Canada family encounters shirtless PM Trudeau while hiking

>A Canadian family on holiday stumbled upon a shirtless Prime Minister Justin Trudeau while hiking in Quebec's Gatineau Park.
>The Godby family spotted Mr Trudeau last week as the prime minister and his family emerged from a cave.

Jesus fucking Christ, Canada. If you re-elect this joke in three years, we'll have to remove you from the Commonwealth.

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I honestly have no idea what I would've done in that situation

Probably laughed my ass off

I don't get what's wrong with this, can someone explain what's so bad about it?


>The Godby family spotted Mr Trudeau last week as the prime minister and his family emerged from a cave
>emerged from a cave

fucking KEK

>emerged from a cave.
Is this common in Canada? Can a leaf provide additional information on this subject?

>Caucasians crawling out of caves
What else is new?

>this triggers Sup Forums

>>The Godby family spotted Mr Trudeau last week as the prime minister and his family
emerged from a cave.
>emerged from a cave.

>hiking with my family
>some shirtless homo walks out of a cave
>calls himself the prime minister of canada