I never had bad experiences with black people, I wonder why Sup Forums hates them so much.
Arabs are the only ones who disturb our society.
But anyway, this thread is about your stories involving black people.
I never had bad experiences with black people, I wonder why Sup Forums hates them so much.
Arabs are the only ones who disturb our society.
But anyway, this thread is about your stories involving black people.
You live in fucking France
American niggers are another beast
That explains why I've never had a problem with any as well?
i saw a nigger walking in a university so i ran after him and shot him before he raped anyone
I lived in a basically white town, and I had a black (African sudanese guy) come up behind me and try to put my head in with a piece of timber. And this is in Australia with no history of enslaving africans.
I lived with niggers in college, they're some of the most violent and racist people I've ever met
Why ?
American niggers are not some kind of mulatroes, with a good proportion of pure white blood ? This should cool down their bestiality do not you think ?
you deserved it because we wuz kings n shieet
For all I know you are a nigger
There is nothing wrong with black people, only racist bigots from Sup Forums
I have seen several niggers begging in the streets, like 10 maybe in 10 years of being here. The curious thing is that they never appear the next day
And there was a exchange nigger from Nigeria, bastard looked surreal, he HAD A FUCKING SNOUT.
Back to Sup Forums with ya.
They all seemed to have some sort of connection to cocaine when I was in university.
If you were at a party and wanted to get high, just hit up the nearest black dude.
Even when I graduated Uni and got a job in another city... Black dudes trying to sell me blow in the smoke pit at the club I was at.
For the 4,000,000th time....
90% of American Blacks give the others a bad name...
Fine Tier AB's are generally from US Military families... Mom & Dad in home (shocking!), kids have "normal" names, kids are disciplined by parents, etc.
Other Fine Tier AB's can be found in American Football --- on the Defensive and Offensive line teams. Huge men, but generally soft spoken, and never get caught up in Gangsta Culture.
The other 90% of Blacks want attention, so they do outrageous things and compete among themselves for a pair of sneakers.
>source: grew up in the South.
No, the opposite. The white blood in Ameriniggers has made them slightly more intelligent, but still stupid. So they're right in the mean IQ range for criminality, but still stupid to not be able to control their impulses. This makes the particularly problematic. Not as docile as lower IQ dum dums.
You phrased that rather poorly. Given the current cultural/political climate, it's closer to 10% of blacks behavior excusing the poor behavior of 90%.
Also, such behavior is not unique to American blacks. European blacks follow extremely similar patterns of inability to assimilate or integrate to any meaningful extent. Ghetto culture appears to be a default setting for those who simply cannot, that 90% you prattled off is a pretty good metric for black communities throughout the West.
Oh and since we're here. I've said this before, but a black man broke into my Aunt's house for sheltering her friend, a coalburner, who just went through a nasty breakup with said black man. My uncle was an hour out from coming home from work. The man came to the door, when my aunt answered it, he pushed her out of the way, barged inside, had a short argument with the angry ex-girlfriend, he pulled a gun, shot her in the head, my aunt was heading for the phone when he shot her as well. He claimed insanity at the trial (it didn't work).
There is 1 black person in the town I live in. Not 1% of people are black. Just 1 single black person.
He has been here since before I was born, but no one knows who the fuck he is. He has no friends, he talks to no one, he doesn't seem to do anything but randomly walk around. No one even knows his name so we all just call him "Seabass".
Negros are great for cheap labor, they do a bad job so you don't feel inclined to pay them.
Maybe he is a neet and a anime lover.
>Be me
>British poo in loo.
>Out drinking. 5 hours solid with friends
>Decide to walk to cab office.
> Unsteady on feet.
> Fall on the floor onto some black bin bags.
>get up
>Check pockets.
>Take out wallet to make sure I have it.
>Nigger runs like The Flash past me
> Tries to grab my wallet
>Still have my wallet in hand.keeps on running.
>Drunk, but angry at near theft
>Shout out
>"You've got no dad"
«You've got no dad »
I never had actual problems with Blacks in my own country, but the hellholes that purely Black countries are proof enough for me that they are incapable of civilization.
You can't fool us nigger
>be me
>living in a remote part of DK
>20k people population (including what is essentially suburbs and what not)
>only black i've ever encountered was a black bitch literally named Sango
>moved from The Congo™
>singlehandedly disrupted so many hours of education, that its not even funny
>gets kicked out of school
And that, as they say, is that
One tried to scam me with some stupid cup guessing game thing on a street in Harrisburg one time, that's about it really. I don't ever hang out places that a lot of them hang out at, and the ones I know are all pretty normal people. Im really glad I don't live in a major city or ghetto area where the 3 trash is.
One of my good friends is a Jamaican immigrant who's into anime and is based as fuck.
Come to Los Angeles my friend, then you'll never relax around niggers again
Bless you sir.
>the hellholes that purely Black countries are proof enough for me that they are incapable of civilization.
The Dinka did pretty well for themselves.
But since they don't have a stock market they're failures in our eyes.
Live in a Chicago for a week. If not, then New York. American niggers are 1000x worse than a Euro one.
You're right, we shouldn't let a few million bad apples ruin the bunch
When I was younger a nog family that is close friends with my family had their house burn down, and they needed a place to stay while their new house was being built, so they stayed with us for a month or so. Shit was awesome; I got to play with my buddy all day long for a month. But this was a pretty stable nog family, the dads a sheriff.
> nothin' but good vibes
I've had alot of experience with blacks, ALOT.
Black people don't really bother me personally. But it's probably due to my appearance.
> Sango from The Congo
did you fuck her
What about New York and Détroit ?
Good job
>walking from car to class in college
>black guy walking slightly ahead of me
>throws an empty plastic flask to the ground
>obviously drunk as fuck
>turns back and looks at me
>'yeah you best be walkin down that sidewalk, mothafucka'
>just stares at me and I keep walkin
She wanted the my glorious scandicock, but to be perfectly honest, the thought of dark meat in the lower regions disgusted me back then. Now I'd probably be able to tough it out, but the risk of Congo super AIDS is still a bit worrying.
I used to be a liberal humanitarian worker.
>We would feed the Africans when we could
> everyday a different mother clutching a severely malnourished baby would come by begging for food
>us libcucks would give her lots of high energy food.
>this went on for weeks.
> then we realise
> These women used some unwanted baby and purposely kept it malnurished so they could be fed everyday.
Like 5 different women pulled the same trick with the same baby
I had two black friends growing up. One had his mother raped by an uncle and moved away, the other had cauliflower ear from being beaten and died from another beating. This wasn't in the hood or a bad area, it was middle class, very safe, mostly white.
You don't have to hate them, but it's best to stay far, far away from them.
M8, i know how you feel, because my best friend is half fin, half american nigger.
Then again, we both hate niggers more than anything, so my guess is that I found the 0,0001%
then they weren't nogs.
Just black people
>for (you)
there are 2 types of black poeople:
1. the normal black guy who is usually pretty chill and behaves civilized
2.the chimpout nigger who will steal your stuff if you dont watch
in germany(at least in my hometown) we mostly have type 1, besides some "refugees" ofc so i didnt really had negative experiences. once a black guy at my campus even helped me out in a conflict.
Shines are just like every other skin color - full of assholes. Some assholes use skin color to be bigger assholes by pointing out their enemy skin color's shortcomings, but every "race" has assholes, and they're all niggers, regardless of their level of tan.
I had a black friend this year, he was cool
I live in the state of Utah so I never really saw blacks frequently until recent years where they've started to pop up. Still have zero experiences with them so I have no opinion.
Thank you.
The two Black girls I fucked weren't on any method of birth control and had zero qualms about having a random dude cum inside them and even wanted me to, digging their heels into my ass cheeks to pull me in as deep as I could go when they knew I was about to cum.
they wanted your child support money you spicnigger, too bad they probably didn't know you were of similar blood to them
Do you have aids now?
Take some bliny for your service, kind sir
I've had plenty good black friends. Some of the greatest chill people.
But I learned young to hate niggers when I went to a very "diverse" jr high school. Young niggers are like another species from "black people" . Something about when they get together in large groups really brings out the savagery.
>There were fights at lunch everyday, and when I say EVERYDAY im not exaggerating.
>Kids getting jumped in bathrooms.
>Niggers raided the cafeteria and stole all the hot wings.
>ALL the black girls were nasty and/or obese.
>There was a drive-by threat at one point.
The stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. Just keep the black people separate and they're fine.
I was born in Northern Ireland and currently live in New Zealand, so my experiences with blacks are minimal.
I have never personally met an african-american, but I do have a friend from Zimbabwe. He's pretty cool, he likes RTS games and we play Catan with others from time to time.
I also met an english black woman while job hunting, she seemed alright.
nigger detected
10/10 frate
One day people will realize that niggers and black people aren't the same thing.
Black people are fine, they're just black, who literally fucking cares.
Niggers are scum of the earth.
you can't fool me jamal
I realized today that blacks claiming they invented Arthur and Spongebob jokes really contextualized to me how blacks have a culture of theft and stealing everything they can find
I used to hook up with this strong black girl and get totally femdommed. I miss her
>white """""people"""""
Shouldn't you guys be fucking your pet or something?
Always had trouble with blacks when growing up yet was never raised to hate them. Eventually I met better ones during my highschool years because the town I lived in only had a few and they were like the token black guys and girls.
My worst memories around blacks are at military school when they all acted like it was prison and tried to fight and steal at any given moment. They always fucked with people and were fucking cowards and lazy as shit when it came to doing anything around base. The way they talked was annoying as hell "say mayng" "hol up" "lemme git dat" "ey boi". Shit like that.
And just like in the streets they can't seem to keep their fucking pants above their asses.
I have never seen one in person
>inb4 look at the mirror
Here in Romania, in my city we have alot of black students from African countries, zero problems with them, i see them walking on the street either alone or in small groups , they are quiet and well behaved, well dressed and usually have a sad or very serious expression on their faces, very different people from the american dindus.
>Go to small school
>3 niggers in total, 2 in one class 1 in mine.
>Always pretty quiet when they're not all together
>Often try to see into or sneak into girls locker room, always told on when they do.
>One day one of the niggers pick a fight with a shy kid who didn't want to trade pokemon cards.
>Shy kid tries to get away but nigger kids hold him.
Shy kid start's pushing in order to get away.
>Goes down somehow
>gets stomped
>looses vision in one eye and a fractured jaw.
>Kike principal, commie social workers and lazy judicial system let's it slip because poor little niglets.
That's rich coming from someone who fucks gorillas
No one going to comment on this?
si stii de ce? pentru ca negrul violent si schizofren este un stereotip.exista si negri rai si negri buni, la fel ca si noi romanii albi, n-am avut probleme cu tiganii niciodata dar m-am batut cu romani pentru ca erau tari in gura. pol ''is full of shit'' cand vine vorba de alte ''rase''
I grew up poor in a predominately white neighbourhood. Not great but always had a good time playing outside, soccer and such. One black family 'gang' moves in. Steals toys, always picking fights and then twisting shit to blame other kids. Terrible pests. Parents cause noise and trouble. Cps al over the place.
Friend of mine gets new upstairs neighbor, asshole blasts damn reggae all day seven days a week. He works shifts and gets stressed as fuck. Complains nicely, gets yelled at 'mofo goddamn wassis blabla'. He ends up moving.
Be in Spain, get violently robbed by angry illegal nigger walking back to the hotel after dinner. Police terribly unhelpful and refuse to speak English.
I have more, but who cares. It only proves what we already know. They're cancer to good times.
I have 1 black coworker, and he's actually not a walking negative steriotype. Or so I thought. I always treated him like a white equal, and we always got along pretty well, he was even receptive to some sutle red pilling. Eventually found out he has kids with 3 different sheboons, and just last friday he got arrested at work for multiple charges, not even sure what.
They are all a bunch of fucking niggers. Around blacks, don't relax. They have to go back.
I've met blacks in the UK. Worked with them too.
Noticed a very clear pattern with them
>low IQ dumbasses, can't figure out anything on their own
>extremely shy and quiet when no other blacks around
>in packs they become aggressive and loud as fuck, always harassing people and picking fights
>british coal burners flock to them, and these guys always try to convert them to Islam while asking to take them to Africa or some shit (probably trying to sell them into slavery)
I already hate blacks, but having first hand experiences with them I think they're vermin who need to be exterminated like cockroaches.
Honestly they're the worst race. I'll take Australian aborigines over black ''people''.
I tried to be friendly with them and see if I can find some cool black guys to befriend, but they're full on autistic shy weirdos when you try to talk to them, and when they're in groups it's better to avoid them.
>extremely shy and quiet when no other blacks around
this, what the fuck. they're more autistic than your average Sup Forums user. all the chimping out is like an aspergers tantrum
based baltics
>I never had bad experiences with black people, I wonder why Sup Forums hates them so much.
I never had AIDS, I wonder why Sup Forums hates it so much.
You're a hero