>"If we have nukes then why don't we use them?"
He's not a meme anymore, he's literally a threat to global security at this point.
>"If we have nukes then why don't we use them?"
He's not a meme anymore, he's literally a threat to global security at this point.
good thats what I want him to be
$0.03 has been deposited into your account
He's right though. There's nothing wrong with using a nuclear weapon other than notions of proportionally
Three people also in that meeting were asked if this ever happened they said "no"
But keep posting it or something.
>Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international level went to advise Donald Trump. And three times [Trump] asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times he asked at one point if we had them why can't we use them," Scarborough said on his "Morning Joe" program.
You can always be curious
How is Nuking Raqqa and Mosul a bad thing?
>Unconfirmed source
Regardless of if you like Trump or not, this election cycle has proven that the media cannot be trusted to be objective any more.
>Believing media lies
The big secret is that we have used tactical nuclear bunker busters repeatedly because there is no code of engagement policy for drones.
>pic says why cant we
>op says why dont we
hmmm really makes you think HURR DURR
They're just making shit up now.
Before they at least took things out of context
We should nuke you
source or kill yourself
Why have nukes if you're not willing to use them, deterrent? Fuck that, get rid of the Middle East.
good it's about time things got a bit more messy
replying for visibility.
>Trump, who they call the madman
>applies the principles of madman theory to his campaign
>in a country so weak
Fucking retarded HillShills
The problem with Trump is he is smart enough to play his cards close to his chest. This is great for everything about leadership, but terrible for a country of reality tv watching, rapping retards, who need complete transparency and corporate daycare state to understand anything that is happening.
>says unnamed source
Unverifiable sources should not be reported on.
The MSM should be required to say who it was or not post it.
Fuck these slimeballs.
I second this, I would vote for him
Look cunts
One day someone is gonna launch nukes again. It is inevitable. This is a fact you can't avoid. Do you seriously think that this delicate balance we have is going to last? You are sadly mistaken. One day someone will launch nukes and millions will instantly die. Wake up retards.
Shut up you idiot.
He's supposed to say he'd use them. That's what they're there for you disgusting shill
does Sup Forums still like trump?
It's gonna take more than 6 million dollars to make Hillary not look like that anti christ.
>ask foreign policy adviser why the US can't use its nukes
>asked questions about foreign policy to his foreign policy adviser
>omg why he asked those questions
Trump's right though, you can't use nukes against other nuclear powers because MAD, but why not use them against desert savages? It's not like it'll make their barren desert any more of barren desert.
>Trump will wash away the mudskins in purifying nuclear fire
I'm ready for the Golden Age of Mankind
This comment is more poignant than you think. The US president NEEDS to make it crystal clear to the world that if needed he will launch nukes. That is the whole purpose of having them, even if you don't intend to use them. The outrage over this is so stupid that i don't even. Imagine advertising to Russia or China that you're not willing to use nukes. Why not just go ahead and dismantle them all. Fuck it just sell them off to the Chinese while you're at it.
>not wanting happenings
>being this much of a pussy faggot
Soft power is greater than nuclear power. We've ready corrupted the entire world via Hollywood and our pop culture. Trump doesn't need to rely on anything but pure meme energy.
[citation needed]
really, I'm curious.
The fact that this kind of news can be reported without consequence is truly scary to me. If you ever hold a different opinion you can find your life destroyed and most people don't have "fuck you" money like Donald Trump, this would be the end of the line for them.
I hope leftists enjoy living in the world they created.
Didn't want the Iraq war, does want US involved in conflicts across the globe, says he wants to make a friend out of Putin. And he's the nuclear threat to the world?
Ok, then..........fucken dumbass.
2 nukes is not enough
>0 toilets cleaned by this poster
The whole point of having nukes is that they are a massive deterrence, and they will stop being a deterrent the second your enemy becomes sure you will not use them.
based hong kong
Wait, how is it leftists who caused this?
Amazing how easily the media can mislead people. An unnamed source says Trump said something, and even people on Sup Forums believe that he said it. This is the kind of thing that actually hurts Trump, not things like the Khan situation.
Thank you for correcting the record, my "polish" friend.
Man, there sure are a lot of people from irrelevant eastern european countries coming out to attack Trump. I wonder why.
Fresh off the boat, from Correct The Record, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never shill for Hillary again. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid shit that your little hugbox cuntsucking Democucks friends would approve of. None of that here. You don't correct. You don't shill. This ain't the DNC, kid. This is a Trump board. We have REAL political discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to /r/enoughtrumpspam, you daily shilling son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that your little internet task force reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I #StumpForTrump.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
What worries me is that the American media are advertising to the world that a presidents willingness to launch nukes is some lunatic idea. So when hillary is elected other superpowers are going to think america is too pussy to ever use them.
It's a rhetorical question, idiot.
We can use them. We don't, but we could.
sounds to me like he wants to defund the nukes senpai
The solution to Africa is Chernobyl.
Hey idiot, they don't work as a deterrent if you're a fucking pussy who would obviously never use them.
If you want the deterrent to work you need a guy willing to use nukes one anything, even to get the yellow crap out from under his toenails.
No one but the most deranged want to use nukes, but you're not supposed to say it.
Sounds like a strong leader.
>cnbc reports on a msnbc report from an unnamed source that Trump "reportedly" asked about...
You normally take 4th-hand info casually dropped on a liberal shitstation so seriously, OP?
>nukes were used on the Japs because they were lunatics who would not surrender otherwise
>ISIS is literally fanatic lunatics who will never surrender
Unless ...
ISIS are responsible for hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of deaths by now. At some point you would think enough is enough and just accept some collateral to just wipe them out for good. Of course this could also be done by conventional weapons.
The big problem with this nuke controversy is that people think using a nuke will create some kind of global fallout. Obviously that's wrong, 1000s of nukes have been tested in the last 70 years and nothing happened.
People fail to see nukes as the very powerful weapons they are and instead believe them to be some doom device that would unleash hell on all of earth.
It's only an actual deterrent if the other guy is worried that you are maybe just crazy enough to do it.
That's why it worked for the Russians for so long, then fell apart under Gorby, and is back on under Putin.
Japan didn't surrender because of the nukes tho.
>polish proxy
>1 post by this ID
$.01 has been deposited into your account courtesy of Correct The Record.
You posted this 50 times already shill.
>trump uses nuke on middle east
>it's super effective
>trump uses nuke on russia
>russia retaliates with two
>Jew York City and (literally any) California city are destroyed
>nothing of value was lost
>It's only an actual deterrent if the other guy is worried that you are maybe just crazy enough to do it.
By that measure, the US should elect Hillary.
A deterrent doesn't work if you act like you would never use them. Our new PM Teresa May used the same card. The only problem is the American people aren't going to play along just like the Scots here.