Honest question Sup Forums.
Why does anyone that supports Hillary get called a shill, but anyone that supports Trump doesn't?
Inb4 I get called a shill. I support Trump btw.
Honest question Sup Forums.
Why does anyone that supports Hillary get called a shill, but anyone that supports Trump doesn't?
Inb4 I get called a shill. I support Trump btw.
Other urls found in this thread:
because its a proven fact that she pays people to meme for her
Because no one in their right mind could support someone who changes stances every election cycle.
They must be paid to come up with positives about her.
No one supports Hillary.
The shills only come here to make baseless claims about Trump.
trump shills do it for free
You do not support the god emperor clearly, you're kinds time is up shill
Because up until two months ago you faggots were non-existent on this board. Then two weeks ago there was a massive explosion of your bullshit. You think we haven't seen organized raids before? We fucking invented what you dipshits are doing.
Because she needed the DNC to rig the primary in her favor....Because she couldnt beat a grizzled 75 year old communist Jew naturally.
Also she has legions of paid shills via Correct the Record
Her positions change wherever the money takes her and no one who does the actual research of what shes done in the past 20 years would vote for her, also this When Trump told the Koch Bros. to fuck off I knew I was voting for him.
Beacuse Hillary pays people to show fake support for her, thats the definition of a shill
Trump supporters do it out of love for the god emperor
The majority of the electorate supports Hillary current.
>supporting hillary
>not being a shill - honestly. ;^ )
This a trump board
Now get out shill
>This a trump board
It really isn't though. Sup Forums was a Ron Paul site and a lot of people here support Johnson.
Becsuse this is a board of truth and logic. Anyone pro hillary is a complete idiot.
yes desu
It is obviously battle between good and evil.
We all know who is the evil one..
No sane person would support Hillary.
And there is proof that CTR is financing people to support her, and shittalk to Trump supporters on the net, thus shills.
Thanks for proving my point
and literally who?
because of the number of people that show up to their rallies, the implication is that the only way people will show their support for Hillary is if you pay them
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
You mean it is a battle between bad and worse.
and thats why nobody turns up to see her
Never saw that one. saved
Because there is hard evidence that CTR is paying people to shill here, and the sudden rise of Hillary supporters coincides with that revelation. We just put one and one together
You're a leaf lol
>No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
>hard evidence that CTR is paying people to shill here
I dont lurk here regularly but ive seen the board go shit
Where is the proof of this
>pic related
They've been known for clogging up leddit with a bunch of pro-hillary posts.
because no one unironically supports hillary unless they're paid to
I've got to admit, for the first few months of this election cycle I was caught up in the Trump hubbub. Do you remember all the laughs we had at Jeb Bush's expense. LOL! Heck I even cast my vote for him in the primary. That all changed when he said in reference to his plane, and I quote, "it's bigger than Air Force One, which is a step down from this in every way". Really? Better than Air Force One? How can a man running for THE PRESIDENCY use such divisive language?
It was at that point I realized this country doesn't need a Demagog In Chief spouting off nothing but hot air and okie doke. I was planning on sitting this election out.
Until last Thursday. Yes, my Pol friends, I decided to watch the final night of the Democratic National Convention. I heard something from Hillary that really touch me.
"Trump says he wants to make America great again -- well he could start by actually making things in America again!" Talk about a burn! But when you stop laughing and think about it, she's right.
I think we need to join forces between us Alt Righters and Hillary Clinton to ensure she makes history this fall. Imagine how much better the world will be for our kids and grandkids if we use our funny drawings and green text sentences for Hillary. Get started today, bros.
Because Hillary recently raised from 1 to 6 million dollars for the company that does online shilling called Correct The Record (CTR)
Because it is easy to just throw that word around to try to make people shut up. It isn't inclusive to Sup Forums.
I haven't met a single Hillary supporter (maybe one Hillary bumper sticker) but I have seen anti-Trumpers. No one supports Hillary.
>online shilling
Post your face when this shit does more harm than good (from their pov). Pic. related.
Thank Thank you for correcting the record!
To be fair, that looks like a lot more than 50 peple.
No one that intellectually lazy visits Sup Forums. It's just that simple.
> thinly veiled hillshill thread
sage goes in all fields
Because anyone correcting the record for Hillary here is paid. Trump supporters do it for free.
>mfw shills are at it
Do you even realize how bad the shit you're posting is? I'm almost sure you're a trumpposter, because nobody could think this drivel would actually sway anyone.
By the way, friendly reminder on how shills operate.
Ok, let's say there are even 100 people.
Trump speeches are gathering thousands.
See picture related? Hillary can't convince anyone who knows anything about politics to vote for her. Only Trump can convince them to vote for Hillary.
We all know Trump's campaign is too inept, disorganized, and poor to pull something like that off
Clinton has a natural leadership aura and actually has a campaign staff that's funded, so it's not outside the realm of possibility
>Clinton has a natural leadership aura
Now that's comedy. Hillary has a fleet of billionaires to fund whatever the campaign needs, not charisma.
She has real honest to goodness experience too. That experience is invaluable, we must elect Hillary.
They are both manipulating the story. Here is another angle.
Because this is a joke board. Look I get it, people are angry. But screaming shill at each other adds nothing to the conversation. Not like there is any conversation on this board to begin with.
It's just unfathomable to me that trump supporters are too scared to stand by their convictions, and instead just resort to meme-ing.
If your position is solid, then you'd be able to debate it on it's merits, without devolving into name calling.
Prove me wrong.
the shills have a very obvious snarky, condescending style of writing that you can easily distinguish from a (very rare) legitimate hillary supporter on here
they always say things like "its tragic that you cant see.." or "come election time you're gonna be in for a rude shock"
Three reasons:
1. There is strong evidence that her campaign is paying millenials to advocate for her on the internet. This falls under the definition of “shilling.”
From Merriam-Webster website for the verb “shill”: “to talk about or describe someone or something in a favorable way because you are being paid to do it”
2. She has not stood on principle between cycles, and has a record of criminal lack of integrity. As such, she does not have a passionate base amongst the young internet-savvy crowd. Therefore, people claiming to love her integrity, commitment and virtue are more likely members of the aforementioned LITERAL shills.
3. Puns are funny and “Shillary” is a thing.
Because the Trumpstaffel do it for free.
1: Corect the record paid Hillary shillbots creating fake conversations
2: NOBODY, seriously nobody supported Clinton on here before.
Not true. sjws, feminists, and celebs support her because they're dumb and will easily believe anything the news tells them without looking into it themselves
Hey OP I'd like to point out that nobody on here has actually been answering your question but instead deflecting more insults toward hillary. She definitely is a shill but they need to acknowledge the faults of their own candidate before supporting him.
The difference is pol can back up its claim by posting evidence
Look at all those faggots that want to let rapefugees in unvetted. Can't wait until the muslims start killing more gays and feminists here and all of them start crying
>1 post by id
gee idk why...
I don't believe that is the same event. Where are the US flags and where is the large OMAHA sign?
Because there is no reason any sane person would ever seriously support Hillary except unless they hate Trump.
If you were an informed voter, it would be difficult to willingly vote for Hillary. Same for trump desu. also she literally pays people to shotpost.
American who didn't get stabbed in London here, I've never actually met a Hillary Clinton supporter and I'm from NYC.
>up until two months ago you faggots were non-existent on this board.
No shit dickhead. People are coming here to troll the fuck out of trumplets, and they're taking the bait because they're fucking retarded. Trumplets are easily trollable.
You know Bernie supporters here didn't get called shills
Because supporting Bernie while incredibly stupid wasn't INSANE.
There has been proof after proof after proof CTR and other groups are shitting all over the internet
That is why
Im just confused as to why trump supporters can admit the flaws of their own candidate? Hillary supporters know she has problems but vote because they feel they must. Trump supporters think hes the second scoming of christ and ignore 3/4ths of the crap that comes out of his mouth. Any time its brought up its "biased media, CNN cuck, hurr-durr"
Because Hillary "supporters" don't talk about why they support her, only why they won't support Trump. Because in the end, Hillary is not worthy of support. She has gotten to where she is through collusion, deception, and treason.
She and her thugs try to keep the attention on Trump because they know she cannot handle it. This is why Trump will crush her during the debates- there is nowhere for her to run or way to avoid his direct attacks.
That's the way demagogues work.
Meant for
Nobody supports hillary
Trump has flaws but they involve his changes on stances, vagueness on policies, or ignorance on the way some things work.
These are fixable by him taking hard stands and not moving on them as well as by advisors who can explain the parts he unfamiliar with.
The issues are repairable and it has been proven that the media is biased, so there's nor reason to not expect that fact to be brought up by Trump supporters.
I can turn on the news every day, see images of Islamists waving a black flag of Jihad, and be reminded very clearly of Hillary Clinton's successes.
I do. Ahh another day, another Trump supporter proven they're wrong. Its a good day to be alive.
All media is bias to some degree, other than public radio witch is sponsored by donations of the American community, not big companies. But anytime anything is brought against Trump its a left-wing conspiracy. Almost as If 90% including Fox news is photo-shopped against trump.
Fox is against Trump. They are pro-GOP and Trump represents an outsider they have reluctantly decided to praise now that it's clear he's their only chance. During the primaries Fox was bashing Trump as much as Clinton and Obama, and instead praising Jeb, Cruz, Rubio, etc.
People seem to forget that Trump is not a Republican. He has merely taken he helm of the party because it was his only way to get to the general election. The Democrats had chosen Hillary from the start, a third party would never win, his only option was the Republicans.
You probably are a shill.
It's really simple, the type of people who would support Hillary don't go on pol, we're not exactly a moderate community. The only reason for a Hillary support to even be here is to shill for hill
>The corrupt support the corrupt
Because there are no real Hillary supporters here. The rest of Sup Forums hates Sup Forums precisely because it's become a circle jerk of alt-right ideology and Trump. Actual liberals on Sup Forums stay away from the board. Venture outside Sup Forums and see what the general consensus of this board is. They want nothing to do with it. It's blatantly obvious that the only ones here shilling for Hillary are outsiders, made even more apparent by their tenuous grasp of Sup Forums lingo/memes and how the site works in general.
And of course, there's also the simple fact that no one truly supports Clinton, they just see her as the only alternative to Trump. The problem with that is, Trump supporters are fanatical, so Clinton has to pay people to make it seem like she isn't just being supported reluctantly by people who feel like they're voting for the lesser of two evils.
because there were no pro hillary spammers just a few days ago, and valla a flood of threads with similar themes all pro hillary.
A third party was ALWAYS an option, one of witch Bernie could have taken up as well but chose not to. Republicans saw that Trump going third party would divide the electorate and would make the base of the republican party too weak to stand against a united democratic party, that's why they felt they HAD to back him.
Explain this.
Trump has changed his stances multiple times within a single election cycle
How are you Trumpfags so cucked by this orange? Lel
Nice. Been waiting for unskewed polls to reveal the truth.
>Why does anyone that supports Hillary get called a shill, but anyone that supports Trump doesn't?
do people supporting hillary do anything but repeat lies and cling to defeated arguments?
I'll just leave this here.
>Hosting in her closet a private email server for work related and top secret classified emails, deleting 30,000 emails is a right wing conspiracy!!
because trump didnt actively press legislation in the goverment and still change his stances
You lie, nobody supports hillary. How can somebody support a corrupt murderer?
Leave that unfunny idiot in the grave... along with Bill Hicks and Lenny Bruce.
Quick unbiased poll here since msm polls can't be trusted(please share to get an accurate idea) strawpoll.me