How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?
Meanwhile, I'll be enjoying Gay parades left and right while you guys can stay butthurt.
Have fun though! :^)
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?
Meanwhile, I'll be enjoying Gay parades left and right while you guys can stay butthurt.
Have fun though! :^)
>says Sup Forums is butthurt
>litterally takes it up the arse
>enjoying Gay parades
That's like a pig enjoying the walk to the slaughterhouse.
Get AIDS, faggy
Hisotry is writting with blood bleed in the battlefield.
I am not aware of any recent war.
The LGBT community are nothing but oppressive shitheads. I will only support the more inclusive LGBTPZ community.
CTR slide thread do not respond with out saging
you are a lower life form, social fodder buttsecks fagzor
>I'll be enjoying Gay parades left and right while you guys can stay butthurt.
You realise that you're the one whose ass will hurt, right?
Cut your greasy fingernails, you disgusting freak.
When a homosexuality vaccine is developed some time in the next 30 years, how long do you suppose gays will last?
Do you think their campaign against being cured out of existence will be any more successful than the deaf culture's?
He is some fag from Sup Forums trying to trigger people on Sup Forums. I hope he gets punished one day for being openly gay like this.
Hahhaha letterlijk een flikker
>enjoys being gay
>tells us to deal with the butthurt
How goes the weakening of your assholes paper thin lining?
Sup Forums is not against gays, homophobia is for mudslimes and Sup Forums is not muslim
What the fuck does the "wrong side of history" mean?
> gay guy talking about other people being butthurt
enjoy that cock in your ass senpai have a sage to go with it
2D pride worldwide
interdimensional marriage NOW
They think they can decide what historians will deem moral and not in the future.
Presumptuous brainfucks, as always.
If you'll excuse me now I need to knot more ropes...
>How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?
>Meanwhile, I'll be enjoying Gay parades left and right while you guys can stay butthurt.
>Have fun though! :^)
lel wrong side of history shill - pay attention anons this will be a copy pasta classic in no time.
>Enjoying gay pride parades
by staying butthurt (taking it up the ass), amirite user?
It means that liberals will make up shit and put in the history books that future children will read. The problem is that liberal future will be a lot browner, and the browns don't much care for the gays
at least I'm not in the wrong side of the dick
You prefer docking/frotting than anal? It's still gay, you know.
Why would I care who you fuck, unless I want to fuck you?
>1 post
History cannot be wrong or right. We deem actions based on our current morals of past actions to be bad or good. It can easily change.
Also, it feels like chewing 5 gum.
>1 post by this id
I don't know who to believe anymore.
>what are lubricants
>homosexuality vaccine
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that delusion though
Stay butthurt.
>1 post
Nice try JIDF
how can we be on the wrong side of history if it's the end of history?
There is possibility for curing it though
pics or you're full of shit
>2 posts
wew. that's better. Halo, Geert.
where are the straight parades?
Okay you've proven yourself not a shill, good
People who think history has "sides" are the retards who crash empires
>implying straight "people" are able to have fun
>implying bi isn't superior to you lesser beings in every single way
>toothpaste thinks anyone is more butthurt than him
enjoy your poz cum fuckboi :^]
im gay and these parades are the biggest cancer to us, they portrait us as some kind of sick freaks who throw their sexuality into everyones face for attention, when in reality many of us just want to live normal with a fucking same sex partner,i hope you pride fags die of aids.
>being attracted to the inferior gender
>Getting your neg hole pozzed is fun now
>being unable to procreate and incapable of enjoying sex the way biology dictated
See, that's the problem with you people, you want to be gay, fine, be it, you want to be flamboyant, fine, do as you please, you want to walk around the city nude or partly nude even though it's against the law, fine, show your genitals, you want respect and you get it.
But no, you won't be happy until you cram every single part of your life style on the rest of us. Live and let live you damn fairy
>I'm gay and I hate gay parades but I like having 3 cocks inside me filling me up like a worthless slut please accept me Sup Forums :((
Selfhating gays are so delusional.
You are ashamed of some harmless parade but you aren't ashamed to the fact that you like getting pounded?
Supreme Court said it's okay to walk around nude unless your specific city passes laws forbidding it. It's a delegated right.
Most localities haven't passed a law on it.
Nah. He's right. The pride parades are disgusting cesspools.
At least they are here in NYC.
>incapable of enjoying sex the way biology dictated
>he has never experienced a prostate orgasm
>no fun allowed
I hope Mohammed cares as little about your sexuality as we do
>Who cares if my entire bloodline ends with me an I'll die at the age of 40 because of AIDS, at least i let someone shove his dick up my ass!
You might as well kill yourself right now.
>getting three dicks in me
>being a slut
being gay doesnt mean i want to be a slut and take tons of dick,i jsut have a relationship with ONE partner, dont lumb me together with your aids ridden kind of fetish gays
Since it's obviously ctr and it won't appear there anymore, how about a little drawn girls thread?
What exactly is wrong side of history?
Was Finland on wrong side of history when they aligned with us against Soviet aggression, when "the right side" decided to throw their support under the bus?
Lemme see dat booty
Wew lad, you haven't seen what they're like.
>he's never experienced cumming into a woman
>chicken scrawl
git gud
You can see my tummy instead over at I'm the OP of the tummy thread.
All you faggots oppose everything normal about western society to the point that there's going to be no one left to fight for you when the mudslimes roll in. What side of history do you think you'll be on when Europe is sharia? If you're lucky they'll just throw you off a building
>doesn't believe in right or wrong
>Everyone is equal
>Fuck everyone they want
>gender and sex are made up
>How does it feel to be on le wrong side of history XD
Fuck of millenial scum
Disgusting shithole full of trannies. Not a gay in sight.
It's almost like Sup Forums is faggier that /lgbt/
>implying I give a fuck about mudslimes
I'll be voting for the SP next election since atleast they're consistent with the policies.
Unlike PVV.
>It's almost like Sup Forums is faggier that /lgbt/
Fair observation.
>Unlike PVV.
You better vote for Geert you filthy cunt.
Twink as shit senpai
>You better vote for Geert you filthy cunt.
>voting for a party who collaborates with anti-LGBT political parties like Vlaams Belang and Front National
Yeah, no.
I'll be voting for Roemer instead.
But Geert made it clear he doesn't mind faggots.
>calls us butthurt
>actually has anal fissure
He's constantly pandering to LGBT which is annoying as fuck, honestly.
He's just like Clinton on that aspect.
I've never been to the netherlands because I hate Moroccans and Turks.
Elect him so I can come buy stroopwafels.
I wouldn't have strong feelings against fags if the parades weren`t the dirtiest and most despicable degenerate events in the world.
Like, who cares if these dudes are fucking in private, just keep it away from the streets, god damn. Or at least try to pretend you're humans when you parade, holy shit
enjoy being obsessed with your genitals like a pubescent boy.
thanks for your societal contributions!
aren't faggots just great?!
You aren't forced to watch, user.
>no fun allowed
>thanks for your societal contributions!
Just post your cock, m8.
lol great meme
thank goodness there was a stigma against that disease-spreading behavior of his or we may not have even had the minimal contribution from him that we did
Like when you folks hijacked the big screen projector at our old University's anime con when you were given a Yaoi/Yuri showcase?
Let us not forget how you humiliated a fellow homosexual because he tried to explain that the big screen were for premiere showcases for that season in Australia.
Fuck the LGBT for ruining a whole con with their shitty, horrible, ""'lesbian""" rep who was rude, ate food meant for the volunteers and called everyone bigots for """suppressing""" her right to present.
That university never held another anime con again. Fuck you, LGBT. You're not homosexual or bisexual. You're a bunch of faggots.
Shouldn't you be pleasuring old men right now?
We can't all grow vaginas at will like you can, Johann. How's that foreign policy working for you?
Yeah gays are gonna have it so good when muslims flood every country (except based Australia). Fucking liberals and their cognetive dissonance.
No problems here so far :^)
We just have shitty neighbours who can't into national security.
>Enjoying gay parades
I'll never understand this. Back when the movement first started they did the sexual deviant parades as protest and attention so people would actually HAVE to notice them and their issues.
Now that they are more than moderately accepted by society, have marriage rights, and are not listed as mental disorders, why do they make themselves out to sexually explicit in their "pride."
It just seems condescending to their movement and status as a group of individuals that your cultural iconic thing as a political is getting a lewd as legally possibly in public so people see the extent of your sexuality.
Shouldn't the individual be defined by their actions and rights as a person, not by their exhibition of their sexuality?
>You aren't forced to watch
And you fags wonder why we take away your rights. Get your disgusting semen orgies the fuck off the streets.
If anyone here is asshurt, it's probably you after you take up the ass. Enjoy the aids and degeneracy.
learn how to draw, faggot
i thought you sissyboys were good at that shit
It's a mental issue, not a physical one
>Immature cuck who enjoys playing with other boys' cocks
When will you grow up? You guys never grow up. You stay all your life vulnerable like a bunch of adult kids. Everyon can make fun of you, because you're so insecure.
It really cracks you up with you see so many families and normies happy with their lives, while you "enjoy parades" with strangers who are only interested in jerking off with you.
Gypsy, please go away.
Enjoy being butthurt over a harmless parade.
>implying Brazil isn't a shilhole anyways
Fucking kek
Are you not the least bit disgusted by the straight up degeneracy around you? How can fags live with themselves, really?
>a literal poor gypsy
>Enjoy being butthurt over a harmless parade.
Sure it's not physically harmful but it is mentally harmful.
No one cares you AIDS infested butt pirate.
You posted this yesterday go waste your life elsewhere cockbreath
s-show legs again senpai
>Sup Forums is not against jews, antisemitism is for mudslimes and Sup Forums is not muslim
>Sup Forums is not against degeneracy, being against degeneracy is for mudslimes and Sup Forums is not muslim
why are faggots so retarded
>implying fags are really all that bad
One of my cousins is a gay and he's voting Trump, fairly redpilled as well.
It's more important that we preserve western culture against the tides of shitskins than stomp out mostly harmless gays.
It means not in lockstep with the latest groupthink.
In 1940, for example, if you weren't a New Soviet Man, you were on the wrong side of history.
It is by definition unsustainable.