Blue lives includes black lives.
Yeah, I don't like niggers. What of it?
>he's even using a Russian proxy
those Africans that are so black their purple
thats stupid.
if Black lives matter doesnt bother you then saying ALL or WHtE Lives shouldnt bother you eithet.
the fact of it is the the dumb fucks suporting BLM are only creating racism.
It probably bothers people because BLM outright told other victims to shut up.
"Black lives matter" is the equivalent of "save the whales"
but you don't see anyone protesting animal rights activists with "save all sea life!"
Because blue isn't a race, "all" is not a race, "black" is a specific race. White lives matters would be equally dislikable.
>blue lives matter
what the fuck is this shit
Maybe BLM bothers people because they're a terrorist organisation that has killed multiple people.
>Police officers can not be black
It should be illegal to be stupid
Black lives don't matter.
No. I like "all lives matter" because it's an attempt to unify everyone. Black people created black lives matter to cry, moan, and riot in the streets over dindu nuffins. It blames, it victimizes, it divides, it attempts to emphasize an invalid system in which expected behavior is solely determined by skin color.
Whales are endangered. Blacks are not, no matter how determined they are to pretend to be.
Because whales are not the number 1 reason other whales are dieing you retard.
Whales are endangered, niggers endanger others.
Yeah they're right, I don't support a racist movement
I do support an all-encompassing movement
And I also support a movement for protecting police officers (may I point out that both BLACK and WHITE officers were killed by BLM morons)
Christ I fucking hate lefty cunts
Whales don't commit 52% of all homicides in the United States while being 13% of the population.
It means police officers. Started in response to the fact that BLM keeps murdering police officers in the street.
Repeat Offense Criminal's Lives Don't Matter
There, fixed.
So if I start a group WHITE LIVES MATTER.
libs would be cool with that because its just like save the whales and doesnt instill racism?
Oh ok thats cool then, I mis understood and thought BLM was just a bunch black racists who thought they wherr special and should be handed everything cause they wer kangs n shiet.
Yea we hate niggers. Especially lazy thieving murderous BLM niggers. Big surprise
All that need for cheap brown labor and still nobody loves niggers!
You know it's true because all the white liberals who scream loudest about racial integration don't significantly integrate themselves with niggers.
Your Master to Servant interactions don't count. Let the rest of us know when you have a black master (Obama doesn't count,) that you have to step and fetch for.
Let us all know when you move to a country run by black politicians and black police/military. You will never do this.
Admit it white Liberals. You fear Sup Forums not for the shit posts but because we know you all can't walk your own talk. You especially fear that we will tell your "secret" to everyone else.
That makes you mad? Then start walking your talk. Lol!
thank you finally someone speaking the truth!
Sup Forums btfo
All of that bothers me. It's all equally gay.
As a nihilist, let me chime in here.
No lives matter.
The problem isn't the words "black" lives" "matter", but the people who associate with those words.
No because I genuinely don't think black lives matter.
if black lives mattered why do they kill each other so much