Server for DNC lawsuit found dead

Shawn Lucas, the activist who served the lawsuit papers to the DNC and DWS, and was found recently dead... Of an apparent suicide according to close family and friends.
Update on the Shawn Lucas death. The Washington DC police have given out a death report and we are waiting for copy of it to be sent to us. SHAWN LUCAS WHO SERVED LAWSUIT ON THE DNC AND DWS IS DEAD! His girlfriend found him, and may be too upset, yet to let us know much. We will wait for the PDF of the police report. Yesterday, we learned that Victor Thorn an anti-Clinton researcher is dead...."suicide?". When there is a Clinton connection, we must ask questions! Shawn's FB page cannot be accessed. Possibly he had it set that way. We just know very little, yet.

Can any of you niggers find any confirmation as to whether this is true or not? It seems pretty fucking legitimate, however it might just be a bunch of reddit faggot conspiracies but they might be onto something if this guy is actually dead of an apparent suicide as the articles are asserting.

Other urls found in this thread:

Murdered you mean?

Most probable but I'm trying to get some sort of confirmation as to whether the info is true or not, seems true entirely and a day prior to this mans suicide Victorn Thorn an AFP researcher was found dead as well...

This shit is bananas homeboys.

>police report to be given by DC police

Suicide with 5 head gunshot wounds incoming

While hogtied.


couple of days before dying Victor gave an interview with a guy on GLP who runs a radio show.

brb, going underground

Guys, we can get this out by spreading it to Bernie bros, they will want to know

Do it for the greater good

>All security personnel at DNC are black

We're being slid hard

Another for the list I suppose, not that it's had much of an effect trying to get word of these (((suicides))) out already


Quit pussyfooting around and get this to Drudge alongside other alt media NOW

Literally how does she keep getting away with it?

This thread is being slid hard.

thats all pure coincedence. try harder trump shill

also done with the left hand as right hander on his right temple


bump for justice

I can't believe she's getting away with this shit lads

Because liberals and globalists know how to organise and get things done.

Only cuckservatives are essentially driven by mostly animal like desires of wanting to sadistically hurt other people based on flimsy collectivism and denial of the individual, but in this nature they also lack the ability to plan long term.

Just a (((cohencidence))) lad


Maybe he did actually kill himself, just like anyone who is remotely associated with the DNC should?

It's still a curiosity

Every day that goes by this whole election feels more and more rigged, especially with Trump saying more and more things that'll do nothing but lose voters

Possibly, just like the dumbbell guy. This shit is getting ridiculous.

Bumparoo with no real contribution. I'm at work and must continue on. God speed fellas.


Rememver the British intelligence GCHQ employee who was found zipped up inside a locked bag in a bath that was ruled an accident? Kek

>***Requesting go team, CTR has infliltrated thread. Put octo on standby for immediate extraction of thread topic if they break through

She wont win

She will win

abandon all hope

Peas in a pod. CIA when they put black marker through everything in their reports and """meant to use a highlighter""" too.

>She wont win
Says increasingly nervous man for the 5th time this week


Gareth Williams.

No one will care.
If hillary personally beheaded a priest while yelling allahu ackbar, the media wouldn't even cover it more than 1 minute.
Liebrals are morons. They will not see what is right in front of them.

We are doomed because if it and will need to forcibly change the amrivan landscape back to normalcy. Another civil war will have to happen. A war of ideals.


So what if Hillary ordered him assassinated? She did not really meant any harm, so there's no need for indictment.


did you mean to say US Army?

I'm OP, I'm in the army, please no stump me Hillary, I'll be a subservient goy i pwomise ;_;...

I wish the CIA spooks were on our side

I used to Believe there were still some old school patriots left in the IC who who do something but I have been proved wrong

>Liebrals are morons.
This. You can have the most literate and erudite liberal journalist in the world, but when it comes to understanding simple sentences from their opponents the meaning somehow just gets translated into "muh racism". Their bias also works the other way too.

Maybe some are, but these were willing to be little bitches for pieces of paper and "power".

I hope the FBI and CIA become how they should be and that is instruments of power for our interests as a Race.

Because the executive branch is the one who investigate and indict, and they are completely 100% compromised. She can literally break any laws she wants and they'll just ignore it; they can do this because even if there is outrage, they simply tell the media not to cover it, and people forget about it in a day or two, or because the media is not covering it, "it's probably not such a big deal after all."


That's the one

(((Apparent suicide)))

At least it wasn't a (((car accident)))

Hillary Clinton is the real Sam Hyde


>when the redpill hits u hard

I'll bump this
What a (((coincidence))) huh guys?


Bump it Up

In the end of the day they are still the USG and must confirm with affirmative action and liberal Ivy League campus recruitment drive

Pale male and Yale

That is why the spooks are not helping us, o all the good patriotic ones got out after Berlin Wall/ right and y2k before 9/11 and don't want to think about where they used to work

And the old guys that still stayed through bush ii are retired by now

What is funny is I have read that they are all having a terrible time recruiting new young people, so they have to resort to the liberal college students


So, about how fast can we expect the report where he committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest from ten feet away like ten times?

>Liebrals are morons. They will not see what is right in front of them.
Yuri said it.

Yet you won't hear a peep other than on a few social media accts and this underwater polynesian paintball chatroom. We'll do exactly as they want us to do and forget all about it in a week.

The sad reality

So what can be done?

Will the retirees help us normal folk? Granted I am English, but I am racialist and still find the U.S as important to what happens here, so excuse the questioning.

Not if we get Bernie Bros involved with this


Pass this of to reddit section, and they can take it from there

Yet it is still a continued assault on them, maybe this will leak out to some on the fence.

Maybe Alex Jones will spill the beans somewhat?

Kind of like the Turner Diaries

He died for us.

You dumb nigger, they always recruited liberal college students, and they were never friends of the American people

Suicide by 6 shots to the back of the head

I believe the correct term is "suicided".

Another #clintoncasualty

Im hoping for some other 47 style "suicide" like you crush your throat while working out.
Or the pool lighting had a weird malfunction electrecuting him.

You`ll achieve nothign investigating it.

If you reveal a connection, Clinton will just use current Ukrainian tactic and tell "its all false flags done by Putin agents to destabilize the situation in US".

Why is that everyone that happens to have dirt on shillary always end up fucking dead?

FBI is on Trump's side as are border agents, military, city and state police. In a war I think Trump's side wins.

Everyone who croses Clinton gets suicided. Look it up.

Anyway, here's a way to make people kill themselves easily:

Doesnt she have the best assassins folks

Many are. Problem is this administration loves to prosecute leaks, up to and including reporters leaked to. Even more of a red light are the constant polygraphs- that is the deal breaker.


So that's 50 plus dead now isn't it?

she's getting closer to Hitler and she's not in power yet


>mind control

spotted the tinfoily


Looking at twitter I see steam picking up, people with many followers are retweeting

We need their followers to follow suit

How lazy can they be

Were going under

Twitter RTs are increasing

Can we get a picture of Shawn


Post the video from OP. That'll pique interest. Maybe check his facebook, ask the people posting about him for one? I'm sure if you let them know it's you trying to get this trending they'll be happy to lend one.

Please don't forget about Seth.


Kids need to wake up and smell the fucking reality.
All of these fucking (((activist))) kids and (((tolerant progressive leader))) and fucking genuine useful idiots who swear by the terrorist state's word.
Wake the fuck up, you are literally supporting global terrorism under a crime regime.
You want to make the change you cry so much about and claim it's what you believe in? Well here it is, and it's packaged up for you in a nice fucking ribbon and his name is TRUMP.
Anything else is outright unironic hypocrisy and you know it.

Face to a name

it is proven to increase the virality of names

Shawn Lucas

Perhaps we make anew thread later in afternoon with picture of him

Why is this thread so quiet? You would think this would be way bigger.

Because the shills are sliding it, it's important, and it isn't an inflammatory Sup Forums shitpost.

shes so reckless.

she's just a puppet

its getting slid, and its around lunch time n a thursday


Bump for justice.


Bumps rain from above.

locked him self into a suitcase and died in his sleep with 2 gunshots to the back of his head.

Let me guess how he died. Suicide by gunshot wound to the back of the neck, maybe?

murdered? dont jump to conclusions goy, it was natural causes, just like breitbart, and scalia, and that DNC leak- I mean staffer.

Suicide by tying yourself to train tracks.