What can Germany/Germans do to uncuck their country and save itself and its reputation ?
Can Germany be saved ?
>1 post by this ID
today adolfs wear right clothes
>Overthrow government
>execute Merkel
>invade Poland
>build a new and improved auchwitz
>send the mudslimes there on cargo trains
let the gassing begin
>newfag trying to fit in
>doesnt know how IDs work
its bigger than i thought
>Can Germany be saved?
Fuck no
>Yesterday my next door neighbour's niece and her son came over to visit, they're Germany
>Asked if we have refugees here in Portugal, to which we reply no
>They talk about how they have a family of refugees living next to them
>This weird and unsettling smile and happiness from both of them as they say that the couple already has 5 children and are expecting a 6th
>The joy and cheerfulness in telling the story about how the refugee man asked her husband if she was his only wife, and how the refugee woman still wears a burka even though supposedly his husband doesn't mind her not wearing it
I was legit creeped out, just let it all burn
remove your leaders democratically
if that doesn't work, violent revolution
but what then ?
Your ancestors weep in the afterlife, time to wake up Hans
well ideally the military will side with the people if the majority is revolting
if the military locks you down just give up i guess desu
only thing you can do at that point is wait
Germany is absolutely beyond redemption. The population, especially in NRW and Berlin is already massively mongrelized and Islamized. Historic streets and neighborhoods are desecrated with the presence of foreign blood and foreign culture. Within every city there is massive pollution from the Negroids and the subhumans. German homes housing foreigners, infecting our blood via the intermingling of the races. German and European landscapes are being transformed by alien architecture of foreign religions. All the while the leaders of our societies are oblivious to the total destruction they are raining upon their own society.
For me, the most sickening thing is walking our cities. Our cities are more than cities, our cities breathe a rich history. Within every street there is history, stories to tell of ordinary and great men. It brings me overwhelming spiritual joy to wander the same streets that historic men walked in and reconstruct what they must have thought wandering those same streets. But what do you see when you look around at the people who now inhabit these historic sights? The most devestating form of national sickness and crisis.
Our cities are diseased. Like a cancerous tumor, the infectuous ideology in our citizens is the egalitarianism of the liberal-left that gives permission to negroids and orientals to migrate into our neighborhoods. Our once proud and pure-blooded nation is a whimpering maggot-ridden corpse, a shadow of its former self. No amount of economic wealth can make up for the genetic and memetic pollution infecting our society. Germany is dead.
>german military
>not even close to 200.000 men
>be me
>together with some friend (hes 16) and his dad
>their drunk
>friend ive known for years and rly like talks with dad about germany
>"but i dont like germany. it has such a shit history"
>shit history
whats wrong with people ?
Did you not know? Germany has no history, nor does it have any culture. Only the Great Zulu people have a history and culture, that's why we need them here in such numbers that we become a minority by the middle of the present century.
gosh i can understand some people see third reich as bad
you cant say we have a shit history were like in the middle of europe where most of ancient world history took place i mean you cant even count all the wars weve been into, the states that emerged at german land the royal bloodlines we influenced etc. etc.
i mean.... come on
this is true, german history begins in 1945 when we were liberated and civilized by democracy.
before then there was only savagery and barbaric chaos in germany.
Im gonna make this really simple for all you 13- 16 yr old teenage loser faggot kids. (europeans specifically)
You are all fucking condemned. Your all fucking faggots. Who perfer masturbation over socializing.
You teach your kids that being a fag is normal, That trannies are fucking normal and not weird. You also teach them to masterbate at a young age. And yout each them to be pussies.
SHUT THE FUCK UP! about HURR can we be saved? HURR make Nazi germanyt again!
your a bunch of FUCKING pussies who cant even own guns!!! you dont even know how to FUCKING SHOOT! ok you pussies? You know how to get shot at and how to run and die like a fucking coward.
You guys may have lost two world wars but deep down I knew that you germans had the will to succeed.
That is why I put a grand on you guys winning the world cup.
Chill burger man
>This weird and unsettling smile and happiness from both of them as they say that the couple already has 5 children and are expecting a 6th
I've met people like this too.
They're fucking maniacs, it's like we're in that Lovecraft story where that normal guy is in a town and suddenly the entire town of crazies comes to him at night to try and sacrifice him or some shit.
These people are fiendishly brainwashed.
get out of my country you illiterate ethnic
>invade Poland
Have a revolution and replace your entire government, remilitarize, forcibly deport all Muslims, and jail all leftists and Jews for plotting an ethnic genocide against you.
Your country is just in a really bad position geographically
You guys didn't last very long but I got to hand it to you. You never formally surrendered
>yfw Poland has more German tanks than Germany, now
They did sign those EU treaties
It all went wrong with the invasion of Poland. If Germany had put all that effort into becoming an economic superpower Germany would have owned Europe now.
But they did, germany didnt have Zins but their own Banking system.
I hope that you faggots will be saved somehow.
ive thought about this a lot and the way i see it, germany is absolutely fucked.
the best possible outcome is to take advantage of the trump/russia situation to dismantle the EU, freeing germany and hopefully allowing it to establish a smaller german controlled bloc with alliance to russia, and work from there there to maybe pull a second operation barbarossa if the opportunity ever presents itself
>What can Germany/Germans do to uncuck their country and save itself and its reputation ?
Bring the alleged methods of the "Holocaust" to the sand people.
It's the non-stop propaganda at middle-school. I used to thought the same. "Shit history of evil Germans".
It can be saved. Don't let anyone tell you different. The only thing is that the longer this invasion goes on, the bloodier the "saving" will be.
This comment made me think about the fact that germans vote for merkel, who is pro-nato, and is one of countries who supplied, for example, syrian rebels. Now those people are, hurr durr, muh immigrants, and they aren't even aware that they support destruction of their (immigrants) home
install a constitution, end GG
tell US armee & NSA to gtfo
reform office of Chancellor making it more accountable to electors
stop guilt culture
end bailouts of EU member states
overturn direct citizenship for Turk anchorbabies
pay bio-Deutsch to make children
automate production/farming etc. as much as possible with govt. subsidy
reduce pension payouts
Did you just insult a bunch of kids to make yourself feel better?You're a fucking faggot user. The only kids on this board who are going to hear your message are probably conservative ones who are against leftist faggotry.
Yeah, but it'd probably involve trains and barbed wire.
Deport all illegals with force.
Baton those who misbehave.
Close down all refugee centres.
Stop all welfare for non-Germans
Make Merkel step down, give her house-arrest in her apartment.
Install temporary martial law.
Reinstate the Emperor
The Great Uncuckening begins now
>What can Germany/Germans do to uncuck their country
Germany has the worst age distribution in the whole world. If the Third Reich came alive at this instant, you couldn't mobilize enough soldiers to beat Poland.
for the near future, political maneuver will be the only possible weapon
What the fuck
Thats insane, even Sweden has a relativly stably population
What about a German Australian family? German mother/Australian father.
Or do you think the nest option is German-German?
What defines a German? A nigger born here in Germany is German apparently. How far back, genetically, do you need to be "German" to be considered true German?
>you couldn't mobilize enough soldiers to beat Poland.
You never could, kraut.
And every time you brought us down, we got back up even stronger.
4 generations, if both parents are foreigners.
Until then no voting rights and highly limited social assistance.
There you go. Problem solved.
Go National Socialist and stay to themselves while helping other national socialist parties in Europe.
Vote for the AfD
Petry Heil
Average fertility rates in Africa and Afghanistan: 5.5 children. Europe is surrounded by a baby boom.
Funny that most shitskins couldn't even be alive today is not for the Haber Process and vaccines. Instead of being grateful to the White man, non-Whites want to exterminate us.
>burger talking shut when he doesn't do anything while the government buttfucks him.
Shut up cletis you bacon eating cousin fucking retard.
Poles are just Russians and Germans in denial.
Let the Turks take over and nature will take it's course.
I mean the first time it was technically reclaiming land that was formerly German.
First step : denounce Nazism, then we can talk further
>Germany has the worst age distribution in the whole world. If the Third Reich came alive at this instant, you couldn't mobilize enough soldiers to beat Poland
>Wehrtaugliche Bevölkerung: 29,54 Millionen
>citizen fit for military service: 29.54 million
And he said we don`t have enough men
They've been doing that for 70 years, maybe try something that works.
I was never for her and never voted for her.
Um....they have been doing it for 70 years. Where the fuck have you been?
>Poland's 70 year revenge plan will soon be put into motion
I have a plan since I am a master at plan making
1)a grassroots political party that is for German identity(non globalist, anti third world immigration)
2)an underground criminal organization bend on political assassinations of leftist politicians
3)the removal of all state media(firebombing all their head quarters, targeting media people by putting them in comas or just disappearing them)
4)street gangs that are anti immigrant and will attack all non whites and anyone that looks Jewish on sight. It must also target lefties. Does the work of number 3
5) changing of the police force
The criminal organizations must be organic and not collude with the politic process(must be a separate entity entirely).
I meant the OP, not the german state or Germans in general
wow that black guy surly is blessed.
>save itself and its reputation ?
you are saving your reputation right now, dummy.
More Merkel muss weg riots would be amusing, you can start there
>not using this one
That's roughly every male between 18 and 65, if shtf you could maybe mobilize 1 Million people and train another 2-3 million in a few months (a year), the rest is to old, to sick, to fat or any other thing that prevents them from service
>Germany has the worst age distribution in the whole world
LEt me introduce to the magical world of Nippon, where the young men don't leave their homes and masturbate to 2d schoolgirls all day
the (((hook nose graph)))