Are we onto something?
Mysterious thread deleted
spooky thread
And the whistle blower thread about a murdered DNC staffer. It was right next this one.
I think she is running to stay relevant
If she didn't run, she would become a nobody in politics, and she would be prosecuted for all these crimes
Its like doubling down, she knows she is in some shady shit, so she needs to do more in order to stay afloat, or else she would drown in her past
probably spam, lot of shillary thread are gone
I think we just might have struck gold.
Think about it. That explains the stress. The seizures. Everything. No one goes all out the way she does if she wasn't being put up to it all.
It's a unique prospect. Candidates are usually puppets. It's possible that she's going along with their plans but it's too much for her.
fuck off hillatyh shill
the mods are deleting threads talking about the shilling
Should have called that thread "Inside The Mind Of A Fucking Moron"
>amirite, ladies?
Because they, like you, are a waste of time and space
Yes we know
This is exactly what happened to Sup Forums and gamer gate for you people who are retarded
>wahhh poor Hillary's life is so hard and we should all feel sorry for her
Go shill for that repulsive cunt back on rebbit
what is a CTR?
WTF. This woman has been running for Prez her entire life. Remember during one of the early press conferences during Bill's first term when Hillarycare was introduced. One reporter was skeptical (ancient history here), and her reply was "We are the President"
It is naked Arrogance, Presumption, Power Hunger and the worst form of Entitlement -- "IT'S MY TURN GLASS CEILING WAHHHH !!!!"
It's a PS1 game
I imagine after all the years of death, destruction, lying, Bill, declining health, stress etc. she sees this as her ultimate reward for all this shit before disappearing forever. It would suck to grind it out in Washington for all those decades and never get the job you want after quite literally selling your soul to get it.
Crash The Record it is called
Read this before mark puts a bullet in your head you cunts
>expecting anyone here to fall this guilt trip tactic
yeah nah
Correct the Record.
Hillary's paid online army to find Trump's grass roots army. It's becoming a meme in and off itself tho where anyone that does anything is accused of being a shill from CtR.
*fight (not find)
>screenshoting your own thread because it got no replies and then making another thread about it
aha yes i was part of such a group we got paid by george soros to call political opponents racist on the internet i quit because the money stopped coming into my account
Why did it stop
She has a history of being mentally Hill since she began her political career. Yes, she wants to do this.
Interesting, but likely the ramblings of a madman. Corroboration or proof?