, ireland, wales, Prussia, Bavaria etc, regional pagan religions, no tolerance of degeneracy or kikery, glorious conquest over rest of the world and scientific mastery)
Let's fucking do it.
We are not +90% white
We're 92% White.
I'm a fucking ranga, you can't get whiter than that.
Fats get out
australia have 92% white population
however hillary already won this general election
enjoy more Diversity and immigration - america bong
British empire also have 80% white population
Anglo-Saxon and british empire will rise again
But it will work and you are only 60% white btw faggot.
>How do we prevent our countries to go down the same path as say the US?
US = 52 stats (?)
so based on this we (the EU) already failed
in the EU, on the European continent the whites already (close to) minority and obviously on the planet it's
just check the population numbers on a world map and do the math
Reporting in
Seriously though, name a "white" country that has freedom of speech and the right to bear arms.
Whiter than you
is France still above 90%?
Czech Republic
Purest Aryan country, with the purest white trucks.
>Czech Republic
Right, packing my bags now.
Sadly germany has become 50% nigger, 30% arab and 20% white.
I hope I can post in this thread.
There's no census on race here, so it's just guess work. I'd say we're 90% native, 5% other European and 5% non europeans, mostly niggers from the ex-colonies. I might be too optimistic.
Holy fuck, stop using census data from 2000 you obnoxious aborigine
Australia is less than 80% white at the current point in time, it wasn't even 90% white in 2006
Fuck you're stupid
What's going on in France?
Seems like no one knows the true extent of the damage.
The media (and Sup Forums) is blowing it up high, maybe too much.
We have problems -not on this scale but still - like this since a lot of time, but people are getting fed up. Even my most leftists friend are saying that we should do something about Islam and Muslims.
The right is clearly on the rise, but we'll have to wait until another Napoléon, a coup d'état or a big happening to get things moved.
What's going on in yours Portugal? Last time I visited Lisbon, it was pretty cool and comfy apart from all the drugs dealers. And that Jesus statue is really cool too.
Hi 60% burgers
Don't remind us.
Feels good lads
Northern Mexico reporting in
>60% white
>40% dirt
>100% fat and stupid
Hello my black f8
>mfw west commercials try project how black and white ppl live together
As a English-Norwegian do I qualify? England is 90%+ White if we exclude London and Birmingham.
One thing you must know about Portugal is that nothing ever happens in Portugal. Really, we are a very peaceful and stable country. This makes revolution hard, but I'm also waiting for a big happening like you.
We don't have any relevant nationalist movement, which is why anons were thinking of creating one ourselves. It hasn't taken off yet but I'm hopeful, we have some great ideas. The people are also fed up so there's definitely a power vacuum to fill.
For the near future we'll simply do whatever the big players do. We have a rising commie problem which worries me a bit.
Lisbon is a beautiful city in the tourist parts, but otherwise it's ruined by niggers, shitskins, gypsies, Brazilian mongrels, drug dealers and assorted degenerates. I hate it, I'm more of a country-side person.
The rest of the country is doing fine, I'm thinking of moving north.
Why do burgers always come into threads that are made for countries that are 60%+ white?
Forgot to add that we only have about 50k muslims and they're concentrated on very specific locations. From what I know there's only one mosque and it's in Lisbon. The muslims are kept on a tight leash though it's loosening with the cucks in power atm.
I also think the army is pretty redpilled and we had a coup in '74 so it's not off the table.
Said the 20% Asian country. Northwestern Federal District should fucking separate and form a racial Nordic Republic.