What today's nationalists and neosegregationists fail to understand is that the basis of every human culture is, and have always been, synthesis, pure; the exact opposite is true. Look at your average Western nation: its numbers Arabic, its alphabet Greek... need I continue? And each of these examples can itself be broken down further: the Romans got their alphabet from the Greeks, who created theirs by stealing from the Phoenicians, and so on.
Our myths and religions, too, are syncretic - sharing, repeating and adapting a large variety of elements to suit their needs. Even the language of our creation, the DNA itself, is impure, defined by a history of amalgamation: not only between nations, but even between different human species.
Multiculturalism has existed for millennia, and "Western Civilization" is a product of it. So how can you people say that you are against multiculturalism, while also saying that you are for Western Civilization?
Josiah Butler
Multiculturalism works the problem is that a society where intelligence varies between groups doesn't.
Bentley Ward
DAILY REMINDER: The history you know is a fabricated lie, there is no other civilization than the Hellenic one.
>Muh arabic numbers >Muh babylonian hanging gardens >Muh roman empire
The arabs invented only the fucking of goats. The hanging gardens is technology not civilization. There is no Roman civilization, they copied everything from Ellas.
Cooper Ramirez
The Roman Empire wouldn't even exist without Greek knowledge, they were all savages.
Lincoln Powell
This all falls apart when you realize that the shitskins don't even know how to count """their""" numbers or read """their""" letters, and are in fact animals.
>b-but my alphabet is from Syria so let's take in all the Syrians >this will be the Swedish man's last words as he fades into eternal obscurity hahahahahaha you fags won't be missed
Easton Butler
Where are now the Arabs? They've been destroyed and in its place are a people we only call Arabs due to their geographical location. Where are now the Greeks of old? Dead, gone, and appropriated by Ottoman rapebabies Where are the Romans? Relegated to history.
"multiculturalism" doesn't exist. There is only cultural appropriation and subjugation.
Matthew Rivera
Multiculturalism only works when the different cultures within a society aren't inherently against each other, e.g classic liberal vs muslims. The fact that we get our language and information from a variety of cultures is irrelevant if you are discussing whether multiculturalism works within a society, as multiculturalism isn't necessary for one culture to take ideas from another e.g Japan and technology. Multiculturalism divides society into segments which makes divide and conquer through subversion much easier, and the current events going on in the west are evidence of that, women vs men, white vs black, muslim vs christian, liberal vs conservative, there are probably more ongoing examples. In order to have a strong homogeneous society immune to internal division, nationalism has to be promoted and multiculturalism has to be squashed.
Charles Cox
Yes, Sven, we all know you like to take it up the ASS from somalian refugees.