If you had the power to make it so all schools, history books...

If you had the power to make it so all schools, history books, TV documentaries and tabloids tell the truth on one historical event, what would it be?

inb4 holocaust

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The actual truth or what they think is the truth?
option 1: holocaust
option 2: who cares

The New Deal so liberals would stop treating it as the second coming when the reality is that it did nothing excepy prolong the depression and institute two shitty programs about to go bankrupt

Good for redpilling plebs on FDR. Short and to the point. Also, wikipedia. Libs claim it isnt accurate but everything that isnt wikipedia is shouted down as untrustable because its the internet or its right wing propoganda.

I'd make them teach how Central Banking in all societies creates a deeply unfair Master and Servant relationship between the People Who Issue Currency and the People Who Use The Currency.

Strike a dagger into the Devil's heart Sup Forums. If "we" don't stop the Central Bank it will forever be our master by the simple fact that we all use it's money.

This issue scares the Elite Class more than all other issues combined. Give Anonymous it's teeth back!

End Central Banking! Allow Competing Currencies! End the Fed!

If you wanna strike the heart so to speak, lets expose the true story of Brown v Board. The truth about that is /x/ tier shit.

I call that "the heart" because whenever the left is cornered, they turn to "MUH CIVIL RIGHTS". The whole reason public schooling and higher ed stress muh civil rights so hard is so when the left uses it as an argument, it is cultural tabboo to debate it.

The crucifixion of Jesus.

The Great Leap Forward.

Alternately, The Holodomor.

Let people understand the true danger of equality.

The 6 gorillion Shoah.

Communism/ Socialism/ Weimar Germany

But it's already common knowledge how bad the Great Leap Forward was.

American civil war. Fucking Yankees were war criminals


The american side in WWI
Everyone knows why the USA entered the war, nut no one cares.
By telling the truth, you mean that they will listen and understand right?

Since i want the truth about it..
the 'holocaust'

The American civil war

Soviet Union.

Black dick size

French Revolution, since that would redpill people on the left forever and immediately make people see the true nature of all the other happenings.

ooh thats a good one, schools here just say it was about slavery -which is total bullshit and i know it.

american civil war and how it was mostly really about the Confederacy wanting to keep their slaves (free labor)
>muh property

>Yankees pillaged the south
>vast majority of rebels didn't own slaves
>Lee, Jackson and Davies weren't racist and thought slavery would die out in a few years anyway
>secession was legal
>films portray Yankees as underdogs while having the best equipment, infinite food and reserves of men whilst the rebels were farm boys with outdated muskets and antiquated rifles


talk about the origin of Libya, the pillaging rape and total war by Grant, and that the war could have totally been avoided if not for the establishment of the mason-dixon line by a one-sided congress of you guessed it: bleeding heart liberals.

didn't need to own slaves to fight for the right of others, businesses, to keep them. they were brainwashed into thinking it was about something much more.

Anyone got this photo with the commie symbol instead of frogs?

Non-white racism


Event meaning instance that happened in one day? Year? Decade?

Honestly, I would either have a redpilled history of the negro in the new world (a nice compare/contrast followed up with a demonstration of how the US negro has failed conclusively at life)
OR how the Jew has managed to get expelled from so many societies throughout the centuries yet still can insinuate themselves into our everyday lives.

2008 crisis
Goldman Sachs


Brown v board or the civil rights movement. Both are pretty X tier

Lyndon b Johnson.

How rome died.

Where can I find the full brown v board story.
This is new for me.
I must know more!!!

The history of pisslam.

Without the Sole Authority to print money, which our Central Bank called the Federal Reserve has, they can not "starve out" communities who want segregation or exclusion as easily.

Brown vs. Board is a symptom but not the cause. The need for cheap brown labor demands racial integration for the working class of society. If the workers get exclusive, even just a little, they can easily block any new immigrants of any color or religion.

If you as a Central Banker call the boss of the local factory and tell him that he can play ball and be very rich or he can have all his contracts get blocked and he and his family will have "trouble," you can force him to dance to your tune.

When you are the only people who are allowed to print money, you can make rich through easy loans or make poor through difficult or non existent loans, any area of the country or world that uses your money.

The Money Printing is the Life Blood of Forced Integration.

Spread the word!

>Brown Vs Board
>x teir

What am I missing??

What's the 'truth' that needs to be told??

>OR how the Jew has managed to get expelled from so many societies throughout the centuries yet still can insinuate themselves into our everyday lives.
If I recall correctly more whites have been kicked out of more countries, across 3 continents, over then last two centuries alone.

The very reason Americans need to finally get some real education.

This election to be honest. Every american should know about the corruption that's going on.

What ethnicity/religious group is behind Communism, how bad the Weimar Republic was, international banking and finance, the Federal Reserve, the attempted Communist coup in Germany before Hitler took power etc

George Washington was a shitty commander and a worse president, the only redeeming quality was how lucky the guy was


No more needs to be said.

da jooz tho

>If you had the power to make it so all schools, history books, TV documentaries and tabloids tell the truth on one historical event, what would it be?
The French revolution.

The story of how segregation came about and why many felt it should be maintained is one story. How Brown v Board came about and affected everything is different. I will say this: segregation in schools and businesses would had ended naturally had Brown v Board not come about. In all areas but northern housing segregation. I believe thered still be vast areas in the north where black men cant move into white neighborhoods. The south didnt have the housing discrimination problem to the extent the north did. Blacks and whites lived amongst each other.

For one, the Supreme Court had decided on segregation eight times before Brown v Board came along. They decided, each time, that however unpopular some may see segregated institutions as, the federal government doesnt have the authority to intervene in a state's internal affairs.

The last time they decided on segregation before Brown v Board, the court wrote in its majority opinion that there was no excuse for the question to ever be brought before the court again. So to justify Brown v Board, the court used "modern science" to look at race relations. Sociology specifically. They looked at "the doll experiment" which showed how black kids wanted to play with a white doll over a black doll nevermind that a small child placed in a lab room and being asked weird questions by a creepy adult cant possibly affect the child's thinking.

dont forget
>muh andersonville
yeah the conditions were bad and they were starving...but the north burned all the farms and destroyed all the railroads...how the hell are they expected to feed 50000 pows when they cant feed themselves?

its literally no different than the holocaust. disease and starvation were rampant but it was because a war was going on

Result of the doll test showed that segregated schools made black children feel inferior, thus they had to sit next to a white kid to learn. This was insulting to blacks in America and a few years later, with the reasoning niggers had to sit next to white kids to learn, you had whites being bussed out of their neighborhoods to black schools and blacks being bussed out of their neighborhoods to the white neighborhood. Ask your grandparents about that.

A result of Brown v Board is that schools all over America fell under federal regulation, resulting in tremendous cultural subversion ever since. According to civil service examination records in the Korean war, 80% of blacks drafted met literacy requirements. 80% of blacks dont graduate high school today.

Race relations were uneasy before Brown v Board but were progressing. The court decision caused a social upheaval which lit a spark inciting racial violence which set race relations back fifty years and would have repercussions for decades to come.

One of the "authorities" the supreme court used was the 1500 page sociological text "An American Dilemma" by Gunnar Myrdal. The writing of this text was funded by the Carnegie Corporation. Myrdal, a swedish socialist and former head of the swedish eugenics program had over sixty associates working with him on it. This text, cited in the majority opinion, calls for population control measures against all peoples (so fighting over resources wouldnt cause racial tension), abolition of the constitution, extending population control to blacks more than whites and for blacks to cause "social disturbances" so in the name of ending chaos the federal government would grant them equal rights.

Several of the people who worked on this text were eugenicists. Eugenics had always been seen as BS science by ordinary people, but people were forced by popular media to see it as legit. WW2, a war against eugenic madman Hitler ended up causing eugenics to lose legitimacy altogether in America. Brown v Board gave legitimacy back to eugenicists, rebranded "sociologists" whom would use their "social science" to choose what was best for how people should live.

An American Dilemma was compiled by Donald R Young. He encouraged Stuart Chase to write the book "A New Deal," which FDR stole the name from, calling for socialism in the US and executing profit seekers by firing squad.

Sociologists and psychologists began to develop theories that political opinions were symptoms of mental illness and people could be forcibly medicated based on political stance alone. The next part gets really interesting

How much do you miss apartheid?

Take the case of General Edwin A Walker. He was the general who led federal troops into Little Rock Arkansas to forcibly integrate the high school there. Afterward, he realized it was wrong for the federal government to invade a sovereign state and nationalize that state's national guard. Walker stated next time he would "be on the right side." He stayed in Mississippi where it was public knowledge it would happen again. When federal troops invaded Mississippi to integrate a college campus, white students broke out into rioting. In a lull in the rioting, Walker stood upon a statue and called for students to act civil. UPI reported that Walker was trying to stop the rioting. The AP reported he led the rioters. A few days later a federal marshall showed up at Walker's house, with a letter from a psychologist at the Federal Insane Asylum in Springfielf Missouri (the psychologist never met walker and based his diagnosis off newspaper accounts) and Walker was forcibly sent to the prison where he was stripped and forced to eat off the floor. His friends and family had no idea where he was but banded together to force the government to give Walker a trial where he was found innocent of inciting race riots and to be above average intelligence. He later moved to Dallas to work for the anticommunist John Birch Society and communist Lee Harvey Oswald attempted an assassination attempt on him. All records of Walker on the internet today report the incorrect AP version of the race riots as a smear against the still active John Birch Society.


The vengeful and draconian sanctions placed upon Germany post WW1. These directly caused the suffering of the German people and the rise of the Reich. The French caused WW2 far more than did Germany.

Hey bud, those are all covered under "holocaust" sorry.

I would kek pretty hard if common core or something forced northern schools to call the war
"The War of Northern Aggression"

Brown v Board was actually five plaintiffs whom had combined their cases into a class action lawsuit against the institution of segregation. Being a class action lawsuit, this gave legitimacy to groups that claimed to represent all black people, like the terroristic cop-killing RAM and Black Panthers, and the divisive riot agitating SCLC and SNCC.

Several blacks in the deep south were against the end of segregation,. They knew their black kids would be bullied in white schools. All black schools meant all black teachers (hundreds of thousands of black teachers lost their jobs) and the racial violence resulting in Brown v Board left many black resentful toward the supreme court.

When there was the freedom drive in Missippi during the civil rights era, black groups from outside of the towns they campaigned in, vandalized, looted and rioted. In the name of civil rights of course. Black community leaders that hated this were ridiculed and intimidated, murdered occasionally. But these "civil rights" groups represented all black people of course. By allowing some fanatical, racist and violent black groups the authority to represent all blacks, funded by whites in tax exempt foundations and LBJ's great society programs, we are left the ridiculous myths that
>blacks in the south wanted at all costs for the federal government to throw states rights aside and intervene in state affairs
>integration was the greatest thing since sliced bread
>the uptake in violence that began in the fifites, resulting in a doubling in nationwide crime between 1965 and 1970, then increased until the 1980s where crime was higher than the prohibition era, had NOTHING to do with civil rights
>Americans whom feared commie subversion were paranoid delusionals
>All blacks just loved that asshole MLK
>LBJ did nothing wrong, didnt you see the HBO movie on him with Brian Cranston?

Thanks, bruh!


check the numbers over the amount of years. you guys take the cake.

what's even more embarrassing is that whites actually had armies/milititias and were in positions of power.


early Islamic conquests


The New World Order.

That narrative persists today and makes the case for more government control in education, less states rights, and more racial strife. In the name of equality of course.

Here is the last post. I have lots of sources, most are in book form. Ill give you what can be found online however

Watch this whole video
Go to 37:37 and continue from there for five minutes
If you feel like doing some reading. A few nuances here and there but eyeopening

Also, none Dare Call it Treason has god tier info on sociologists and General Walker. The Actor by Alan Stang is great as well. God bless the John Birch Society.

Nine Men Against America has an excerpt from a southern paper where a black woman writes an op-ed against Brown v Board. Also, listening to black radio stations has lots of very old black people call in talking about how they had it better when they ran the schools themselves.

Foundations: Their Power and Influence by Rene Wormser is a good source on how the elite try to influence society.

Also, the interracial sex thing is a whole nother discussion. Much of segregation was to prevent interacial breeding. Partly to preserve bloodlines and partly because the stories of black violent gangs in urban climates of the north scared the southerner. Something not taught in schools because they want to force this civil rights bullshit down our throats at a young age and they leave sex out of it.

Also: mdah.ms.gov/arrec/digital_archives/sovcom/
The sovereignty commission archives are pretty interesting. A little difficult to navigate but rewarding

Australian schools are redpilled on the New Deal

did you read the whole thing?

The most interesting narrative here is that despite society's best efforts, the few racists always manage to fuck over the black man.
A good read, though it still leaves the question of what America would be like today if we'd jus left everything alone.