I've been a die hard fan of this show since the beginning

I've been a die hard fan of this show since the beginning.
Four years. I've started threads for every premiere.I've defending this show hard through everything.

>Better cuck Chuck.
>Literally nothing happens.
>20 minute Mike sitting segments
>why are you filming my scenes first Vince?

But the thing is. Nothing really has ever happened. Nothing at all. This show has strung us all along for three long years of nothing but pandering, poor direction and cliche cliff hangers.
I'm done with this. I'm over it. This is the last time Vince and his BRAVO POTTERY will ever fool me into paying him a single cent of my cable bill or torrent downloading time. The entire cast and production team can contract herpes for all I care, Talking Saul included.


Agreed. Total garbage.

I'll never watch again.

Tune in for the replay at 11pm only on AMC ™

>Not understanding brilliance

Your loss. And I don't fanboy this show. Breaking Bad was better, but not by much. Better Call Saul is amazing, and this season was the best yet.

do u rly blame salamanca after learning how much blood and money he put into it

my thread died as i was typing intellectual shit

your dubs say you'll be back next season. Maybe you won't . You made me realize it's almost like a soap opera. Thee's so many layers to the characters. I watched all of BB, but I really can't remember how slow it moved. Saul def. moves slow, but it gives me a chance to evaluate the nuances of the characters, (and how mine match up).
I appreciate BB and BCS. withought BB, I wouldn't have the opportunity to watch a slow pace real life kinda show. People are pissed there's not a killing at least every week, but there's a lot of cerebral material here. Maybe that doesn't make good tv. But where else can you show it? Some experimental avante guarde nyc thing? I thought that ended with Laurie Anderson and Brother Theodore?
tldr. where do oldfigs go after 4chin?

I think I'm so important

ITT: Guy who watched the first two seasons on Netflix three weeks ago and is mad on the line because his ADHD makes him impatient

>my thread died as i was typing intellectual shit
Waiting for that intellectual pearl.

this is the finale
god it's like someone looked at a bag a dry stale unsalted tortilla chips and said hey thats selling really well, give me an idea for a show
>you want any salt or flavoring for those chips?
nahhhhhhhhh they speak for themselves
>oh so just salsa and guacamole then huh?
it's a slow burn. we dont need any of those hollow superfluous add ons to enhance these chips.

and now here we all are a few seasons later feeling like we've been sucking a sandpaper dick while our throats are trying to choke down the mouth parching paste with zero nutritional value all the while being told what great palate's we have for preferring these over those disgusting nacho's from a chain restaurant covered in cheese and jalapenos and grilled chicken and onions.
truly every poster ITT is enlightened.

repostan from the live thread. fuck this show.

>absolute plebs exposing themselves

>Still watching this retarded fucking show

Glad I knew to quit after the second season.

>all these underaged spergs talking about how they're dropping the show for good
See you faggots next year

I can't wait for you and your ilk to be gone from these threads.

Went downhill after squatcobbler to be honest

This was the worst. No flashbacks, no explanations. Is it literally "Hey rightwingers don't be so mad about "successfull" foreigners or you'll have heart attack like uncle Cle..-Hector" from Vince? They have all the time in the world and in the end somehow made Hector's character worse than his handicapped mute version from BB. How is that even possible? Their whole conflict with Fring is such a fucking joke. Any 13 y.o. retard can come up with lame shit like that in a second.

What happened to the black chick? Why introduce a new character when that person does nothing to change the plot?

OP is a faggot pleb


>backstory: the show

Who /teamnacho/ here?

Why chuck die

I kek'd when they had the suicide prevention hotline number after the end of the episode just in case the episode pushed anyone over the edge.

Yeah, sure, it can be a bit slow, but I find it to be very intriguing.

kek, I didn't see it because torrent
I bet they got more calls than Davis & Main after a Jimmy commercial

it's one of the best TV shows, the other one is Fargo. And this Wednesday it's the season finale. FML TBQH FAMALAM

try watching this the day after american gods every week
better call saul is roller coaster pace in comparison

This jumped the fucking shark this episode into Last Man on Earth super cuckery. I never signed up for Better Cuck Chuck, or to watch Jimmy be a punk bitch. I never signed up for watching one mans slow decline into pure evil. I wanted him to be evil but I wanted him to be SAUL and be kickass and cool and do some intelligent cons. Not completely blow it and ruin his entire legal career based on some bullshit 'turning point' that would have only worked in an 80s movie.

I never signed up for watching one mans psyche inexplicably break to the point of suicide by fire. BTW which you KNOW won't work because Jimmy was in his car on the way there so I am sure somehow they will save him. Vince didn't even have the balls to just kill Chuck off in some firey explosion.

Fuck you Vince, you made us wait a year to see what happens to Hector even though we already know so its just fucking blue balls. And double fuck you if Hector somehow turns out okay and you make us wait another season because this one was "foreshadowing".

Fuck you for giving us a legal show without giving us the chance to see Kim Wexler do some awesome legal court case defense or speech before probably just breaking up with Jimmy so he can become "full evil" and alone.

Why does this need to be Blue Balls: The Show. Its not fucking THE HOBBIT. Just condense it to a few thrilling seasons, was that so hard?Why do we even need HOURS of DOING NOTHING VINCE? To stroke your ego or your KinoCock?

This show could have been just as entertaining as Breaking Bad but it feels underwritten, cheap and low budget and written to bore the viewer to death.

I tried inviting my family to watch this to convince them how good it was and now they told me to go fuck myself and I don't blame them. Chuck breaks the house was the most boring extended cut scene of the year and barely a payoff.

This show fucking sucks, I can't defend this anymore. How can you not give Kim a decent line or Mike any scenes? GFY Vince!

>Jimmy was in his car on the way there
Found the Chuck cuck who makes up excuses so that his self insert didn't die.
Don't get me wrong though, the ending made me feel really bad for Chuck.


damn, I had never got quints before
what a waste, I wish I had said more
Oh and fuck you It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. And Kim isn't really a court lawyer, in fact the most clever lawyers avoid having to go there at all costs.

>Sup Forums pussies cry about literally everything

>it's a good wall
>you think?
>yeah... we'll get another.
>a better wall...
>...a better... call saul
>they kiss and walk out

what a stupid fucking way to end a stupid fucking season of a stupid fucking show

how's this for foresight: I've never seen Breaking Bad or this show.

cause he cray cray

you made me watch the scene away thinking I missed something you fucking meme faggot

>we'll get a better wall
>10 foot tall


>and this is... WONDERWALL
what did he mean by this?

This season was dark as fuck. Chuck is finally destroyed by his own pride and unwillingness to face his own guilt. And the fucked up thing is that Jimmy will never know it was suicide. He'll never get that closure.

We see the beginning of the end for Kim who will become an opioid addict "the answer is always the good stuff". This will spiral into heroin abuse and the cycle of treatment and relapse - which Jimmy will feel responsible for paying.

All I see is darkness.

Was that an opioid though? I didn't recognize the name, it surely wasn't Vicodin.

>receive 9 million dollars
>kill yourself
>kill yourself not by snorting a big pile of cocaine but by burning yourself with a lamp
what a cuck

Probably oxy. They were giving it out like candy around that time. For a while, doctors didn't even think it was addictive.

Heh, heroin itself was developed in an attempt to control morphine addiction

>Kim spirals into opiate addiction following the accident, causing her to lose mesa verde as well as any chance of being a practicing lawyer
>Jimmy tries to support her, in the process meeting many shady drug dealers needing legal representation
>Kim only gets worse, soon turns to meth
>Jimmy realizes she's too far gone and leaves her
>now living in a shitty motel and completely out of money, one of the dealers offers her a hit if she sucks his dick
>Kim, deep in withdrawal, takes the offer
>after busting a huge load on her face, the dealer throws her a baggy of meth
>"eyyo girl, watcho name?"
>Kim takes a massive hit off the meth pipe and exhales in relief
>"...I'm Wendy."

>Who's peekin' out from under a stairway
>Calling a name that's lighter than air
>Who's bending down to give me a rainbow
>Everyone knows it's Wendy

Maybe she's the skank that dropped the ATM machine on her boyfriend.

do you guys think Saul is going to inherit all that money or did chuck make a new will after their falling out?

>Loses the insta-1 million, and fucks over his reputation just because Jimmy wanted the old lady quarrel fixed immediately

What a dumb fucking resolution to those plots for this season like, christ. I don't even mind the secretary and the office going,those two things are so major it's fucking stupid. Props to Erin for actually looking fuccable for once though

He probably left it to Howard and Saul as a last fuck you I'm righteous.

story repeats itself

>Loses the insta-1 million
Didn't they have already taken the settlement?

you mean history

>it's a kim hittin' dat smack episode

Who is this hideous sack of flesh?

Kim doesn't look anything like that. She also has mentioned several times in BCS how much she dislikes root beer.

there's no fucking way Jimmy is getting anything from howard

>season 4 opening
>time skip
>it's a kim gets disbarred for her heroin addiction episode

I mean chuck

From the way Jimmy said to Erin that she should expect a call,the deal had to of been still in limbo so he wouldn't have gotten paid. Jimmy likely baited her into doing it anyway by saying it's a sure way to change her mind.

D-do you guys really think Kim will get hooked on meth? It seems reasonable since it would fit her lifestyle in a weird sort of way, with recovering from the accident while also trying to get shit done very fast, but I don't want to believe they will waste her character on something like that.

Kim is Wendy

underrated - Kim confirmed Wendy

i agree, this is the worst excuse of writing for this show yet. Season 3 was the most exciting, then they have this finale, possibly the worst episode in the show's existence. Shit writing all around

It's getting somewhere finally. Hector is likely going to be in his mute deficient state next time we see him, Jimmy is becoming more corrupt (this should be happening faster imo), Mike is working with Gus, and for all we know, Saul might have kept up with Kim up until his Breaking Bad appearances. We didn't see his personal life much.

it's cheese on cheese

If there was one more episode with a stinger that ended with Jimmy opening the office we see later in BB it would be an interesting ending.

I think the show's slow pace would have been better if they released all the shows at once like Netflix does. I still like it, but it sucks waiting a whole week and well...nothing happens, and the next show isn't for a whole other week.

>Jimmy is becoming more corrupt (this should be happening faster imo)
There's still four more years until BB

He doesn't even have his license back for another 10 months or whatever

>Just condense it to a few thrilling seasons, was that so hard?
It's not a thriller like BB was, so...
Yeah that'd be pretty hard.

>written to bore the viewer to death
Brainlet confirmed.

>Nothing happened
>Man is dead
>Work is undone
>Career is sidelined
>Friendship destroyed
>Friendships renewed
>Man is disabled
>Brother is lost
>Ego is shaken

>Nothing happened

Just admit it. You don't like people.

>>He doesn't even have his license back for another 10 months or whatever

still 10 months of fillers to go through

>implying each season will be one month.

>if nobody's dying or WE HAVE TO COOKing it's filler
Why do these people exist

so...chuck really is a fried potato now

He can't go back to elder law, is suspended for the next 10 months, already hid his identity once by going by the name Saul Goodman. Do you see where I'm going with this? He's probably going to open the office from Breaking Bad halfway through the next season.

Vince probably doesn't like crescendos..

lmao at Chuck not noticing the electricity until he checked the meter, and then continuing to not know whether he succeeded at his mission to rid the house of electricity until he looked at the meter again.

>nothing but pandering

>no scene about post-BB Jimmy

what the fuck


I dont understand at all, everything that happened this episode is everyone on Sup Forums's wet dream, everything people have been BITCHING about for 3 seasons is happening, But I guess people can never be happy. Why the fuck would you want nothing but saul goodman antics? We still got that but com e on it would get old as fuck. AND we get to move on to that now and it feels more worth it. Im down for the slow burn meme.

As soon as I saw this I was hoping someone would make a webm. Was not disappointed. Not normally a kim freak but shes cute in this episode.

Jesus Christ this character has been fantastic

Godspeed, Howard

Why does anyone feel bad for Chuck? His whole character is that he's feels superior to Jimmy but he lies about his condition and tries to coerce literally the only friend he has in the entire world. Not to mention plotting to get rid of Jimmy's law degree because Chuck the fuck doesn't approve of it. He's just as much of a slimy piece of shit as Jimmy except far more insidious about it. At least you get the feeling that Jimmy cares about most of the people he fucks over. At least he's conflicted.

Chuck has a fat cry then kills himself like a bitch. Fuck chuck.

how must howard feel?
jimmy softened chuck up but howard delivered the KO punch

>sandpiper resolved
>Hector gets his cerebral infarction
>Gus knows it's Nacho that exchanged the pills(Mike told him probably)
>KIM is implied to have some sort of damage
>Chuck pushes everybody away, is 100% alone, relapses, breaks holes into the walls of his house, burns himself alive


Will we see him again though,after the funeral?

>gets to keep his own money, HHM survives unhindered and Chuck is permanently out of his hair
Everything's comin' up Howard

>Doing illegal shit and almost dying on the street

Hello Vince

>Why does anyone feel bad for Chuck?
Because he's mentally ill, lonely and just killed himself.
She's just some lawyer.

Why did they have Jimmy go back and take the blame for the old lady? Did Vince forget that this show is supposed to reveal how Jimmy became a self-serving douchebag who flippantly advocates murdering witnesses? Whenever he does anything morally dubious they have him go and redeem himself. What the fuck?

Then there's this pointless prequel shit.
>here's a season-wide arc explaining why Don Salamanca is an invalid
Who fucking cares? We didn't need to know the details.

Howard is literally the only good thing about this show.

>have to wait a whole year for just a few more minutes of Jimmy's Cinnabon Adventures

>Did Vince forget that this show is supposed to reveal how Jimmy became a self-serving douchebag who flippantly advocates murdering witnesses?
I guess he's just not there yet.

As for Hector - the only issue I have with those scenes is he speaks English way too much.

>Howard is literally the only good thing about this show.

See you next season :^)

The point is that Jimmy has always been morally questionable, but he feels bad and tries to do right. Losing Chuck for good (both the death and what he said) will go a long way to making Jimmy into Saul. Now we just need an arc that gets Kim out of his life next season. You have a child's view of story progression.

>okay make him a decent guy
>then make him a meanie
>then a big meanie
>then an even bigger meanie!

>Now we just need an arc that gets Kim out of his life next season.
They laid the groundwork for that.

First Kim is going to be shaken by Chuck's death. Second she has some sort of brain damage, since she couldn't read the Texas papers.

>Did Vince forget that this show is supposed to reveal how Jimmy became a self-serving douchebag who flippantly advocates murdering witnesses?

Jimmy has to see some shit before he becomes that cynical.

Kim literally told him to play to his strengths.
All he's good at is destroying.

Chuck tells him to stop being remorseful, because he always ends up in the same situation.

The only thing standing between Jimmy McGill and Saul Goodman is empathy.
So for Jimmy, it's probably not getting any better from here on.

>Who fucking cares?
Fuck you, Nacho is the best.

>she couldn't read the Texas papers
Is that what that was? I thought she just decided to chill and not work so hard.

Which in itself could be a destructive path for her.

I don't get it. It's a great show where the point is character development and the story is just something that puts those characters in various places and times and presents them with forks in the road.
Same thing with The Wire, or LOTR and many others, story is secondary and only happens so that the characters can develop and we can see their inner journey. I like it.

>season finale
>spend 10 minutes on wall breaking montage
>spend 10 minutes on Jimmy talking to the elderly
>spend 5 minutes on Kim watching blockbuster movies

Its like Vince is making this for people who will be binge watching all the seasons a few years down the line.

>mfw jimmy changed the numbers on chuck's electricity meter just for bantz and made him kill himself