This came out today. What did Sup Forums think? Was pretty much Resident Evil Kino meats John Wick meets Die Hard. As far as plot goes it was nothing special if you want it spoiled let me know. It was the best of the animated films maybe the best of all the movies.
This came out today. What did Sup Forums think? Was pretty much Resident Evil Kino meats John Wick meets Die Hard...
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Just finished it. They went full ham and I definitely got that John Wick vibe. Top tier RE movie for sure.
Leon back story is shit though
Did you find it weird how cold Leon was? Like how he hung up on the Mexicans family and got them killed or how he was on the highway and kicked the dogs into those cars killing whoever was in him. We need a webm of that scene pronto.
I went in expecting a few decent horror moments, and some good yet schlocky action which is exactly what I got. Leon's introduction was a little rocky, but otherwise I fucking loved it.
The family thing didn't bother me much, though the highway scene kinda bothered me for a bit.
I wish they did more with the beginning mansion. Like it seemed at the start lie a replica of the Spencer mansion but not much happened there sadly. Also I assume the bad guy had some kind of Wesker like super powers but they were never clear about that. I wish they teased a plot line from the game.
I think he was just highly skilled in CQC, though you could assume he might've buffed himself. I think the mansion stayed for as long as it should've, I feel like any longer and the horror elements of that environment would've gotten worse.
I avoid these movies as much as possible
So if this is canon who the fuck is pic related?
I have no idea where this sits in the timeline. Chris and Rebecca act like they haven't seen each other in years but RE 6 happened and they saw each other so wtf?
God. The highway scene. Everything else was ok but that went too far.
Yeah, I think Leons gonna be going to court for that.
Is this the third one?
I've only seen the first one I think.
I think it was Leon at an airport.
>chris and rebecca saw each other in re6
That's objectively wrong. They saw each other in Biohazard The Stage which takes place a few years before 6 and Vendetta takes place a good while after 6
Do the nips understand that NYC is a city of 8.5 million yet no one was in the streets as Leon and Chris drove around recklessly blowing shit up?
But doggo suddenly become too OP though
Yep, third one. Second one is Leon in Russia or something.
Was the main villain Billy Coen or was I rused?
>fighting Tyrant
>he attached himself to a V-22 Osprey
>helicopter which is known for crashing easily is getting fucked up
>Leon launches his motorcycle at it blowing up the Tyrant and helicopter
>nah never mind helicopter is ok not even a scratch
There was a lot of retarded shit that happened in this movie.
No. Only returning characters was Chris, Leon and Rebecca. Nothing from the games happens here. I have no idea why these movies keep getting made. The first one was horrendous.
Guess I'll go through all three then.
That one is the toughest copter in the entire RE franchise.
The railgun sniper rifle is the best shit
Thats another thing that BSAA soldier literally destroys a bunch of towers in NYC killing hundreds. Like is anyone going to answer for this? This movie was literally Team America 2 now with zombies.
Kek. Looks like a fucking video game.
This movie was directed by Japanese director Zacku Synderu clearly.
That bothered me a lot less than the highway scene for some reason
They should've just gassed animal shelters and dog parks.
If anyone of you torrented this make a god damn webm of the highway scene.
Anybody got links to stream it?
Yes movie has it front page
This movie was total shit, what the fuck are you guys talking about? Also,
>Bravo Vince
By that time those are zombies so they dodge a bullet there.
Make the John Wick, Equilibrium and last boss fight scenes.
Sorry man, saw it in theaters gonna be a buy fag and buy it in July.
I'm torrenting it out. Ill see what I can do. Keep thread alive.
Started watching it, why the fuck are Leon and Chris so edgy? I liked their personalities in 6
Only good things were the fight and chase scenes. The dialogue was fucking awful and the characters even referenced Breaking Bad. I wonder if this was being made like 2 years ago or something.
I would not be surprised in the slightest if they made this with the RE7 engine.
Here is the bad guy getting droned
>Rebecca mentions to keep her blood in case she dies
>Rebecca is injected with an even stronger virus later
>Asks Chris to shoot her
>"Oh is this why Chris starts working for Umbrella"
>Everything is okay at the end go fuck yourselves
It had potential but became a disappointing mess now that I think more about it.
The mansion scene is retard when later Chris rekt those zombies like nothing.
one of the fight scenes
>that scene where Chris and Gray-Haired Chris run around shooting point blank at each other's feet and missing for a full minute
>that scene where not-Jill Valentine "dies" inconsequentially from chopper fire and then is *surprise* sequel bait
>Leon is literally Chris from RE6, real original
>Leon's role is completely unnecessary and nothing he does matters beyond being the most tryhard "cool" shit
>collateral damage everywhere caused by the good guys with no repercussions at all
>question of morality regarding droning a wedding brought up by Leon but then completely lost
The only two (three) things that were good about this movie were the hallway scene because of Chris' bayonet moves and Rebecca's tits in the wedding dress.
>chris says only glenn's last name the exact same way he says wesker
He could've been the new Wesker, instead you waste him on a movie
>the scene where Chris initiates a battle with that big hulking monster wow this is going to be cruzzzzyyyyyyy oh wait no Chris already killed him with a flame grenade of wait no he isn't dead at all and comes back later untouched
I also love how the bad guy ball parks 20 minutes for Rebecca to die and Chris sets his watch and it's 100% accurate to the last second.
This scene?
Why is the Glenn wedding scene so fucking hilarious. Same with the Chris shouting 'No!' as shit explodes behind him
Found the motorcycle scene
>smart bomb
>kills everyone but the intended target
I would have liked this movie a lot more if Glenn was replaced by Wesker, it would have made sense that Chris gets his ass handed to him.
A fucking business man that Chris has 30 pounds on goes toe-to-toe with a special forces elite soldier WITHOUT a virus or anything close to justification in his backstory.
It's retarded and this movie was fucking awful.
....because it is. its Resident Evil 7..
torrent when
CGIkino. The hallway scene, rooftop scene, motor chase scene are fucking kino, which can never be done with real actor
they've been up for hours
Star Wars: The Last Jedi, of course
I wish SW serie has actual decent fights like CGI RE. Watched TFA and it was retard. I still can't understand why burger like it so much
webm of Arias bitchslapping Chris please
also what was it with Rebecca's hair color?
When her hair is wet after the bath it's black but when it's dry her hair is brown-yellow right?
So how was Chris and Leon's relationship in the movie.
Argue at first then they just buddy up
>the virus makes no sense, they didn't explain how the zombies could be commanded(los plagas parasite red herring)
>zombification can be reversed
>bsaa sniper chokes on that railgun shot and caused a fuckton more damage and casualties than the zombies
>those cops just standing still while the zombies slowly shuffle towards them
>Leon is practically a team killing fucktard( highway scene, almost blew up that bsaa osprey)
>leon and chris surviving all those full force punches and getting slammed into walls and them shrugging it off
>the blood was excessively hilarious ( aris falling down and literally splatting like a water baloon)
>big titty chick jobbing to an airstrike
>did chris and leon just murder a bunch of people?
>leon demotion from special agent to metro swat (did he fug ashley?)
those are from the top of my head, though from the ending it's safe to say there's a sequel
Everyone and their grandmother has a replica of the Spencer mansion these days.
Is that a scene from a movie? Why is there no music or anything?
If that's a highway they must be going over 100mph to be passing the cars like that. I don't care what virus they have, a dog's body cannot physically do that. Also, that last dodge he makes would have sent him flying into the median. The animation also sucks.