Since when is Sup Forums anti-trump? What changed?
Since when is Sup Forums anti-trump? What changed?
correct the record is paying shills to shill
just spam KILL ALL NIGGERS and HEIL HITLER at them
feed them and drive CTR broke
they're trying reverse psychology
Trump is over now. He disrespected the family of a veteran.
I'm #artilleryforhillary now.
He said some mean things a few days ago. That's why I am now a #Hillicopter.
*Muslim veteran
not a real American
it's the shillstorm
Trump is losing and the meme is dying. In six months Sup Forums will claim that it never supported Trump at all.
Source: this is exactly what happened in 2012
Why would they target such an insignificant board? There are way better targets
They're realizing the conspiracy about Trump being a Clinton plant is true, he's throwing away the election, and they want to distance themselves while there's time
Paid shills, don't worry it will all blow over once they realize they are having no effect but reinforcing our values.
Trump pledged to start enforcing the old laws against "obscenity" on the Internet.
We're being raided by r*ddit and seeing how they don't have lives of their own they can just do this all day for weeks
Literally a shills slilling shills thread, how many idiots did that hag hire?
I didn't know that Trump was running in 2012
More like faggots trolling to get there (you)
>shitposts anti-trump stuff all day
>why is Sup Forums suddenly anti trump?
I am onto you and your concern trolling, subhuman. Maybe switch proxy.
I'm on my phone faggot and I just downloaded that image
Literally the second google image result after typing "sad pepe"
Your flag is not very rare, but uncommon. Still, I have noticed an enormous amount of shitposting coming from your flag.
Pic related, just one example I found within 30 seconds.
All of our media is sponsored by the US. Yesterday there was a full episode of trump bashing and saying how he is mentaly unstable and etc. So maybe that guy was just a sheep
CTR got 5.8 million more dollars.
Fuck Trump, All the way for Hillary
Sup Forums is just trolls trolling trollings. Whenever it appears that a consensus is developing, the trolls will take the side of the minority so they can troll more people. Do you not even understand how Sup Forums works?
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Could be. Still, your thread doesn't contribute to anything except the reinforcement of the narrative that Sup Forums is anti-Trump now.
It bears the mark of the shill.
Sup Forums just goes against what is popular elsewhere
Should we declare our love for Trump to browse /pol ?
Faggots from Ebaums thought it'd be funny to shill for Hillary. Turns out a bunch of leafaggots thought that was their queue to actually shill for Hillary.
And now here we are. Thanks Canada.
They found out Melania Trump was a degenerate illegal slut
Anyone with half a brain was always anti-retard. Seems like you were caught in the company of the summer fags. Well the uneducated kids are preparing for school now and the retarded slavs following Trump most likely starved by now.
This happened.
non-americans realized that trump as president will be a good choice only for america
Since his joke of a campaign became a complete and total clown fiesta. EIGHT YEARS OF HRC!
i was actually unironically going to vote for donald trump but after he disrepcted khan's family, it became apparent he did not care about protecting the heros of america. I don't care if you are islam, christian, black, white, trans, believe in flying sphagetti monster, IF YOU DEFENDED THIS COUNTRY WITH YOUR OWN LIFE THEN I CANT SAY SHIT TO YOU. He clearly did not care and wouldn't care for the men and women who serve and protect their nation everyday. How can you vote for a "man" that is like that?
After waking up, after cutting through all the memeing and actually looking at reality, his whole campaign is built on misguided anger from the American people. Of course islam terrorism is a problem but he is going about all the problem in the wrongest way possible.
A clock is right twice a day sort of thing.
Did you break into the chef chill's Gmail account?
>>implying you don't want a literal meme to be your next prez
Hillary didn't get a convention bump and is even losing the 18-34 vote. Things went south after that.
> CTR sees a huge budget increase
> Medias who appeared to collude with the DNC in the wikileaks run almost only anti-trump material
> I.E : They make a mountain of the Khan non story
> A lot of low quality polls having Hillary two digits ahead are released (which means that Trump would have lost, in some cases, 15 points without a valid reason)
> "welp it's over everyone!"
That looks really desesperate. I mean, just take some time to study the polls who have Hillary winning. Despite being included in the RCP, here are a few things to point :
> In one, the number or registered democrats polled is of...46%. In 2012, you had 32% DEM, 28% REP. By over polling the DEM, they obviously increase Hillary's number
> In an another, they excluded the 18-34 from the poll. Right after it was said that Hillary is losing the 18-34 vote
> In one of the most recent poll, the margin of error (usually of 2-3% in a well done poll) is of...17%. At this point you can't even use it to make any prediction
You can see the globalist elite trying to kill the Trump phenomenon before the end of the summer. This reminds me of when we voted in 1992 on what would eventually leads us tu join the EU. All our globalist elites and their faithful newspapers were shilling hard for the "yes". Everyone one against was called by the medias, the artists and the whole establishment a "retarded xenophobic bigot". Turns out, the majority of Switzerland seemed to be made of "retarded xenophobic bigot". Feels good to shut their dirty lying mouth up.
Thank you for correcting my record.
Tell me more about how I should vote for Hillary
Let me start by telling my story.
I've got to admit, for the first few months of this election cycle I was caught up in the Trump hubbub. Do you remember all the laughs we had at Jeb Bush's expense? LOL! Heck I even cast my vote for him in the primary. That all changed when he said in reference to his plane, and I quote, "it's bigger than Air Force One, which is a step down from this in every way". Really? Better than Air Force One? How can a man RUNNING FOR THE PRESIDENCY use such divisive language?
It was at that point I realized this country doesn't need a Demagog In Chief spouting off nothing but hot air and okie doke. I was planning on sitting this election out.
Until last Thursday. Yes, my Pol friends, I decided to watch the final night of the Democratic National Convention. I heard something from Hillary that really touched me.
"Trump says he wants to make America great again -- well he could start by actually making things in America again!" Talk about a burn! But when you stop laughing and think about it, she's right.
I think we need to join forces between us Alt Righters and Hillary Clinton to ensure she makes history this fall. Imagine how much better the world will be for our kids and grandkids if we use our funny drawings and green text sentences for Hillary. Get started today, bros.
I've never understood this line of thinking. Why would he risk his name, money, and future business deals like that? There is literally nothing for him to gain by that
Wow, which CTR communications manager wrote that for you to spam everywhere?
Anyway Khans father is Muslim brotherhood and it appears he's involved with the Crooked Hillary corruption crowd. Using him to bait Trump is just another disgusting Democrat tactic.
>Let me tell you a story...
Record corrected good job m8
Did you watch anything either of them said?
Khan went on a nasty tyraid against Trump, and Trump's only response was "Oh well, he seemed nice. Wonder why his wife didn't speak."
At this point i'm finding it hard to differentiate between ironic CTR posts and actual ones.
Oh man this pasta is real good.
> Do you just have a huge rotational list of pasta to spam Sup Forums with in the hopes someone here is dumb enough not to realise u iz a shill
Thank you for correcting my record.
Tell me more about how I should vote for Hillary
We don't care about your story or your feelings, nigger. Didn't even bother to read.
The media are in full shill mode. No mention of the mothers of the victims in Benghazi. But they won't shut up about Khan.
Even if this is CTR it's still the same mindset so many idiots have. Look, Iraq and Afghanistan were about corrurpt corporate contracts, building a Central Asia natural gas pipeline, and securing the opium trade. If you think any mercenary american corporate thug is "hero," "defending freedom" or some shit you're a retard.
Why would we support Drumpf who has absolutely no political experiance and not Hillary? she is a real person who truly cares about the little people. She is against corruption and corporate greed. She stands for the little people while turning her back on big money. She is very reluctant when it comes to war and has committed absolutely no crimes her entire life. She and her husband fight for women on a daily basis. She will also bring racial justice to America.
>People still replying to these threads.
The average shill's TPP (tendies per post)