She's right you know
She's right you know
Then be like me and stay inside.
Women only have themselves to be blamed for being raped.
no shes not women lie about sexual assault all the time, statistically more than it happens so she can fuck off. cry wolf too many times and when rape really does happen nobody will care
Did Bill Cosby actually admit to anything?
maybe if women didn't wait a hundred years to come forward when there is no possible way of proving anything and the perp is almost dead anyway
Maybe they don't come forward bc they see the number Shillary did on Bill's victims.
Hey Hey Hey! Rape is O-kay!
Can't argue with that but I won't be calling out muh rape culture or embracing fat acceptance. It's too bad the left is home to so many undesirables because they do raise some decent critiques
Yes he settled several cases and testified under oath that he did it.