What are some actors who can't stand each other? Pic related.

>[On Tom Cruise] George has never liked Tom. He thinks it's pathetic that Tom still pushes himself as an action star and is obsessed with Scientology instead of using his money and clout for humanitarian causes.

Other urls found in this thread:“i-got-knocked-out-by-shia-labeouf”

Who the fuck is George?

I've never heard of this George, but he's probably mad that Cruise has more money than him

Isn't that Tobey Maguire?

Bush be jelly af


Gwyneth Paltrow and Wynona Ryder used to be best friends in the 90s, until Gwyneth Paltro convinced Winona to drop out of "Shakespeare in Love", only to be replaced by Gwyneth.

Gwyneth Paltrow is a huge cunt.

Why the fuck did you post a picture of Based Toby then, faggot

Clooney. It is known.

Brad Pitt doesn't like Cruise either.

Idk who George is but fuck him, he doesnt get to decide what based Tom spends his days doing

Tobey is always relevant.

When was the last time Clooney was relevant? Pitt has gone full JUST mode. Don't talk shit about Xenu's flock

Fuck Paltrow for screwing over Queen Winona

Now more than ever


He's a full time libtard now. Remember when he asked Trump "Aren’t you supposed to be running the country?" when he met him at some fundraising event before the inauguration? lmao

George Clooney is a fucking faggot though, he wishes he could be as cool as Cruise.


More like libTURD lol!

What does tobes mcguy have to do with this thread?

did anyone else watch Feud: bette and joan? it was actually really good

It's a joke dipshit. How long you been on this site?

Pretty sure this was bullshit to hype the film

>"I meant to play monster mash on Valentine's Day"

What started the fued was with Vin showing up late to work/being a diva. I still think The Rock shouldn't had said anything in the media about it though. It made him looked like a passive aggressive Facebook girl.

(((humanitarian causes)))
clooney confirmed chosen

Pitt doesn't like him because Cruise was happy on the set of Interview with a Vampire, while Pitt was moaning about the lack of sunlight since they shot at night.

>two gay actors

Why do so many gay hollywood actors have beef with each other??

What's funny?


Cruise seems at least slightly unhinged and still manages to be a hell of a lot more likable than either Clooney or Pitt.

ahaha Clooney is such a bitch

>In tweets announcing "Expendables" star Bruce Willis will not return for the franchise's third installment, "Expendables 3," Sylvester Stallone called Willis "greedy and lazy." On Aug. 6, 2013, Stallone, who co-wrote the first two "Expendables" films, posted, "WILLIS OUT... HARRISON FORD IN!!!! GREAT NEWS!!!!! Been waiting years for this!!!!" followed by "GREEDY AND LAZY... A SURE FORMULA FOR CAREER FAILURE." Sly's rep confirmed the tweets were referring to Willis, but did not elaborate.


sexual tension

>best spiderman
the one and only

>based cruise getting another hit mission impossible film
>Clooney doing coffee commercials

Well I think it's pathetic that George has never come out.

This was going to be a joke where I mistook George to mean George Hamilton, but then I realized it works just as well for Clooney, so I'm going to post it as-is.

>He thinks it's pathetic that Tom still pushes himself as an action star

it's quite amazing really, cruise is like what, 50 now?

whats clooney doing thats so great?

Because they want to pork each other.

Odd that there are all these posts recently by people who think Tom Cruise is likeable or talented. I guess Scientologists are allowed to use normal-people internet now.

Clooney will be a senator and then president within the next 20 years.

>implying anyone outside of libcuck hotbeds would vote for such a preening, pompous manlet faggot.

I can guarantee they are instructed or otherwise subtly coerced into saying such things, because tom does not buy into hollywoods jewish trickery

>stop spending your money in ways I don't approve!!1!1!

>Clooney will be a senator and then president within the next 20 years.

Of Sudan, maybe

Very interesting prediction. It's funny how a lot of liberals seem not to have noticed how Trump's precedent benefits them more than it does the Republicans - most celebrities with no political experience who'd be popular and good enough at public speaking to run for President are Dems. I mean, Oprah could try now.

bruce willis is a faggot that doesnt even like movies
thats like being a racecar driver that doesnt even like cars
fuck that guy

I think you underestimate his appeal to women. His wife is an electoral asset with non-whites. I can quite imagine him making a bid for it.

I hope he gets JFK'd.

They thought that after Reagan. Hell they thought Martin Sheen should run because he played the President on tv

It would be unlike them to waste their money paying people to dislike Tom Cruise, when most people dislike him for free.

Who won?

Because they can't stop giving the beef to eachother.

I recall Clooney and di caprio had a beef at a pickup game of basketball

Sly's a good guy and Willis is a complete prick.

The whole reason he married that chick was to push up his potential political chances

He isn't a scientologist anymore.

rofl. yes he is

Clooney is box office poison. America doesn't want to see him in movies, much less the White House.

I wouldn't be surprised.

What killed that franchise wasn't Clooney, it was the "toyetic" shit. Schumer was being given elements he had to include because they'd already made the toys of it. You can do camp humor, but you can't do it with a cynical nature. Making a toy commercial that laughed at you for wanting to see it killed the franchise, and anyone who'd been playing Batman in those circumstances would have gone down with it.


To be fair, nobody likes Willis.“i-got-knocked-out-by-shia-labeouf”

>Exclusive: Tom Hardy says, “I got knocked out by Shia LaBeouf.”

HOW does it feel to have your meme lord knocked into oblivion by a has been?

Can I get a quick rundown about what is up with Brad Pitt?
I saw him doing netflix stuff, is he finally dead?

When was the last time clooney was relevant?


god damn that dude cannot sing for shit

>hugs him anyway
What a man

why was he so upset?

>I cannot sanction your buffoonery
Always gets me

>using his money and clout for humanitarian causes
Isn't Clooney helping to run some generic prostitution ring? I read some snippets about it on the website I can't remember with the Hollywood leaks speculated to be provided by RDJ.

He couldnt sanction the buffoonery
Can you not read


The sex addict hated Carrie.

>glueney doing instant coffee commercials where the even the sloots cuck him out of his coffee.

>Cruise single handedly rescuing sci-fi out of the egalitarian mess hole it was in. Contributes to a self-improvement religion that will last a millennium.

>Contributes to a self-improvement religion

lmao do they pay you to say stupid shit or are you doing it for free like the janny?

>Clooney thinks it's pathetic that Tom pushes himself as an action star and is obsessed with Scientology

Didn't Clooney do the same bullshit? He tried being an action star with Batman, couldn't hack it then did nothing after that. He also started sucking on Hillarys cock trying to get her to win..and he's talking about someone else being pathetic.

>Pitt watched as a whore turned into skin and bones, cut off her tits, kept buying immigrant kids, then had one of them get in his face like the kid was something now does movies on Netflix

Are they really comparing themselves to Cruise?

>implying freeing Earth from the clutches of Xenu isn't the ultimate humanitarian cause

Samantha is the reason the movie took so long to make is because she kept asking for more money.

>>Pitt watched as a whore turned into skin and bones, cut off her tits, kept buying immigrant kids, then had one of them get in his face like the kid was something now does movies on Netflix

one of my worst fears. i love grabbing my gfs fat thighs and ass while she rides me.

Butthurt his Oscar bait Ty Cobb biopic got buried by Dumb & Dumber.

Trump is so awesome, isn't he?


She was just a stuck up cunt.



My god, I mean MY GOD! Just look at how ugly that thing is compared to these three frankly average looking women! Astonishing. She really is the ugliest human being I have seen. I guess Mathew Broderick got his punishment in the end.

Willis is an asshole, but the Expendable movies are shit

>these are the whores that are having sex in the city

pfft this is as bad as "Mindy," On Hulu having multiple suitors trying to fuck her ugly ass

/r/ing stories of Willis being a faggot

How much more stressful are agents' lives thanks to twitter?

>willis out..Harrison in

I literally forgot Ford was in Expendables yet it's pretty easy to remember Bruces moments.

post pics of her pusy?

Why does that yappy little manlet jew think he's tough shit? Would love to see him eat pavement


He Hank Hilled his ass

Blind items? I can see it, douchebag shilled for hill who used her (((foundation))) for human trafficking

Haha. It took Pitt 10 whiskeys at high altitude to realize he would rather be seen as a malfunctioning trophy husband than let his wife join the mile high RICED club unopposed.

his asshole he got spitroasted by both of them