Better keep a close eye on it British, soon it will be ours

Better keep a close eye on it British, soon it will be ours

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Argie tears are best tears

Why the britjews are keeping this place anyway?

Try it fuccboi

Isn't it time for your siesta Miguel?

Strategic Positioning

Just a question: are there muslims in Gibraltar?

Is this the Falkland Islands? Can I immigrate there?

No and no.

That's not the kind of thinking that gets you a cool empire to lose

It had been in British hands longer than it has been in Spanish hanfs. And the natives like it that way.


It's a lot nicer than that miserable place

I can't remember seeing any but there are monkeys, a big old rock and a big old tax haven.

Because the Spanish can't be trusted to not lose it to the Moors and open the floodgates to the Muslim world of North Africa.

Plus it's a comfy place and makes us some money.

And it pisses Spain off.

And we were given it for eternity by the French and Spanish Kings Louis XIV and Philip V and just because a new government get annoyed, that doesn't mean international treaties can be dissolved or superseded.

>Notice that Inglaterra is written far larger than Espana.

Do Brits actually care about Gibraltar? It'd be like me caring about PEI. Sure they grow a lot of potatoes there but who gives a fuck.

Oh god, I bet twitter was filled with tweets like these
Fucking losers

>Voted 95% remain
HAHAHAHHAHA soon they will come begging to suck on our chodes and rejoin great Spanish empire,,, dumb bitch

No but I imagine some of the natives are descended from snackbarians

Britain cares about all of her territories. No matter how big or small.

I've been there, it's really cosy, and the monkeys are top cute

>American education

You mean the monkeys? Easy mistake to make

They only voted remain because they have to cross a border like 20 times a day.

Once your country goes bankrupt we'll buy it for like £2. That way these poor Brits stuck near your shithole of a country will be able to go where they please and wont have to worry about crossing some border because you wont exist anymore.

You wouldn't believe the salt

They are little bastards who stole my hat.


Yep. 4% so about 1,200 people. There's a huge mosque at Europa Point, probably paid for by SA.

Morroccans mainly. They're the least educated (44% attain 5 GCSEs vs 66% average) and the highest crime committers (9.4/1000 vs average of 6.3/1000).


You have no idea

This is the mosque.

No, we will buy Britain once your economy crashes after being brexit. Why do no Brits know basic economics?

that one never fails to make me laugh

Dude I watched one steal a woman's mars bar right the fuck out of her hand as she was about to eat it.
Love those bastards

No not really but if anyone tries to take it we will kill them.

LOL you fuckers are unlikely to even be able to keep your country together, let alone take parts of someone else's

I put the likelihood of the Catalonia separatists succeeding at far higher than Gibraltar joining Spain.

Fuck off. Your economy is so shit you couldn't even afford to buy a bag of fucking crisps let alone an entire country.

hahahaha holy shit

What's your favourite Overseas Territory lads?

British Virgin Islands here

>EU member
>global influence
I wish idiots who know nothing would stop spouting remain myths

Can you dagos even buy fucking shoes

Falklands because of the amount of tears they have produced

Watched one steal a video camera, run up the rock, video some stuff (copying human actions) then come back down the rock and trade it with the woman for a sandwich.

He ate the sandwich then came back and stole the camera from her again while she was checking to see if the ape actually videoed anything.

Chucked it off the edge.


It is yours. It is simply stolen.

Yeah, and a big imposing mosque too

What's the matter brexitard, finally realised your mistake? Mama Merkel won't give you shit now, your economy is fuxkked and you WILL accept free movement of people. What total cucks.

Won't Brexit pretty much screw them over? Can I live there yet?

Are you still angry about the stuff we keep in our museums?

Spain was great when it's citizens weren't arab rape babies.
You'll never be great again, bleached shitskin.

>They're the least educated (44% attain 5 GCSEs vs 66% average) and the highest crime committers
Gee whiz what a surprise

Brexit doesn't forfeit land dood

>UK votes to leave EU
>Euro stock markets crash
>British stock markets rise

We never were in Schengen. Our economy is fine. Unemployment at half the Eurozone average.

The best thing that ever happened in Spain was that bombing that killed all those "people" and spread "human" paella all over the tracks.

Either the Pitcairns because of the crazy way they were founded.

The British Antarctic Territory because it's bigger than Mongolia and that blows my mind.

Or Gib because it's a comfy as fuck place and it feels good to annoy the Spanish.

What has your country ever even done, dumb Russian bitch? I don't think Germany or Spain will even step in to halt the russians when they penetrate your quivering ass.

The locals want to stay British, for the same reason people in melilla and Ceuta (even the muslims) want to stay part of Spain.

Fuck off sandnigger, we will invade you fucks if you dare try anything

Yeah but spics don't understand self-determination very well.

Everyone knows Merkel won't give you any deals without free movement, dumb Anglo. How can any one nation be so naive??

Treaty of Utrecht pal. The land was given to us legally by the King of Spain and the King of France. Stop crying or we'll annex Cyprus again.

you can have it kek

Gibraltar niggers always shop in Spain because it's cheaper. No one will/can anymore once you leave the EU, so just leave and we'll re-populate it.

wtf i hate gibbleter now

why doesnt anyone want to take malta

You realise Merkel will be sucking our great british cocks for trade to save the german automotive industry right?

Hilarious really. It's so good that facts just keep working in my/our favour in every argument.

It's like reality is reality or something.

Yes, its basically confirmed now they will be one of the weakest nations in Europe by 2030. Probably eastern Europe tier by 2050.

>accept these terms you didn't agree to before

It doesn't work like that

>in artillery range of alot of countries
>current year

>90% pro EU
>argies that pretend their english or sand nigs

>wanting to keep it

It works whatever Merkel says it works like, you have no negotiating power now, HAHAHAHHAHA I cannot wait to buy up land in Britain at rock bottom prices in 5 years.

>In 1704, during the War of the Spanish Succession, a combined Anglo-Dutch fleet, representing the Grand Alliance, captured the town of Gibraltar on behalf of the Archduke Charles of Austria in his campaign to become King of Spain. The occupation of the town by Alliance forces caused the exodus of the population to the surrounding area of the Campo de Gibraltar.[18][19] As the Alliance's campaign faltered, the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht was negotiated and ceded control of Gibraltar to Britain to secure Britain's withdrawal from the war. Unsuccessful attempts by Spanish monarchs to regain Gibraltar were made with the siege of 1727 and again with the Great Siege of Gibraltar (1779 to 1783), during the American War of Independence.

Just so that we have the whole picture.

You used to be part of our glorious Empire but you completely disregarded us saving you from the French and being your bros and demanded independence.

Now you're irrelevant and have a shit flag.


It's really quite sad that you seem so happy to live under German rule. You're pathetic, Spain.

You had a great chance at becoming something brilliant like the UK but you fucked it up completely and now you're gloating on the internet because you get told how to live by a Kraut.

The Rock, Elizabeth.

They can't help how they look, user. It's rude to call the locals monkeys.

Not even close.

Exactly. Spain were so scared of Britain destroying them that they signed away their most strategic piece of land. Pathetic.




By Jenry McFuckleberry

Whatever we want, we will take, and there is nothing you can do to stop us. France and Germany think even less of you than we do. They won't help you. We will humiliate you, grind you beneath our boots, offer you the hand of friendship, raise you up only to stab you in the back. That is what we do and what we will always do. We will own you.

Apologies for revealing my anglo power level, but sometimes people need to know what they are dealing with when it comes to us, for their own sake if nothing else.

It was our fault for not letting them have an mp 2bh, also general shitty behaviour by people from blighty living in malta

>given to us legally

just say we kicked your ass and took it, stop making yourself look a fool


... yet, the land belongs to Spain. No matter how hard you want to steal it.

>winning wars ever.

Wow you're absolutely right. That explains why the US has no overseas military bases. oh wait...

p-please dont

Its only successful becuase its Anglo.

No Moor

>needing a navy base
>with no navy

The only reason we've managed to keep Gib is because of that treaty and because it was signed over by the King. If we'd taken it by force we'd have been made to give it up at some point.


The eternal Anglo.

Picture not really related.

I'm itching for a war and so is at least half the population,
If it isn't turkey, then you'll be a fine substitute for beginning WW3

We only let you anglos keep it now because we know brexit is tough time for you guys. When the time is right, and you can handle it, we will request it be given back, if it's not...well things won't be so pretty for anglos

>Not understanding international treaties
>No money for schools

Peter the Hermit?

he was French btw and based

also thats not even Peter the Hermit you nob

What are you gonna do? Write us an angry letter?

UK holds the land. It's their land now. Spain was a dumbass for being so easy on its overseas territories, like we (filipinos) made a fake banana canon and the Spanish surrendered because they thought we had an army (negros occidental independence, bacolod)

>having a choice in what anyone does
I wonder if Spanish """people""" actually believe this nonsense.


We tried, it was so costly to take it.

Malta Siege (failed) and Crete Siege (successful) led to the bankruptcy of OE

Calm down Jason.

Spanish,French,Dutch, German Moortugiese are our mates now.

Never said anything about Peter or hermits lad.

Just posted a picture because I hadn't done for a few posts.

Call upon the EU army, once it is created it will be much bigger than your petty """"""""""""""""""""army""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""". We will probably seize many more territories as well.

Fuck you.