Why the fuck would jew hating Sup Forums vote for that kike Trump who supports Israel? Explain yourselves.
Pro tip: you can't
>muh Trump
Why the fuck would jew hating Sup Forums vote for that kike Trump who supports Israel? Explain yourselves
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Israel is fucking BASED. Sup Forums has always supported our redpilled jew bruders.
Only a muslim lover would be against the jews.
Lithuania, out of all the countries on Earth, what reason do you have to be mad at us?
Some of the Jews have the nerve to think of us as evil when we mention our nationality because we don't agree on the (((holohoax))).
guys what did he mean by this
U lie about gas
Fuck off kike lover!
Gas yourself
Hello JIDF
When did we lie about gas
not an argument norway
You destroy our countries by making asian and black women breed with our men and destroy our seeds fuck off
Get it through your dumb head already: White nationalism is a mith. White race is sick by marxism and it is decaying because it is weak.
An conservative Israelli or conservative Mexican for example are far better than white marxists/liberals.
White nationalism is a joke.
>Implying I hate Jews.
Because both of them support israel, might as well pick the retard over the villain
source on gif. is there more?
of course you don't
russian 4 episode cartoon series about school
If you don't know russian I suggest you find a translator.
I was all for accepting jews until I was redpilled to their plan of using the migration to create one racially homogenous goy race, with a racially pure jewish ruling class.
We need another shoah for these kike parasites
>their plan
Soros doesn't represent all Jews, dumb burger.
I'll believe when the jews here publicly condemn him. I've heard jews say what you've say many times
>tfw Sup Forums stupid enough to support Israel just because they're anti-muslim
>tfw Sup Forums unironically think that kike lyches are based
They're pushing ISIS/Al Quaeda bullshit just for one reason. White Man start war in ME, dying in fucking sands so kikes getting more money on their """deffence""". And after thet they'll create Greater Israel.
And guess what - you still be goym for them. Like untermench.
But yeah, continue to fight for them in wars, goym.
He's still 1000 times better than hillary you handicapped nigger proxy shill
American jews are 70% democrat. The conservative jews are religious and won't speak out against a Jewish brother. "publicly condemn" only works when someone famous says something. Almost all american celebs are democrats. What you want is too hard to get.
The issue is with Israelis parasite government
Trump knows
Israel is based. Only butthurt anti-Semite Arabs or hardcore leftist shills are against it.
Latuff? Nah, that's definitely a work of ZBG.
I dunno
USA should stop supporting everyone in both military and financial aid. If Israel wants the right to exist then they can fight for that right, but not with the USA backing them up with perceived military intervention or by finance.
So are you saying most know all about the Soros plan?
Im saying that democrats align with other democrats, and jews find common ground with other jews.
Do they fuck
Trump isn't Hitler and will be good for America unlike Hitler would be. Trump is actually the last chance before a slide into 3rd world status and a resulting emergence of a new fascism that won't be that cool to live under.
not on screen
at the end of the 4th episode they're holding hands though
wtf, you're right, I'm now a
#MentallyHill #BillyBoy #HillBilly
who is
thanks OP, for Correcting The Record
Because not everyone is an absolutist moron, Sup Forums is their best chance even if he's not perfect.
Wait a minute
>random eastern european flag shilling against Trump
Seriously get a life you shill fuck.
>Israel is fucking BASED
ew lad
Because you have to look at the big picture.
Trump hits the nail on the head for a lot of things. When you look at his views on foreign policy, trade, military, immigration, economy, and so forth you see a pattern of Nationalism. It's hard enough to campaign for the actual changes he's looking to make as is. Now if he were to abandon Israel on top of it, oy vey it'd be anudda shoah. I think Trump will blaze a trail and when people see that his views actually work they will be more open to accept them. Once it's easier to accept Nationalist polices the time can be spent to argue for abandoning the relationship with Israel. For right now it's just not a battle worth fighting.
So when they let the nukes fly on the rest of the middle east you'll be willing to go there and pick up the pieces, right?
Nice mental gymnastics. Trump supports Israel, period.
>you see a pattern of Nationalism.
Kike's nationalist colony.
Gee, I wonder why US can't abandon Israel.
Because between supporting Israel and supporting Saudi Arabia, anyone would take kikes over sandniggers.
Obvious shill
Not our problem. Stop sticking your dick where it doesn't belong.
>he still thinks Israel = globalist jew society
>Israel is fucking BASED
>Only a muslim lover would be against the jews.
That was a hilarious parody of a JIDF post user
Because being amiable to Israel is better than supplying America's other great ally, radical Islam as well.
The oil reserves rendered unrpoductive and fallout alone would definitely be "our" problem.
>Sup Forums is one person
if you mean drill through the tundra of radioactive glass to get to the oil, then yes
Good enough.
> Bule gun
> Earth-brown boots
the /k/ommando in me is trrigered.
>posts latuff
Go impale yourself on arab cock.
I would take a Jew over a muslim asshole anyday.
They generally have a decent sense of humor. Meanwhile, Muslims kill over cartoons and act friendly to most (usually men since they're willingly stuck in a patriarchal 7th century) while having a bloated sense of superiority and entitlement over the non-assimilated.
They take tolerance and generosity for granted. "Take before complaining!"
The West is great when it comes to religious tolerance. I advocate we withold that attitude when dealing with any muslim who has a chip on their shoulder when it comes to our 'oh-so-sinful' society.
They helplessly flock to the locations they criticize the most, DEMANDING benefits and expecting a double standard in places where they are essentially unwelcome strangers.
Islam is a cancer that's destroying the very countries in which it's based. Muslims are shameless zealots arguing over trivial interpretations of a heavily flawed text.
So yeah, flock to the West and expect handouts from all us non-believers while contributing to a huge increase in criminal behavior/activity, especially sexual crimes, you repressed fucks.
Fuck islam and all the muslims that figuratively suck muhammeds dick. Even the 'non-radical' ones that believe in peace while enabling those who actually follow the words of the koran literally.
Either reform and fall in line with other big religions or die off. I don't care which.
I lived with two saudi arabians and they expected any female friends I had over to clean up after them/all us penis-wielders. No joke. Fucking rich assholes that should stay in their terrible, arid homelands instead of ruining/raping advanced countries in Europe with their backwards faith and toxic culture.
One of them was obsessed with my female 'aryan' friend. I fucked with him and claimed she never listened to men because she is too intelligent. This was disappointing and baffling to the guy; he simply couldn't grasp a woman being superior in anyway.
Fuck 'em!
Sup Forums btfo
What are you talking about? The left is notoriously anti semitic...
Trump is not a neocon.
Hi jidf
>not liking a country that is (as of now) designed to remove islam
I give them credit, they're a nation that most of the arab world has a burning hatred of besides America
Have a high five, Monsieur.
How is this bait? Trump loves Israel.
Pol is just a stupid as any other group in the world right now. This whole thread is useless. This comment is useless. No one will listen. Remember a few years ago, when we'd come here and laugh about triggered tumblrinas refusing to talk about things that they don't like? That's here now. That's all pol is these days. Pol, you're all a bunch of God damned kike puppets and I'm fucking sick of it.
I hate Zionists, I dont hate Jews
>$0.34 has been deposited into your account!
Anons are mad but they know you're right
Israel could buttfuck any muslim country
What is Gary Johnson's stance on Israel?
Trump supporters are jewed to the core and Shillary supporters are just retarded people
> thank you Kikes, thank you, I love all of these shitskins in my country, it's awesome!
This is 100% true. I have some Muslim 'friends' second generation in the US, and this is exactly how they act.
they both come across as retarded villians
not without the us as its muscle and sugar daddy