
>uses Sup Forums memes
>uses Sup Forums slang
>uses bach's goldberg variations which are frequently posted on Sup Forums in classical music threads
>uses /r9k/ style of melancholy,nostaly and irony

Filthyfrank are you here? and generally what is your opinion on him. I appreciate his sense of humour and intelligence.

Other urls found in this thread:


>said by russian

How is this guy still relevant?
This wnb Jackass faggotry is stupid.

I really don't know what to make of Franku, but his music is pretty good.

Considering how popular he is amongst 8th and 9th graders, I assume that he is 100% serious when he says he fucking hate dealing with people in his daily life.

Leads me to believe he's just co-opting our memes in order to make a cheap and easy profit to offset his irresponsible spending.

Motherfucker's deep in debt.

Well, at least I don't enjoy people vomiting over each other on camera.

well, this is your opinion

>haha le epic ironic stupid stuff that as a deeper meaning, im smart guys im just cleverly hiding it@!

He really just needs to sell out like h3h3 and jontron did. His health is already fucked, he might accidentally kill himself with one of these videos.

is this in australia or something?

>Motherfucker's deep in debt.
source? i don't doubt it, he seems like a dumb motherfucker

obv, frank is an ausi :^)

What exactly is wrong with vomit cake?

>its okay as long as its self aware and ironic xD

His weeaboo video was spot on.

>uses Sup Forums memes
>uses Sup Forums slang

literally where

I swear some of his videos have some hint of symbolism that is often overlooked.

>he made another cake
t-thanks, frank

Filthy Frank is based af.

ok ok leaf, we understand your point, you dont have to repeat this. not every viewer of frank is either 8th grade or snobbish idiot that you have described

oh shit. Never seen this.

Franku has gotten so cynical and disillusioned its a daily wonder he hasnt shot himself yet.

He seems to hate that his success has come from being a half-assed meme distributor to millions of retards.

He is literally Sup Forums personified
That's why his fanbase consists mostly of 15 year olds, just like the userbase of Sup Forums

He actually is putting himself thru uni with his earnings dumbass

Paul Joseph Watson does the exact same thing.

do people really find this funny? this is worse than pewdiepie


literally where

none of this humour or slang is Sup Forums exclusive..its just random memeshit

Neh. It's not the same.

>Filthy Frank is the embodiment of everything a person should not be. He is anti-PC, anti-social, and anti-couth. He behaves and reacts excessively to everything expressly to highlight the ridiculousness of racism, misogyny, legalism, injustice, ignorance and other social blights. He also sets an example to show how easy it is in the social media for any zany material to gain traction/followings by simply sharing unsavoury opinions and joking about topics many find offensive.Yes, there is no denying that the show is terribly offensive, but this terrible offensiveness is a deliberate and unapologetic parody of the whole social media machine and a reflection of the human microcosm that that social media is.

From the man himself.

i watched one video and thought the retarded voice he makes was just for that video, turns out he does that shit everytime

t. Filthy Frank

He said he had throat cancer.

Found the hilldog

>not watching human cake

What's wrong with his voice?

You need to push that narrative to stay on ((Youtube)) while trolling animal rights activists and SJWs.

Hardly anyone seems to remember Filthy Frank literally created that Harlam Shake dance meme, then killed his old channel to avoid being associated with it forever.

t. Duudsonit

What exactly is not wrong with it? I enjoy some of the franku antics and his music is pretty dank but he can be mighty degenerate and cake series in particular has no redeeming qualities. Please elaborate what's so interesting about people eating each other's hair?



>what's so interesting about people eating each other's hair
I like to see how low people can fall.

Just turn on CNN.

You meant probably Russia Today

I don't watch it so I can't tell if they promote degeneracy.

I like see people vomitting when there is nic music in background
Funny, isnt it?

fucking edgy 14 year old summer fagggots
filthy frank is a degenerate
yes he has some funny gems but its under filth like the human cake shit

You mean 9gag.

>the "Russia is degenerate LMAO" Pole also likes to watch people eating vomit
Yeah, funny.

no because there's another video where he speaks like a normal person, man is just a huge faggot trying to put on an act for his 14 years old followers

maybe yes, maybe not. surely he has Sup Forums or /r9k/ kind of personality. probably INTJ with some extrovertic admixture.

Hi Paul. You annoying voice having cunt.

>Le he uses funny maymays XDXD
stop it pole go cry to nato about ru ssia you faggot

I read your post in his retarded voice

>Be me Poland Fag
>Wake up in the morning
>She brings me a plate of reddit memes
>"What the fuck is this"
>There is no filthy frank memes
>Slap the fucking plate out of her hands
>Lock the door and cry
>Fuck computer monitor for the rest of the day

He's said that his character is the worst person he could think of and that he doesn't want anything to do with his fans, so there's that.

niga wtf is this flag

Nice Dune navigator Pepe


He's making dosh off of idiots, do I can't hate him.

It's like Pewdephile, his character is obnoxious and annoying, but fuck me if retards don't eat that the shit up. So, more power to them. Just wish I thought of it first.

wtf i hate sri lanka now

So he's basically having psychotic episodes in each of his videos and getting Jewtube money for it? I think I found my calling lads

It gets better. He used to pretend to have seizures in public places as a part of his "comedy" and after a while he started to get real epileptic episodes lmao.

>muh youtube stars!
literally who?

wtf i like postmodernism now

>what is wrong with eating cooked vomit

Turkroaches, everybody!

FilthyFrank is just a persona like Pink Guy.
If anything he is a parody of the average Sup Forumstard.

>tfw these posts remind you that most posters here are still in high school

Hey Libya how's life now that Gaddafi's dead? Enjoying the mudpies instead of normal food you were used to?

The horrifying truth is most of us are not

t. 30 y/o

Filthy Frank is just a character, the guy's name is George and he's a huge leftie/SJW fag.
If you read the 'about' on his YouTube, he says that the character is meant to be a representation of everything he finds wrong with people.

Is it bad if i'm 39 and still browsing this shithole?

I doubt that someone can create such videos without being to some degree like that. He is not sacha baron cohen, surely.

Found him late so still enjoy him even though i get people saying he's teenageshit. He's definitely spent some time here and isn't a numale, has /fit/ friends and isn't overly cautious not to offend.

That said he's an entertainer and half-japanese, so he's not going to release a video calling for hitler 2.0 and gas the kikes.

I don't see what's funny about eating vomit cake, plus he's already done this. I hate the two Australians he has on sometimes, very irritating smug bastards.

I like him it's old school jackass tier 'edgy'

the fanbase is cancer that's for sure

no, what's bad is that this shithole is better than most of the rest of places

You're gonna die here with us grandpa.

You're missing the point.
It's mateship kinda shit, teenage-y. You watch it with FRIENDS or whatever. Treat it along the same lines as a horror movie, you're not there you invoke happiness.

The thing about the 2 other pooftas on his thing clears itself out with watching other videos with an open perspective.

I'm starting to think we need a board for old people.

Judging by this video and especially at the end, he seems to be embracing his Jap side more

What the FUCK just happened? I don't have this image on my computer.

Hes been getting worse lately

>watching people puke on eachother
why do you people like this?

Filthy Frank is a Nip-Australian a generally based mix of nationalities that results in ultimate shitposting powers

He jumps between Nippon and Straya

A generally based mix of nationalities


This guy embodies the Sup Forums-Reddit hybrid user fuck you faggots

>Motherfucker's deep in debt.

>Sup Forums


No because soon German sausages wont contain pork anymore and must be halal

Sup Forums has gone mainstream


I think everything has been said

>eceleb shit
Go back to Sup Forums

Rare YouTube flag

Frank is basically what Sup Forums liberals were like 5-10 years ago.

You're probably have 15 years left to live, even less depending on how much of a fatass you are.

Massive faggot only teenagers find appealing, Reddit probably loves him. All e celebs are cancer.

is your mouth watering, korea-kun?

what is the music at 02:00?