>University of Melbourne
>ISIS Training Room
>Safe campus is everybody's business
What did they mean by this?
University of Melbourne
Melbourne belongs in the trash.
how can you get so PC and culturally inclusive, that you literally start having ISIS training centres hosted by your uni
do you think that this is an actual isis training center?
are you retarded?
ISIS is the name of our public dental service for pensioners and medicare card holders. My dad broke his back ages ago and has been getting free fillings ever since.
it means something else clearly.
>the revisionist government still call it ISIL
>Trump is the only one allowed to say ISIS on TV
Its either something else that happens to have the same initials or some Sup Forumsack made the sign and took a picture.
What is l and why dont they say it?
*say isis
Saw that on stalkerspace too
But srs Melbourne uni are gaycunts
Because it implies we fucked up in Syria. I'm surprised you don't know this you fucking like. ISIL is Islamic State In the Levant, ISIS is Hispanic State In Syria
Look man, I blame the Mexicans for a lot of problems too, but I don't think they're crossing the border to Syria and fucking things up there too
17% Superannuation???
islamic state of iraq and levant afaik
It's probably a social experiment to see if anyone gives a fuck. Report the room.
>$66-90k to teach faggots how to act like a dindu
>$66-90k to buy grog, meth and ciggies
u bewt
Any of you fellow unicunts see those big pink socalism posters stamped all over. Wonder (((who))) finances them.
Socialist alternative does, it says on the poster.
You blind or something?
Ours ALWAYS say "so called" isis or "so called" islamic state
>Socialist alternative
You mean Woolies and the hipster cafe down the road
It's the same fucking thing
One of them mentioned direct association with RMIT University last semester. Made me a bit nervous after pulling them down for years in view of cameras.
>so called
every fucking time man
fuck the BBC
They're basically referring to Al Qaeda in Iraq going back that far. ISIL is long dead, and our leaders referring to the fight with an old Iraqi insurgency when pressed on Islamic State is downplaying the threat.
>Dunno about this IS, but we're fighting out there.
>We've had success so far.
At least they've stopped that Daesh bullshit.
Student elections, sometimes they get into the local student union and can officially push agenda.
Also yeh dont get caught around uni doing that cause if its on official billboards you can get sent to the academic board and 'muh political agenda' wont cut it.
You don't understand.
ISIS and ISIL are the same fucking name, the only difference is in translation of "Sham" (Syria in the first, Levant in the second).
If you want to use the correct name you need to use Islamic State (no Iraq, no Syria) or Caliphate. We still use ISIS because is more practical for anglophones and to deny them the authority of a Caliphate.
La Trobe student here, have high af WAM (90)
Looking at moving, because I can with those marks
Even more evidence that Monash is better right here, also for math fags, engineering is ranked higher at monash, same with chemistry and you can take double degree anyway.
Meanwhile all the smart fucks at melbourne going for biomed have to compete with abos who need like 7 points lower ATAR to get in
Also Melbourne model is trash, expect Melbourne to lose its reputation to Sydney or something else, this school is becoming overrated trash
Shit, I was planning on studying abroad at Melbourne this next year. Do they have decent engineering, or does it belong in the trash?
I don't know why I found this picture so depressing. I know that all universities adhere this strictly to quotas. Maybe it's because they're doing it so brazenly, outright telling people to fuck off.
Maybe it's a good thing we're becoming segregated again. Women and niggers can keep the established universities, and men can go off and start new ones.
>sandfrikan-americans has enough statecraft experience to become a sovereign nation
umma plz
does daesh sound like "boo" or "bae" to anyone else? why would you call a terrorist paramilitary cell after some black guy's pet name for his girlfriend?
Decent. Like i said though, Monash is ranked better and is in the same state.
Good choice m8. Melbourne uni is pretty much bullshit with its unisex toilet and represent the epitome of BA retardation.
But just be warned that Monash can be quite money-grubbing, probably much more than Melbourne, with insane student:teaching staff ratio in some programmes. Monash has expansion and experimentation in mind so don't be surprised if you get caught up in a failed experiment and see your education suffer.
Worried about applying for Uni next year and having to put up with progressive leftwing cuck bullshit.
Is there a lot of it?
What the fuck Australia.
Yes but they are easy to avoid if you keep to yourself or to your peer group. They are only particularly annoying around student elections.
It depends on which university you go to.
My school is so outrageously cucked that it's actually funny.
It's Uni, it's too be expected. It's essentially the breeding grounds for most of this "progressive" bullshit.
Just keep a strong head about yourself and don't let them shame you into anything.
Nothing is off limits for a joke in this country.
And then when the new universities are better they'll demand guaranteed places in those too.
Mhm. Cycle repeats
god bless you
I work a shitty low level NHS job and get 16.3% superann (+5% I put in myself).
Isis is learning the fine arts of shit posting, they will be unstoppable.
Here we go lads
Where was the assault truck
>Hispanic State In Syria
Slitting the throats the americans wont.
They call it the circle of life.
A faggot sang about it once
meaning "we're actually going to pay you $12K for your three month's work, since that's how much time you'll formally be working, even though it will be quite a bit more really, but it will look like this impressive salary if was actually a full-time position".
How do second generation immigrants become so ignorant of their own family ancestry and culture?
Basically, it's all whiteys/capitilisms fault for everything, fuck Australia: The picture.
Someone with right wing viewpoints? We must shut them down.
Seriously we should just wall Melbourne off and let it rot in its own filth.
ISIS and ISIL are exactly the same thing, it was those cucks trying to calling daesh that were dishonest mudslime apologists
They don't
I've literally never met a nonwhite here who wasn't proud of their heritage
I'm pretty sure at this stage its leftists being offended on thier behalf and wanting to make them feel like special oppressed snowflake minority at the hands of white males, which the pic just coincidentally shows..
>I'm pretty sure at this stage its leftists being offended on thier behalf
Exactly it, just see todays "outrage" for the abos.
I refuse to believe you are actually this stupid