ITT: Explain the policies (societal/political) that led to the obesity epidemic in the USA.
ITT: Explain the policies (societal/political) that led to the obesity epidemic in the USA
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corn syrup being cheap
>blame everything on the government.
- American
>corn syrup being cheap
what led to this? why is the US agriculture so dominated by MUH CORN
well, the incompetence and mindlessly following of media by americans is of course a large factor.
Shitty cheap food and niggers and women inflating the obesity numbers.
>niggers and women
oh right, it's everyone else's fault, but not the "white" american male.
are americans incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions?
Corporations propagating unhealthy food being healthy
Cheap food = unhealthy
High poverty levels so families can't afford to pay the premium for actual vegetables etc.
Why did they make him black?
>vegetables are expensive
this meme needs to die.
It's true... Boxed TV dinners will always be cheaper then fruits and vegetables.
this is fucking bullshit you cuck. you can get a kilo of potatoes for less than 1 small portion of fries. same goes for leafy greens, they're cheap as fuck, but people are too fucking lazy to actually cook a decent meal.
>According to the report, the average weight of men in the United States rose from 181 pounds to 196 pounds between 1988-1994 and 2011-2014. Their average height remained the same at about 5 feet, 9 inches.
>The average woman, meanwhile, expanded from 152 pounds to 169 pounds while her height remained steady at just under 5 feet, 4 inches.
>hurdurr muh government
>muh companies
No, it is stupid fucking absolute retarded people who highly likely are too stupid to even read.
This is why nothing will ever change, because you're too fucking retarded to think for yourself and need to be spoon-fed by the government, or else you'll shit yourself.
more to do with food and access to it, in particular sugary junk food
Stupid people looking for gratification in high fat content and sugary foods. Eating to feel good as distraction from their shitty lives.
corn grows there. basically all american food is ~50% corn syrup
I didn't say men weren't fat. I said darkies and women are boosting the numbers, which is true.
Whites, male and female, are sitting at around 35% obesity rates
Black men are at 37%, women are at 56%
Mexicans, men and women, are both over 40% with women at 48
A lot of the argument that basic fresh food is expensive comes from people living in shithole cities. It costs more to ship large quantities of vegetables through them. This increases the price to the end consumer, who is then more likely to choose a less perishable item. This causes a feedback loop, as a portion of stock spoils before being sold so the seller increases prices again to cover the cost of lost product. Now the consumers are even more likely to buy the non-perishables.
>white females
think again
>corn syrup being cheap
My numbers came from the cdc.
actually, no, I see what it is. Mine were just obesity rates, yours includes overweight.
1. Abundance of cheap unhealthy
2. A Jewish influenced culture that promotes excess and consumerism
3. The highway system - our cities are large and spread out, the entire country is very large and spread out. You need to drive everywhere. You don't walk to your corner grocer and buy fresh greens. You drive 15 minutes to a mega grocery store and buy packaged shit along with your fresh stuff.
4. Lack of exercise - if you aren't a gym rat you'll be hard pressed to get much physical activity. If you work in an office or something you'll never exercise. All we do is drive - sit- drive -sit-sleep.
>we only suck because of the jews
stop blaming everyone else. these excuses are fucking pathetic.
ah yes, I see.
>he didn't read the whole post
It's all because of the lipid hypothesis tricking everyone into eating tons of carbohydrates
t. ketofaggot
DUDE GRAINS LMAO is fucking terrible indeed. bread, dairy, oath and shit are unnecessary fillers.
You're absolutely right, buying bulk ingredients is much less costly (and FAR healthier for you) than buying garbage.
I'd blame the decrease in stay at home moms (We need a better term for this; how about just "professional mothers"?). Buying bulk ingredients takes time, cooking it takes energy. Is that too much to ask? Certainly not. But it does take more time than just buying garbage and microwaving it.
On the other and, when you have a person who has the literal job of "Feeding, educating, and caring for other people and taking care of their home" then healthy meals is just par for the course. Especially when it's pretty fun.
I'm too lazy writing an explanation, but you should all read Gary Taubes' "Why we Get Fat", he details the origin of obesity and how the policies led by the governments have increased obesity instead of reducing it. I myself went from 115 kg to 80 in four months thanks to that book, without reducing the amound of food I eat.
>I'd blame the decrease in stay at home moms (We need a better term for this; how about just "professional mothers"?). Buying bulk ingredients takes time, cooking it takes energy. Is that too much to ask? Certainly not. But it does take more time than just buying garbage and microwaving it.
>On the other and, when you have a person who has the literal job of "Feeding, educating, and caring for other people and taking care of their home" then healthy meals is just par for the course. Especially when it's pretty fun.
>caring house wife is becoming a myth
These facts, they hurt. Luckily I'm in the progress of wifing a 10/10 conservative iranian qt3.14, but I weep for the younger generations. they're fucked.
>I myself went from 115 kg to 80 in four months thanks to that book, without reducing the amound of food I eat.
that's the summary? what'd you do?
the US government giving subsidies to farmers for corn so now every single food product in america has HFCS aka insta-obesity
it also tastes like fucking shit and is why all american food tastes like it's rotten
food became tasty
>FDR going to war with Germany
The documentary "King Corn" coveres this quite well. Basically Corn is one of our biggest crops, but is mostly turned into animal feed or corn syrup rather than being directly eaten. It is used in everything from soda to bread and looking at the ingrediants list for mist products will show some form of corn syrup. Also, the cheapest foods avaliable are highly prossese crap full of fats and sugary chemicals which cause our poor people to get fat, which I find quite ironic.
*most products
People just eat too much. Huge lunches and dinners and snack all day
This is actually true. The US goverment used to pay farmers to limit their production in order to stop creating surpluses which crashed food prices. In the 70's however, this policy ws reversed and we now pay farmers so that thay produce more food. This lets us sell lots of food overseas, but could easily cause a crisis if production falls. Our food output increasing every year due to new farming tech, fertilizers and GMO's is the only thing keeping our farms operating.
>the cheapest foods avaliable are highly prossese crap full of fats and sugary chemicals
This is complete bullshit. Healthy food isn't expensive, shit food is just marketed to poor people and for some reason they buy their kids kellogs instead of eggs and oat meal even though the kellogs costs more.