>14,3% for trump
>85,7% for Hillary
where were you when Sup Forums was put on suicide watch?
Trump got stumped
Trump will not win.
Daily reminder that 75% of shills are CTR and 25% are German ANTIFAs with or without proxy.
Hillary will not win
[citation needed]
It's pathetic, really, how many NEETs think they're doing anything important with "meme magic."
Why shouldn't I vote for Hillary?
>peaceful Muslims
how is this related to the polls?
Nice try, TrumpFag, r/islam debunked this. Go cry for more tendies.
lol did you hear that Clinton has stopped airing ads in Colorado because her lead there is so big it's no longer possible for trump to win in that sate.
You provided it.
>girls with dicks
Sage thread
any prrof, that i am a shill?
why should anyone pay someone to shill on Sup Forums?
Kill yourself mohamed
>r/islam debunked this
Jesus are you even trying anymore.
not an argument
r/islam debunked shit. Lying is not debunking.
Drumpf will lose
>make random poll graph in MS paint
>smugly post it on Sup Forums
Holy shit, we just got fucking stumped. How will we ever recover?
ha ha see, kek wills it!!
Thank you!
Where does Nate get these retarded numbers from?
Wasnt making one
Do it
Kill yourself
96 and 69, Kek wills it!
> "OMG lik wat, I have a muslim neighbor, and he's like totally the sweetest guy ever."
"This Teenager Pulverized Racism In One Single Tweet"
Keep dreaming.
I prefer foie gras
>being in denial this hard
>still believing trump can win
Reminder that Trump is guaranteed to win in November. Kek has willed it so.
I'm sure I will hit 99 percent because they really don't care about lying anymore
Stay mad bro
i love you too
your prime minister is pretty chill
Stay halal Ahmed
it was a set-up, mods did it just to increse web traffic and popularity.
Keep on correcting that record :^)
that "man" doesn't have any intellect and granted I'm not the smartest man in the world either but you don't see me running for president. Seriously anyone voting trump is wasting their vote.
Mods need to do something this is ridiculous.
Deutsch bro who im certain is brown
Please actually kill yourself for the betterment of europe
>my feelings are hurt when the facts are against me
how's your safe space course going?
This is ridiculous. After Trump's RNC speech he got a huge bump in the polls. After Hillary's DNC speech she started taking a dive in the polls. Then the pollsters modify their methods and suddenly Hillary is surging while Trump is tanking at the same time Trump's rallies grow by the thousands and Hillary's rallies are lucky to get 200 people in the room.
It's easy to blow off the skewed polls theory as paranoia or wishful thinking, but it's awfully strange that when the polls change their methods suddenly they reflect the opposite of what everything else points to.
>being this mad
Any proof of that, Luka
What's ridiculous? Expecting a carnival barker to beat Hillary Clinton? I agree.
>My feelings are hurt, stop using facts!
Nice safe space.
>Being as cucked as a german
nice conspiracy theory, tinfoil retard
trump wins in november by a YUGE landslide
You are a leaf.
Thank you for correcting the record, 0.03 dollarydoos has been deposited in your account. Keep on showing those racist, islamaphobic, autistic neckbeards Hillary Clinton is the right choice for America.
Can we get a link to the article stating this graph is correct?
>believing everything breitbart says about germany without being there once
You are a faggot, facts are facts.
That may be. But Im not a self deprecating german fag
what warranted that down spike?
or is this poll rigged?
>n-nice t-theory, h-heh
you know it's true, where do you think you are
Even nate's poll has trump at 25%
Ooh, sick burn Trumpfag!
>Trump had a 2% chance of winning the primaries
I like these odds.
Kill yourself. Really
diversity is your strength at last
heve you ever been to germany?
if not you are not qualified to talk about it
I absolutely love Hillary, she connects with younger people and will continue Obamas excellent legacy.
This. I know this is a shill thread anyways but these new polls don't make any sense. Even if Trump did something honestly fucked up, his supporters wouldn't leave him for Hillary in this quantity. I don't even think they only changed the methodology of the polls, I think these are completely faked numbers.
They probably got scared shitless when they saw Trump surging after all the terror attacks and conventions recently. So this week they seem to have gone all-out, faked polls, run non-stop "news" attacking minor details regarding Trump, increase the paid shilling by millions (probably where that 25 mil Soros recently donated went to), etc.
Sick fucking burn shill!
You got him.
Trips of truth, German bro!
Polls mean fuck all
Remeber brexit was to remain?
they have started rigging polls. Trump got a huge bump after the RNC, he's winning right now. My theory is they have started rigging polls, reporting Hillary is ahead so when the establishment rig the election in her favor it's an easier pill to swallow. If they were actually reporting the proper polling numbers no one would ever believe it when Hillary wins. Just my bit of tinfoil.
I am going to laugh so hard when Hillary hits her head on the border wall of Mexico/US.
evil is winning, as per usual
Whatever you say Mohamed
and now their economy is fucked, nice job m8s
it's only fucked because of all the uncertainty. The EU wants to remain on good terms with the UK, it isnt all doom and gloom.
>and now their economy is fucked
citation needed
how exactly did they debunk that?
you need more evidence?
what has my post to do with islam?
of course trump will win
Actually Trump said if Russia has the 33k emails Clinton deleted when she received the court order to turn over her emails that he would love to see them...not to get them...but to hand them over.
That press release is a complete lie.
Becuase she is a cunt
>hillary makes a run for mexico after she looses
>walls start appearing around her
>they her closer
>she makes it past the border
>giant wall in the way
hardly indicates our economy is fucked does it? Of course there is going to be a transitional period of uncertainty, but you can't say our economy is fucked when literally nothing of significance has happened.
The Primary Model
87%-99% Certain Trump Will Be President
>For the record, the PRIMARY MODEL, with slight modifications, has correctly predicted the winner of the popular vote in all five presidential elections since it was introduced in 1996. In recent elections the forecast has been issued as early as January of the election year.
>For elections from 1912 to 2012 the PRIMARY MODEL picks the winner, albeit retroactively, every time except in 1960.
You sure you want to trust (((Nate Bronze)))?