>is George W. Bush with titties
>is the most beloved character currently on television
What the heck?
>is George W. Bush with titties
>is the most beloved character currently on television
What the heck?
>doesn't talk to god
>doesn't make media gaffes
>doesn't say mission accomplished
She's a bad leader but not analogous to GWB, dynastic element and deference to her #2 aside
She's a self-insert for every woman watching the show
>grows from an innocent little girl into a leader
>becomes a queen
>fighting against 'muh oppression'
>multiple swarthy lovers
>clear message about "choosing your career over a loyal man who loves you" in the last season
W is a likeable guy
Bush was fucking based.
You just got a solid forcefeeding from Jewish 'poitical satirists' telling you he wasn't
Would she have prevented the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis?
>(((neoconservatives))) LITERALLY say we need to destabilize Iraq for Our Greatest Ally
>hurr durr if you criticize Bush you're a kike
This, with how morally grey everyone is written I was expecting Danny to fall from grace about two seasons ago, but the worst thing she does is have a handful of innocent masters killed. It's annoying how they can never bare for her to be in the wrong.
Really liking her northern/westeros outfit