Your move.
Your move
We want to be on the right side of history
>muh empty & shallow buzz phrases
Thank you for proving me right.
>is not Donald Trump
>is not fat orange boor
>is not (openly) misogynistic
>is not multiple bankrupt
>is not egotistical loose cannon accident waiting to happen
>is not making up this shit as she goes along
>is not hated by around 75% (conservative estimate) of her own party
>is not a literal disastrous explosion of poor-to-downright-fucking-incredible bad taste
>is not Donald Trump
Because I'm not a sexist shitlord.
I'm voting for Johnson.
>Your shit opinion isn't facts
She isn't a science denier
Her tax plan will fuck over working people less
Is is knowledgable about key issues(sad there is a canidate that isn't)
won't trust Trump with anything but Melania
>She has political experience
>She's not a narcissist like Trump
>She's right about important issues like LGBT Rights, Abortion, and Gun Control
>Trump is incompetent and can't be trusted the nuclear codes
>She's not a hateful racist bigot
>She's right about jobs, climate change and college debt