“I don’t know why we’re not leading by a lot. Maybe crowds don’t make the difference.”

>“I don’t know why we’re not leading by a lot. Maybe crowds don’t make the difference.”

Holy shit he's literally stumped.

Other urls found in this thread:


wtf i hate americans now

polls are cooked

Cant rant on the hill plant

Either Trump is genuinely fucking retarded or his campaign is just an elaborate prank.




Bernie had the same fucking thing. Massive crowds of people, yet he couldn't get the nomination.

Really makes you think.

People told him to fucking quit it. I'm pissed at him he's ruined so much by lashing out and saying stupid shit. He had it in the bag but couldn't just shut up for two seconds. He was fucking winning and now he isn't. The GOP probably told him to stop tweeting and being so unhinged. He's ruined the anti establishment movement and has harmed his chances at becoming president. Also harming the chances of Republicans being elected to Congress.

Could be he actually is a Hillary plant/controlled opposition after all, who fucking knows.

Reality is fake too, drumpfet

low energy damage control

Yeah but... but Brexit!


Anyone else feel the trump trains just losing steam?

I don't really give a fuck if he becomes president anymore, simply because we got our Brexit and that's about as much faith as I need right now, what happens to America doesn't seem as important as it did six months ago.

But seriously why the fuck are you faggots voting for Hillary? I mean she's a meritless liar?

Fucking retards.

The media diverts so much attention away from Hillary that if you were to ask a supporter some of the things she supports, tjhey would come up with nothing.

definitely possible

Most of those polls were within the margin of error near the end, which means they weren't trustworthy.

A +1 or +2 difference means nothing, for the purposes of polls you should consider every difference between 0.1-3.5 a tie.

Once you're comfortably outside the margin of error, the polls are much, much more accurate.

yes, Trumpet, CTR are now paying Trump to say he doesn't understand why he is losing. Thats right. You got it all figured out.




Dropped. Fuck off shill

He still said it, even if you don't like the source.

If Trump, from now to the election, stays on message, continues to hammer home illegal immigration, unfair trade, outsourcing, TTIP, ISIS, etc.

He can win.

If he has 2-3 more "Khantroversies"

He's done.

This isn't CTR or shilling.

Every single time he gets ahead, he happens to say something off the cuff. Its almost as if he's going "Well, I'll stay on message when I'm behind, and then I'll do whatever the fuck I want when I'm in the lead".

No dahnald, you need to stay on message consistently. No "Russia should hack Clinton" comments that take the focus away from the content of the emails. No "She didn't speak, why didn't she speak", which takes the focus away from the lack of unity at the DNC.

Hell, two top DNC people resigned this week. What's on the grapevine? Trump's campaign staff being stressed out, Manafort phoning it in, Trump wondering why he isn't winning.

Hillary just said she's going to raise taxes on the middle class, something that should BE IN A COMMERCIAL RIGHT NOW (like how they take everything Trump has said right now), but we are talking about what Trump supporters say at rallies.

If Trump wants to win he needs to do the following:

1. Apologize to the Khan's and move the fuck on, it doesn't matter if you are right

2. Get on message, stay on message.

3. WWID (What would Ivanka Do?), if she wouldn't do it or say it, you don't do it or say it

4. Debate prep. He needs to start prepping for all of the shit Dems are going to throw at him. Remember, General election debates aren't about cheers and jeers like the primary ones


He wins

I've been getting more and more pissed off with him. I still love him and want him to win but ever since Ted Cruz dropped out his message seems to be fuzzy and he tried to pivot and pander to the general electorate and failed miserably. Now he was doing good and can't help but to attack everyone who says anything about him. Out of all the people to attack at the DNC he chooses the parents of a dead soldier, like seriously come on. He's harmed himself and I'm almost certain that Trump will be his own downfall if he rebounds again.


Sorry Australia, the adults are speaking.

It's doubtful that he won't have any other major controversies. He's already had plenty of top tier fuck ups. Probably one per week.

He will stump himself in the end.

>“The problem is that Trump watches TV every minute that he isn’t actually on his phone, either talking or tweeting,” one advisor said. “And then he gets angry at what he sees on TV and reacts.”


A source DOCUMENTED taking marching orders from the DNC

Fuck off shill

i like how they write events and clean out the sarcasm. i was there yesterday - it was one of his better rallies and he was having a great time.

It's not the story that matters, it's his direct quotes. You're fucking retarded.

The affects from the Khan incident aren't even on there yet. The reason he's falling down now is because he told Russia to "hack" Hilary Clinton, and then the entire media and DNC started saying he has ties to Russia and was a Putin plant and he didn't deny anything or say anything other than denying that Russia was in Ukraine and say "wouldn't it be great to get along with russia!!!" The fallout for Kahn has yet to come. Probably next week we will see it, I'm sick of this bullshit.

He's refusing to support other republicans at this point too (Ryan and McCain). He is actively tearing apart the GOP.

Bernie attracted huge crowds of people as well, yet he couldn't even win the nomination.

holy kek

im loving this delusion haha

a good chunk of them couldn't vote, and plenty of them didn't even know how. (i don't have that facebook pic on this computer)

at the same time his VP is doing the exact opposite and supporting them. it's incredible, and embarrassing

It's literally his own quotes.

i am going to kill you and rape your face
now tell me, do you think that's a serious threat or a joke?

It makes no fucking sense whatsoever. It's become apparent to me that the GOP is ripping itself apart and party unity doesn't exist.



I mean I could understand not wanting to associate your "anti establishment" campaign with people who are the main establishment figures and huge globalists but the whole point of picking Mike fucking pence was to unite the GOP together and sooth some of the cracks, well apparently Trump can't even get that down even with choosing a globalist puppet as VP. I have seen some of his """"5D chess"""" before but this just looks like a fuck up and his campaign is looking like a massive cluster fuck.

Agreed. If he shuts up until the election he can still win with wikileaks having more to release.

How is that at all the same? He isn't making a joke he's literally saying he doesn't understand why he is losing.

Early on there were several times I thought he'd fucked up and lost, only to turn it around in a brilliant way. He would set traps. He has earned faith with me. I will vote for him, because who else are you going to vote for? If anyone else gets in they will enact the will of the globalist lobby and this country will keep sliding down until it is 3rd world. It will go broke and be conquered by hostile ideologies whose answer to tolerance and diversity will be terror and oppression.

>m-muh safespace

because, if you show an image, like the OPs that says "i don't understand" it leads the impression that he's depressed, things aren't going his way, etc. Change it to one where he's got a shit-eatting grin, leave a note at the end of the statement say "he quipped jovially" and it leads to a different interpretation.

The fix is in.

Reuters retroactively changing polls giving neithers to Hillary.

Reuters changing published results shifting the results from a Trump lead to a Clinton lead.


Someone noted somewhere that in 2040 it will go minority-majority and the culture will have been white demonization for decades. It will turn into South Africa. Sad!

have a halal poll instead

>this triggers the drumpfkin

I think he was talking about this foxnews.com/politics/2016/08/03/fox-news-poll-clinton-leads-trump-by-10-points-both-seen-as-flawed.html

I called it from the beginning, and nobody listened to me.

I tried to believe in Trump -- I really did. Seriously.

I put my hope into him and after he fired his campaign manager, it's all gone downhill. I'm fucking done with it, he was a plant the whole damn time and you can call me a 'durr shill' all you want, it's the truth.

Trump fucked himself over big, and now we're all gonna have to deal with Hillary for 8 years. I want off this train.

I'm still voting for him and did in the primaries but this does not seem like strategy and I can't see any strategic advantage from attacking your own party, taking a vets purple heart, starting a flame war with a dead vets parents who happen to be Muslim, and not denouncing the conspiracy ties to Russia. What would he gain from all of this? Nothing, he turns away his mass support from the vets, he looks like an ass, and turns away moderates and bernouts with his brash comments. He looks like a clusterfuck and his campaign looks like it's imploding and turning into shambles. I'm legitimately pissed at Trump for ruining this election. I still hope he wins but my optimism is gone, the electricity has faded.

>18% independents

shitty bait


you mean Rothschild?


Do you genuinely believe polls or are you just pretending to be retarded? Polls are a mean to push a narrative not to show actual support. The UK was supposed to remain and Regan never was president according to the polls. Regan had a bump up in the polls a couple of times but until right before the election the polls showed him trailing and he had almost a clean sweep only not picking up 5 states and DC. I'm not saying trumps Regan but if you trust polls you probably are retarded.

>I want off this train.

don't get off, the final station is when Rick Astley gets elected president

CTR please go.

This is some Late WW2 Days German-tier delusion right there.


Hi CTR, he literally told pence to back Ryan.

I had this feeling before during primaries after jeb dropped. But then he clinched it

>Russians surrounding Berlin, entering the city and killing/raping everyone
g-guys don't w-worry!! W-we can retake e-europe!!!

Except this is an election. Trump has a chance of becoming president until the results of the GE come out, therefore he and his supporters should not give up until the last vote is cast on November 8th

She has a lot of merits your just swallowing the lies about her she was a successful lawyer, senator and Secretary of State not to mention a great First Lady.

Fox news is one of hillary's largest donors shill

what pence claims trump said literally doesn't matter when the actual issue is that publicly and blatantly they're disagreeing on something major

cry some more about shills, drumpkin

>Holy kek

Literally no one says that.
If youre going to infiltrate a place at least learn to use the lingo properly bub

Can you fuck off? We are actually having discussions here without it being some gay ass hugbox delusion like Sup Forums normally is and you come in and try to ruin the entire fucking discussion and break it down by being an asshole troll.

i'm not surprised after his comments on Khan. if he was so pro military as he claims to be, then he should honor all service members. even though he is getting smeared, you can't say shit to a family that has served the United States of America with their life. He has never done then same for America and probably bought those medical notes back in the 60s when they were drafting for the Vietnam war so he wouldn't get drafted.


>If he has 2-3 more "Khantroversies"

There was no controversy, it was simply bullshit pushed by the media.

t. Ctr

Do it in the trump Gen instead of spamming the board

>taking a vets purple heart
GTFO shill
There is literally NO reason for that to be a controversial issue let alone a negative reflection on Trump.
A veteran gave him the award as a GIFT to show he believes in him. Trump didn't steal his medal, he didn't pin it to his own chest and strut about declaring himself a war hero.
No veteran would EVER give such a gift to Clinton.

Yet the media and shills like you have spun this as a bad thing. That veteran can do ANYTHING HE WANTS with that award. It's HIS. It's revolting that the media and shills like you completely steamroll over the opinions of this veteran in order to attack Trump while beating your breasts wailing about how Trump insulted the memory of Khan's son.


>Out of all the people to attack at the DNC he chooses the parents of a dead soldier

They said he has a black soul for fuck sake, they attacked first.

Just look at my other posts and not just yell s-s-shill!!! Like a fucking chicken without its head. Seriously starting to get ticked off, Sup Forums can't handle any opinions that disagree and bring up valid fucking points if they go against their beliefs.

So are you just pretending to be retarded or what? Can you not read because you're a spic? You could always sign up for els courses.

Your a fucking reality show star Donald and you give out goofy hats™ they don't want you for president for real.
Maybe honorable sepuku dahnald

It is already happening.

Good, go away. Im glad ur pissed.

This is fucking pathetic, grow up and learn how to have an actual conversation without spouting off "shill" and "cuck"

trump will win.


Trump should've ignored it and continued pushing his ideology / policy, the more he makes 'witty comebacks' the more it fucks him up in the long run.

It's best to leave the Ted Cruz / Jeb Bush insult-slinging methods and buckle down now, Hillary has the media on her side and they will point out literally anything he does, both during and after the debates.

>when even Sup Forums seems to hate Trump lately

Does it matter? Wouldn't it be all over the news to help the goyim know who to vote for? Shouldn't Fox news be shilling super hard about the instability in the party instead of the wrath of khan?

>if he was so pro military as he claims to be, then he should honor all service members

He called McCain a loser for getting tortured so I don't understand why this Khan behavior is surprising. It's just a bigger deal because it relates back to the Muslim issue and shows how easy he is to bait.


No one hates Trump here just people are getting sick of him making stupid fuck ups right as we are starting to win

Election rigged
abandon all hope


What's pathetic is getting paid to shit post here.
You are literally having ZERO effect.


Judging by how often this image gets posted, I have to say, I think reddit is way, way smarter than pol. How else do you explain the absolutely devastating well-poisoning they pulled off here, making you guys so paranoid you only have about 5 images and 3 memes left that you post?

whats weird is the leadership of ctr is mostly jews

We don't hate him. We're just correcting the record. Misinformation is the greatest enemy of democracy.

fuck off shill

And? The RNC used parents of someone killed at Benghazi but Hillary didn't take the bait. The issue isn't who attacked first, it's that he thought it was a good idea to insult the parents of a dead soldier because he isn't able to stay on track with his message for 5 minutes.

If Trump didn't take the bait it wouldn't have been a story and it wouldn't affect his polls.

Sorry bro but you should just get ready for her presidency.
Console yourself with the fact that it's rigged.

Still waiting for someone to explain to me why a veteran showing his support for Trump reflects poorly on Trump's character and is an insult to veterans.

>and it wouldn't affect his polls.

Who the fuck would not vote for him simply because he did not totally kiss ass?

Oh right women... fuck.

Because Trump = Bad.