Who is scarier? Jews or Muslims?
Both are scary but the imediate threat is Muslims, but that is because of Jews, so end them both
Jews because they already have control of both candidates and both parties
jews because I'd love to live in syria
.t average polack stormnigger
Arab here, nuke them both.
Based arab bro
In the short run, Muslims.
In the long run, Jews.
the problem with the jews is that they already predicted that this thread would be made before Sup Forums even existed
the problem with muslims is that they kill people.
Jews, because the Muslim is ultimately a tool of the Jew.
Muslims are goat fuckers but Jews are goat worshippers.
Jews are scarier.
Anglos, who created both.
jews are subversive and deceptive. at least muslims attack you straight up and make you aware of the threat
People that would sell their own country out so either one can walk on their corpses.
>implying muslims aren't jews
>t. gustav
Jews have nukes. Muslims are their own worst enemy.
If the jews worship the goats the arabs have sex with, is that a form of coveting their neighbors wife?