Red pilling thread for the mass visitors.
Red pill thread
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We are fighting back. it may not be this election or the next, but we will use exactly the same tactics against the semitic minority even if we are similarly diminished.
>antisemite propaganda
>"""red pilling"""
Just sitting in your basement must be boring for you, right?
Look at this goy
The ultimate red-pill is that Kek is fake
You can start using arguments any time
Hello newfriends :-DDDDD
Somebody got more of Jimmy's dad?
Anti CTR bump
You can't blatantly strawman then ask for a proper argument.
Just sitting in your mom's basement must be pretty boring, huh?
don't give the shills (You)'s
Fuck guys, seriously this is false advertisement.
Where is the redpills? All I see is Hitler shit and jew-bashing.
Fake quote.
The ULTIMATE redpill.
Can I get a source for that quote?
You're unable to google 'Max Horkheimer quotes' no?
Stormcucks will be the downfall of the white man.
Gas them and you have a chance.
All I am asking for is a little more variety.
Thanks in advance.
kikes and left wing retards btfo, reminder Sup Forums will always be a right wing christian board. back to plebbit shit babies.
The ultimate Red Pill is that everything is happening as it is supposed to. White people will lose power of our countries. White people will begin to be systematically genocided by niggers, spics, and kikes. The world will fall into utter chaos.
This is how the world will end. But then God will return with a vengeance.
Why did the bullet have to fly through all that shit, when it went straight to his head?
This is a real good one, here.
That user did a great job.
I let the rage at people not having memorized the sticky image get the best of me. Sorry friendo.
Disregarded for supporting fake quotes.
Take your WE WUZ KANGZ shit to the next BLM meeting.
I have, but I just can't find this one.
>there are rich, influentinal people right now in the underground who waste their lifes with forcememing socialism
color me sceptic.
nice double jew kike, gas yourself this time
Provide me different sources for that please, something abit more credible.
And I was referring to the quote in .
That's fake.
Listen here got - we decide who gets gassed these days. Not you.
I'm not #hotforhitler
Now here's an interesting one I haven't done enough research on. I did take an astronomy and studied relativity, so I'll post it and see if any physics guys can teach us all something.
The idea is that relativity is a psyop and that there is no empirical evidence for general relativity. There IS sufficient evidence for special relativity, basically the energy required to increase the velocity increases the faster you're going, and it appears infinite energy is required for a mass to reach the speed of light.
Exhibit A: "Gravitational Lensing"
All stars throw off megatonns of hydrogen plasma every day… and surround themselves with hydrogen plasma and gas.
This gas has a different refractive index than the vacuum, and thus bends light around a star in the same way that a prism does.
Since the plasma density around a star falls off with gravity (proximity) the lensing effect APPEARS to be based on gravity fall off.
When in fact, it is based on plasma density falloff.
As someone who lives in a ex-soviet republic you should know how it works.
Workers get even poorer and rich jews get even richer.
How is this even a question for you, unless you are a shill with a VPN
Exhibit B: The Shapiro Delay
The shapiro delay was an observation made by a radio astronomer "Shapiro", reguarding the discrepancy between predicted radio wave return times from venus, and actual radio wave return times.
The delay was chalked up to Einsteins relativity, but is actually caused by the refractive index of the stellar hydrogen plasma envelope around the sun, and the fact that it becomes denser the closer you get to the sun, introducing a delay based opon the changing refractive index.
Notice that the shapiro delay is frequency dependant, whereas a gravitational phenomenon would NOT be frequency dependant.
Exhibit C: The precession of Mercury.
An odd orbital effect was observed, where the orbit of mercury was not as it should be, based upon the understanding of newtonian mechanics, and keplerian orbital mechanics.
The Relativists say that this is because of "Gravitational Frame Dragging", because they are stupid.
It is ACTUALLY the result of the sun NOT being at the exact center of the solar system.
Thus, all planetary orbits are eccentric compared to the center of the sun, because they don't actually orbit the sun, they orbit the solar barycentre, which is only occasionally inside the sun.
Exhibit D: Time Dilation.
By sending two atomic clocks (Microwave resonance cavities) in different directions, and observing the differences in the resultuing time, Relativists claimed another victory, calling it "Time dilation"
What they ACTUALLY did, was change the total magnetic flux surrounding the microwave resonance cavity, by passing it through the magnetic field lines of the earth, which altered the clocks "Count" of time.
What's your proposed argument here?
That they have a higher IQ?
Its unfair?
Red-pill me, my goys.
Exhibit E: GPS doesn't use relativity calculations, and never did.
Here is a Department of the Navy white paper where they discuss not using relativity calculations in GPS systems.
Listen to this academic. She CONFIRMS Cultural Marxism exists and is 100% Judaic.
kys pedic
Nepotism, basically that they are promoted at higher rates into top universities by other Jews, similar to how they gained control of the media and banking.
If they are stronger or have a higher IQ, I do not say that it is "unfair," I say that we are weak. We must overcome them, otherwise we deserve our fate.
Whatever happened to DRS user?
Did he make it?
OK, so you've accepted that we do the gassing now - not you.
So still no credible link for a quote I didn't even initially ask about.
And still no reason as to why the non-country posted a fake quote in .
Jew or not, I'm actually pointing out the flaws in your nigger-tier memes.
The point is that non Jewish white people aren't accepted into Ivy League schools. I wonder why?
>this thread before
Think hes sitting in a safe house in Iran?
>with an introduction by Theodor W. Adorno
>this thread now
Einstein was a pseudoscientist who substituted scientific method with talmudic numerology.
That's why NASA when nazi scientists worked there made proper results and jewish physics lead to rockets blowing up
Holocaust isn't real goy.
No proof of that in your University chart.
The only evidence is that they have higher IQs than whites.
Like the Asians.
Which has been proven, my goy.
Today's leaders are caugh in a tangle of actions and reactions that evade any real control; they obey irrational, collective influences, and are almost always at the service of special interests, ambitions, and material and economic rivalries that leave no room for a decision based on an enlightened freedom, a decision as an "absolute person".
>talmudic numerology.
That's kabbalism. The Zohar says creation began with a "big bang" and the idea was repeated again in the teachings of Isaac Luria (the tzimtzum), the most well-known kabbalist who ever lived.
completely false.
check out how Hitler delivered that peace treaty. And who in his right mind would trust Hitler after he broke the Munich treaty?
Why are you evading what I asked.
Did you not research that quite before posting?
Its funny, I've noticed you posting that for a couple of days now - always on of the first images you post.
True, so I suppose it just shows what we're up against. Jews have higher verbal IQ but lower visio-spatial. Hence, pic related.
But isn't what they're doing just further enforcing the right, further swinging the pendulum?
Also I don't see how white solidarity is necessarily a threat to Jewry.
How is weakening the west going to make it safer for them?
This theory doesn't make sense.
Elie Wisel, even thought he is a holocaust survivor, is hardly a authority in WW2 holocaust history
You mean "was."
So then that chart that was posted is meaningless?
I don't think you would have complained about whites In Rhodesia and South Africa when they were in the same situation at Universities.
He died this year, right?
They are able to take advantage of us when we are not ethnocentric. When we are ethnocentric we kick the Jews out as has happened hundreds of time throughout history. They are strong when we are weak, and vice versa. By keeping us weak they maintain control of the west until they decide to latch on to their next host.
Indeed, I would not. The Jew is the eternal enemy of the Aryan. It is not meaningless, it shows how much we are losing.