>According to reports, the London terrorist who killed an American woman, and injured five others is a 19-year-old Norwegian
Why are Norwegians such terrorists? :DDD
>According to reports, the London terrorist who killed an American woman, and injured five others is a 19-year-old Norwegian
Why are Norwegians such terrorists? :DDD
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Its because you are not welcoming enough, such a bigot Sweden NO
What the fuck is this shit?
If anything it was a dirty mudslime.
Also: Source
>If anything it was a dirty mudslime.
Of course it was. It was a Norwegian nigger. That's what's funny.
Norwegian Somali inspired by Breivik.
Of course it was a Somalinigger...
The media is going to latch on to the fact that he was from Norway though.
Meanwhile Malmö is 99% mudslimes and has 60 no-go zones.
At least our niggers don't shit in their backyard.
When will these aryans stop terrorising us?!?
How was he inspired by Breivik, you shill?
Breivik wanted to stomp out leftist scum before they turned into adults IN HIS OWN COUNTRY.
le mentally ill Somali of Norwegian nationality
also we Israel now
>Meanwhile Malmö is 99% mudslimes and has 60 no-go zones.
Meanwhile Oslo is 100% mudslimes and IS a no-go zone.
fun fact, compared to the population of Norway, Brevik killed so many people that Norway's murder rate was like 5 times the European average for that year
Just to sum up:
>"norwegian"-somali attacks 5 people
>19 years old
>mentally ill with a history of psychotic episodes
>emigrated from Norway in 2002
>KRIPOS(Norway's FBI) confirmed this
There are no no-go zones in Oslo, you hack.
how tolerant of norway
It also was one of the biggest murder sprees since WW2.
Which goes to show how little actually happens here in terms of murder and death.
>There are no no-go zones in Oslo, you hack.
... are you fucking retarded? It IS a no-go zone.
Go get raped by your household refugee, you fucking cuck.
its always a fucking somali
when it happens here, it will be a somali
then the maoris will kill them all though, so theres that
You think the viking age ended? It was merely on a break. Beware britain, times are changing.
>A bald, gray-haired man with visible tattoos
Is this a photoshop or something? He looks ridiculous.
How can you live in Norway but still believe Oslo is not a infestation site.
Malmö should be burnt down dont get me wrong but you need to understand your problems aswell.
>no no-go zones
Plenty of places gils can't go, homosexuals can't go and on and on with places that are fucked up and filled with sandniggers wanting sharia law.
>At least our niggers don't shit in their backyard.
Bruh somalis everywhere are fucking trash, here, there and in Sweden. Stop acting like your shit doesn't stink.
Kinda cool actually.
>tanned norwegian
Yeah, he sure was one of those typical black muslim Norwegian white supremacists from Somalia.
He is a Norwegian citizen, but he left the country in 2002 when he was 5 years old(Now 19)
How the fuck is he actually Norwegian apart from what is on his papers?
> Stop acting like your shit doesn't stink.
He can't. He's Norwegian.
Difference between a no-go zone and infestation site. Nowhere in Norway even comes close to sweden.
(Hvordan kan vi snu dette så Sverige får skylda?)
Look at me
I am the Viking now!
Goddamn those tanned Norwegians
Why is Norway and Sweden cucked but Finland is not?
I dont know man. Theres something wrong with somalis. They just sit around playing games and thinking of jihad. They are quite possibly the worst race in the world.
>There are no no-go zones in Oslo, you hack.
Just wait.
One is too many, just going around and not worrying because youre not Sweden will just turn you into us.
True that we aren't there yet, but you can be shure that AP, SV, R and MDG will do their best to make that happen.
Why can't Russia just make good on what they said without an attack and glass the Middle East
That's a far-left politician, belonging to the marginalized party SV, who was so much of a cuck that he thought reporting the muslim was racist. The difference between Norwegians and Swedes is that those people are a tiny minority in Norway and have lost virtually all support, while they're the norm in Swedish politics.
NIggers would have drowned in those fjords.
Has Norway apologised yet???
Norwegian culture made him do this.
norway glass fields?
Somali terrorist with Norwegian passport
Norway please respect our country and stop attacking our citizens
Going to a fancy derss party dressed as a Viking don't make you a Viking; you'll always be a nigger. Put that plastic helmet back in your closet.
BBC is saying "Police arrested a 19-year-old Norwegian national of Somali origin."
So it's literally a fucking somalinigger. not a norwegian.
Besides only an american died so it's no big loss.
Hey, you accepted him as a British citizen after we threw him and his parents out.
No bully pls
wtf i hate norway now
But you got plenty of fertile clay without boulders and rocks. You will be fine it might be scary at first, but you will grow into liking it.
pfff durty fake all know norwegian family have only black kids
No you cuck, tatoos arent a bad thing. You can be good person, productive person with tatoos.
Dont swallow all memes.
>At least our niggers don't shit in their backyard.
>At least our niggers
>our niggers
Another proof Nords are fuckin lost, you consider niggers part of your country-people.
And by one drop rule, you are niggers.
>Meanwhile Malmö is 99% mudslimes and has 60 no-go zones.
Great meme, Malmö is still very beautiful except for some areas.
>19 years old
>born in somalia
>moved to bongistan in 2002
>live 14 out of 19 years there
How is he Norwegian?
stay out norwegians!! we're ready for you!
forgot pic
Attacker identified as convert "Muhammad Al-Vikani"
pakistan protect you?
>The victim was an American citizen in her 60s.
Invasion of Norway when?
You do know we like it when you play hard to get ;_;
You kids thinking tattoos are new to your generation. It's what you all will look like before you know it. Bald, grey, and tattooed. You're all gonna look as stupid as that not wit.
Yeah he was a Somalian white nationalist just like the kid in Munich was an Iranian white nationalist.
hmm... I knew something was coming, just knew it.. now to watch that comment field I am not allowed on kek
>be subhuman from africa
>commit terror attack
>claim you're from a 1st world country
>it's racist to doubt your claims
>instant win
t. Someone who did his tattoo before redpilled by Sup Forums
Did you know that tattoo removal exists? There's no need to feel ashamed because you were an edgy little faggot.
If he identifies as norwegian he is norwegian
its proxy war somalia vs pakistan
Bro tier
Le no link opener
>mfw the news here are calling him "somali with norwegian citizenship"
>everything suggests that this tragic event is caused by mental health problems.
The real victims of this are the Somalis in Norway.
Damn UK police are bro tier
hmm... quite alarming, the censor apparatus has been working overdrive on this one here. I Cannot go to details, but paper in question have been trolled to death since before that homoshooting shit, much much much longer, but they kiked in overdrive and people snap
>Nork down south
I dont have tatoos.
I want to but dont have $$ to make what I want.
>There's no need to feel ashamed because you were an edgy little faggot.
You must be rly insecure, but since Sup Forums is telling you what to think its all ok.
Friendly reminder, all SS had tatoos, I dont think they where edgy.
Raids on England and the Danelaw (as the name implies) was mostly done by the Danes. Norse actually mostly raided Scotland and Ireland.
>Facebook news
To be fair he's probably not drunk, so he might pose a tiny amount of more resistance. But we will theach him the art of binge drinking when we come.
Letting Norwegians get tan was a mistake.
The damage control
I'm going to bet 10 shekels that this goyim is from the Fredrikstad area (pussy ville, most terrorist come from this place)
>handing a sikh a gun
And before you know it, the guy goes rampaging through a muslim neigbourhood screaming about 'Muh Mughals'.
WTF I hate norwegians now
Wtf i hate norwegians now
Sky News headline: London knife attack suspect is Norwegian
No mention that he's actually Somalian until the sixth paragraph.
this is how it works in 2016. we send our brown people to attack your brown people, while we sling insults at each other on an indonesian stamp collecting forum - prepare for the modern viking age!
Careful now, or we will send somalians your way aswell.
>19 years old
>>mentally ill with a history of psychotic episodes
you cannot always if some immigrant commits a crime or is hostile to other people (based on his islam mostly) claim that he is mentally ill.
if he attacks someone its not an psychotic episode, he is simply a stupid whoreson that shit on other peoples health and life.
wtf are aussies the new leafposters? this is some top level cancer m8
It's like one street in Fredrikstad, and all these pieces of shits seem to come from there.
Well and oslo obviously
Could be arab. Could be paki. Could be cheshit.
wtf i hate norwegians now
>send somalians
Thanks, but we already have plenty in Minneapolis