
>be American
>Over 200 years have my society grow based on the labor of a wide range of europeans immigrating to my country (literally millions of Germans, Anglos etc) as well as chinese and others
>These people influence elections in regards to both world wars and shape the nation over the years
>The year becomes 2016
>Immigrants ruined this country let's maga and stop immigration

Why are Americans so ignorant of their own history? Immigration literally mag yet now its the enemy

Other urls found in this thread:

Because we don't want ILLEGAL immigrants here. The rest are fine

White European immigrants of a similar cultural background that are let in at a reasonable pace, who after 2 generations look and act the same as everyone else and assimilate =/= mestizo/ mulatto immigrants with vastly different cultural values and base IQ coming in massive quantities being propped up by the welfare state and creating pocket communities where there is no need or desire to assimilate whatsoever

Do I really need to write a paragraph and use citations to tell you that conservatives are generally dumb as fuck? There's a reason Trump's core support is white men without a college degree.

>Literally millions of Germans arrive as immigrants in America throughout the 19th century
>In 1918 America enters WW1
>Somehow this does not count as a large local populace that now has conflicting values inside your borders

>not taking into the fact that today's immigrants are dirty spics or violent sandniggers.
This is why we call you are called a leaf.

You just typed a paragraph, silly faggot. Hey which one in pic related is you, user?

The old immigrants did not break the LAW

>what is assimilation

My whole argument is that people of similar cultural and ethnic backgrounds assimilate more easily. Faggot.


Didn't seem to make a difference to Wilson

>Immigration literally mag yet now its the enemy

The difference between immigration and invasion is assimilation.

Put differently:
1600s-1920s: I want to be a part of that!
1920s-Today: I want to take a part of that!


Let's not forget how their country was founded by rebellious degenerates

>illegal immigration
>legal immigration

Why do you pretend there is no difference? HERE of all places you try this?

Your country was literally founded on an illegal rebellion

Only failed rebellions are illegal.

Then I suppose only law breaking illegal immigrants are invaders

But they're as well as failed if the right person is elected who will send them all back to mexico.

Good thing they've already broken the law by immigrating illegally.