Explain to me what the alt-right is about.
Memes are allowed.
Explain to me what the alt-right is about
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They don't know themself, otherwise they actually had a chance.
>Alt-right is a fascist ideology whose adherents have achieved absolutely nothing of value, have no discernible skills or merit as human beings, and therefore put pride in their race above all other things. Their whiteness is the one thing that can never be taken away from them, yet also one thing that took no effort whatsoever to possess, thus giving them a completely undeserved sense of superiority over ethnic minority individuals, many of whom have accomplished far more than they ever will.
>Despite having zero power or influence over real life politics, these sub-Nazi deadbeats have a significant online presence ready to thumb down YouTube videos on important topics such as female Ghostbusters and Mexican Spiderman. This is their natural habitat, along with Twitter, where they can be found protesting against multiculturalism while masturbating to Japanese anime waifus in their avatars and expressing the opinion that immigration to the United States should have ended the second after their pasty ancestors arrived to ethnically cleanse the natives.
source: ED
This sums it up perfectly
>what the alt-right is about
>Talking about BBC
>Posting pictures of and looking at BBC
>Fawning over queer jews who like BBC
>Fapping to coal burners who like BBC
I was sorta glad the Shillary supporters showed up - it got the BBC off Sup Forums.
Alt-right is what the cultural marxists were 40 years ago, but now on the right.
The cultural Pinochist, in a way...
Alt-right is an umbrella term meaning everything from libertarians to fascists to objectivists. Basically if it's on the right and it's not "establishment" (neocon) then it can be described as "alt-right".
Also Reddit leftards use it as a term for everything to the right of Clinton.
>leftists spam degeneracy on Sup Forums for literally years straight
>Sup Forums talks about it
>The Alt-Right
Young people, mainly on Sup Forums and Reddit, who are embracing conservatism as a reaction to increasingly progressive social values. Also included are the conservative commentators whose audience is this group of people - e.g. Milo Yianoppolis, Steven Crowder, Gavin McInnes, etc.
>Right Wing Populism (which is also an important trend which is growing in tandem with the Alt-Right)
People, who tend to be the older generation (although many young people also support it), in the US and Europe who are embracing right-wing values, particularly anti-immigrationism, as a reaction to increasing Islamist terrorism, mass migration (especially from Syria), and progressive social values that they do not identify with.
Both of these things should be understood together I think because they have grown hand in hand, in reaction to the same things.
The only difference is that most right-wing populist are older people, people with jobs, families, and they tend to be the working classes too. And the Alt-Right are younger and arguably more educated people who are embracing the same values.
not sure but have a petry
It's a fad perpetuated by flabby white guys who struggle to make it in the real world. They direct their anger outward at others instead of inward where it belongs.
A gay guy named Milo could probably fill you in. Literally.
The "Alt-right" is a media construction. The only thing that seems to bind the moment is its opposition to establishment politics.
>criticism only flows one way
>why not both?
Come home white man
>progressive social values
Could you expand?
Can we also not mention Milo Yianoppolis - he's just... just so... irrelevant.
>Could you expand?
Gay Marriage
Deconstruction of the nuclear family
Deconstruction of the nation state
Deconstruction of gender roles
Identity politics
The alt right is a blanket term for any conservative movement that falls outside the mainstream. There are many different factions. When the media says alt right they usually mean the ricky vaughn/mpc group, though sometimes they will quote the tweets of anime hitlers for shock value.
>Identity politics
Everything frankly feels like a sideshow to this. A gibbering of virtue signals and the like.
they are often entagled into eachoter in some way
Nice post
Do you feel confident about Sweden's future economic prosperity and for its continued peaceful domestic existence?
was für eine Dummbrunze
>Do you feel confident about Sweden
pic related
She's really super-hot for a Romulan chick. 10/10 would violate Prime Directive for.
It'll be ok.
everythings gonna be alright
*starts moving sharp objects off your desk and into my pocket*
*gives you a thumbs up*
>(((the alt-right)))
Shuld sum it up for you.
If you're retarded I'll spell it out
It's a jewish controlled opposition operation to try to co-opt the silent majority of Sup Forums into pozzed out kike-accepting good little tavis. It has never nor will it ever be any kind of representation of Sup Forums. It is fluff, it is fake, it is bullshit, and you should really stop perpetuating the meme that it is, people will literally kill you over here if you utter the stupid name irl.
People that are so disgusted by what society has become that they're willing to embrace extreme ideologies to burn it down.
Why do you think radical Islam is getting so much traction? We see our futures laid out as slaves of the globalist and have no choice but to go in the other direction.
>Explain to me what the alt-right is about.
Pro-nationalism, pro-meritocracy, and anti-equality.
It's that simple.
>tries to divide and conquer people who disagree with 'the jews'
Found the jew.
You don't have to look any further then your own hook nose in order for you to find the jew, kike.
They aren't disgusted. They're bored.
There's more anger out there than you think, Trudeau.
Everything that was actually considered normal just 10-15 years ago.
>Lord Cuk faggots denying repeating digits.
He's right though.
AltRight is leftist/mercantilist economics and the normalization of degeneracy among conservatives a la that niggerlovingkikefaggot Milo and various little Jewesses on youtube.
It's a left wing movement that has brought nothing but cancer here.
biased source
>leftists spam degeneracy
Showing veteran's families who is boss.
>Everything that was actually considered normal just 10-15 years ago.
this and only this
Milo isn't alt right. He's a degenerate homo hijacking it for cash. Has useful for now but as soon as trump gets in there he needs to fucking go.
Angry dykes. Thats what the altr right is.
Lw pen.
The german dyke.
Nigger garage.
All dykes.
It's certainly not about the biggest issue there is: Frauke Perty is not going to Dominate me tonight and peg the soul out of me.
Essentially alt-right as Spencer intended was about three main points:
1)being aware of the Jewish, globalist and traitorous element within the European Race
2)forming local chapters based on the ethnic interests and working for preservation of your ethnic and racial group
3)spreading the message outwards as you feel that step two is somewhat done
>Are Nige
But lad, Farage isn't a swampkraut
You are quite frankly pretty much a non human.
>Nigger garage
Ummm, forgive my lack of knowledge my Albanian friend - what are you talking about?
I love this woman
>Frauke won't peg you tonight
Edgy, virgin, neckbeard betas. Their flip flops are so fast you can't keep a track on them. Sign of weak personalities driven by fear and emotion.
It's attached to a nigger's house. It's full of stolen bicycles.
The alt right is white nationalism. The end.
>Memes are allowed.
lucky that - besides the the occasional bleat of emotion that's disguised as fact, memes are all the alt-right has,
Those are omegas you describing and real nationalists are well groomed, social, just, self-exploring and persistent.
Alt-right = Liberal anti political correctness.