What is the most redpilled college major Sup Forums?

What is the most redpilled college major Sup Forums?

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Gender studies

Can't speak for other majors, but Communications showed me how much bullshit the media throws at people. I don't believe anything from them after studying news.

Social Justice Education.



Library Sciences

mechanical engineering
why are colleges in foreign lands offer such stupid and useless degrees.




because people are willing to pay for them
aerospace engineering. our entire AAE program is white males who support trump

Not going



You don't inhabit reality. There isn't a reputable university in the world that has any of its departments be to the right as a majority. I would know, I work in one of them.

My department is about 70 percent hard left and 20 percent "moderate", with ten percent closet right wingers. That applies to every department in the university.

The leaf himself
Medicine of course
Doctors are the most right wing profession, specially when it comes to the abortion theme, where most are pro life

Dick eating faggots


>Doctors are the most right wing profession
What the fuck kind of doctors have you been visiting? Half of them are Jewish for starters.

>muh saviour complex
>i will interfere in your life
>i know what's best for you
>take this, it's good for you

Saan ka nag college pare?

Econ, Soc (PoliticoSoc)

Transgender studies

>Not going
Sounds like a plan to me.


Math or any hard science

Wouldn't English technically be one?

A long history of challenging norms and dropping redpills in the form of fiction.

In the UK, PPE, you're not going to come out of there leaning left.

Law easily , fucking conservative as fuck

Mechanical Engineering of course.

You forgot
>buy this $5000 bottle of pills every month, they take a dime to manufacture

PPE is quite awesome.

Completing mine in a few months.

What is the best med profession to pursue?
I'm leaning toward dentistry but also want to try to get into anesthesiology

>tfw no kanna hashimoto gf

Why the fuck hasn't anyone brought up history? History is the ultimate redpill. Thousands of years of tradition, conquest, and subjugation. The tricks and trades of Kings, the rise and fall of empires and their causes. If you study history you understand how dangerous degeneracy is.

Because history itself is written by the victor. It's a bluepilled as it comes.

Are Asian women demons???

Semen demons, yes

You're fucking retarded. History is all about traditionalism and nationalism.

Electrical engineering is very high paying and is made up of 90% males, mostly red pilled.

lmao just finished law school in sweden

mainly conservative, some gross sjws

everyone shills for muh refugees

asian pussy

Thank (You). That was the reply I wanted.

share the knowledge man, books, articles..

>American Law

MD > DDS. Anesthesiologist has MD.

"""(((history)))""" now:
>we wuz kangs
>whitey wuz evil and oppressive
>native american genocide
>muh halocost

Law enforcement, even my black professors hated niggers

>learn a trade
>always have work
>can do overtime if you need extra money

>go to college
>get a job in an office
>get fired for making eye contact with a female employee
>spend the rest of your career working $10/hour monkey jobs in a room full of foreigners

Communications or proffesional certs. STEM is over flowing and people are being paid min wage to work in labs for 8 years after graduation. Get yourself an HR job, and never work hard again

You obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about and are probably underageb&

nah, he does know whats he is talking about. thats what history education is like at 'good" universities in the US

Physics. It literally red pills you about the universe itself. Everything else is small time when compared to it.

University degree =/= office work. $10 per hour? Professionals like doctors usually make more than even the highest paid union thugs like longshoremen (as good as it gets blue collar), and have a much longer "shelf life" because they don't have to wear out their body.

Meanwhile, in the meme trades, you can look forward to asbestos and mesothelioma, toxic exposure, and chronic back pain. I've seen doctors and folks like professors still working in their 80s, while tradesmen are retired, crippled, or dead by then.


Go on /his/ and be prepared to blow your brains out. Literal autists whose professors brainwashed them into thinking that all history must be viewed as a class struggle. It would be Redpill if dr. Goldstein let you present it with facts and evidence but you have to use his Marxist lens if you want to pass

You guys are living in an echochamber with SJW boogeymen. I received my masters from one of the top rated programs in the country at Vanderbilt. There is no SJW bullshit at all.

Resources pls

Nursing major here:

Anybody who does anything other than the medical field is a certified cuck

>amazing pay
>employment in essentially every city
>recession proof - everybody needs medical attention
>doesn't have to a kiss a corporation's ass to help meet their bottom line

any questions?

Physics + astronomy

It's true. I thought I was doing well as a BI consultant, and my wife hasn't even been out of nursing school a year and she's making $115k/yr. Insanity.

What does pol think about the computer science major?

What are the best trades a man should learn/do?

Shit I'm going into grad school and plan to fight that shit. If we let history get 100% cucked it's over.

I don't see why degrees all about seeking shekels until they're replaced by Pajeet is redpilled but different strokes I guess.

Economics and trades are cool tho I guess.

Biology homework can be tough, too. The human body is fucking thousand times more complex than a computer, the fact that doctors had to have mastered all of it is pure insanity. I've only started schooling last month, and I've had essentially no free time

The whole job is just upgrading an organization's tech? That sounds pretty fun

1 year left until I get my accounting agree. Did I get JEWED?

It's ridiculously easy to get to study math, which is why there are a lot of complete retards.

Technical physics is probably where the smartest people head to. Evolutionary biology forces you to think about politically incorrect stuff, though.

>money lender


Finance or economics, learn how the world really works.

Yeah, it's a lot of fun, depending on the client. If the client is open to new ideas, trying out the latest tech, has competent management/executives, etc., and they're cool to be around, it's great, if you're willing to travel. Shitty clients can suck, but life isn't perfect.

They are bluepilled because of muh human rights, all men are equal, etc

t. lawyer


High paying, easy to advance in, and you can make a few scripts go "missing" here and there if you're that way inclined.

engineering or cs.

CS is filled with mainland new money Chinese who don't give a fuck about gender issues. They roll into class with ferrari's and go to class that's it.

Can confirm, lots of places want people with communications degrees for some reason

/his/ is just as much of a skewed demographic of idiots and echochamber as Sup Forums is. Pretty much all of the Chan boards are full of ignorant kids pumping as much hyperbole for reaction as possibe. I only come here for the memes, as everything else is completely stupid and often an opinion of a teenager, or manchild in arrested development.

Indeed. I have almost completed a CS degree, but have heard enough about corporate bullshit to consider medicine, along with the job security. Between having a minor in Biology, along with math classes for CS and an excellent GPA, I feel like the MCAT should be doable and a specialty like neurology seems intriguing (and not overly competitive like derm or surgical specialties).

history. you'll never get a job and realise how fucked the world is.

Depends. Being a cubicle monkey/dev at a large organization is soul-draining, even at one that treats you well. I spent 2 years working in the engineering dept at AT&T and it might as well have been a pleasant but boring dream that I woke up from for all I remember about those entire 2 years of my life. Working at a small company, working for yourself, or being a consultant is much more interesting and rewarding but there's less security. Academics/research is extremely hard to get into, you gotta have a PhD and some novel ideas. I've never worked for a Google or Facebook like company, but it sounds like a great way to commit suicide if you pull back the curtain of "free sushi at lunch and great benefits!".

>Le recession proof meme.
They will drive down wages in order to help fix the medicare ulcer america has.

International Relations (Realism)

Fuck everything else. I got a PhD in that shit.

Redpill: the degree

I actually was only about 20 credits away from a second degree in biology, and I simply couldn't do those senior-level classes and pass everything else. My track was viral genetics, the amount of memorization was just too much.

This. Despite me dropping out of school I had completed all of the required course plus some at two universities. Not only did I learn about shady media tactics, but I learned other dirty tricks.

All the people I know that got communication degrees are receptionists, cars salespeople, or in graduate school. It will not bring you a high salary or even a decent one.


You see how things realy are.


Hmm? Companies lay off workers in a recession, where I never heart his happening to nurses or doctors lol. Pretty simple

The problem with communications is the fact ti's too broad. One of the schools I went to offered specializations. You actually had to test to get into department.
Most people with comm. degrees, like you said, don't typically get hired for glamorous positions. It's better if you start a business or free lance.

[citation needed]

I'm studying English Studies and even though it has some PC bullshit, there are some subjects that one can use against the current commie tide.

For example: we study how language shapes thought and how thought can shape language. I refuse to acknowledge some words to oppose the concept itself (instead of "PoC" I keep saying "nigger"). Adopting the enemy's terminology can twist your own thoughts and interpretations.

I'm a philosophy Ph.D.
STEM sucks dick, I get paid to do literally nothing all day long.

I have a bio bachelor's and a biomed masters, taking pre reqs for an accelerated bsn.

Wish I had done it sooner. Gonna do critical care nursing for a while if I can and then apply for crna

Finance, accounting and econ. If you can't get into a top 10 school, you might as well kill yourself, though.

i can tel you still foolishly believe you aregoing to do whatever you like, because you are so brilliant and high performing doors aren't merely going to open they are going to fall off their hinges when the spector of you visage approaches.
Seriously grow up kid or the world is going to fuck you up.


just to justify.
In economics, if you are in a good school and motivated, you'll end up knowing how model crap, be surpassed at statistics only by actual people specialized in statistics, know how to program and have free reign over the rest of the social sciences. Also, economics and evolutionary biology seem to love each other. Also, the pay is good and it's easy to find a job, at least in europe. If you are an idiot, there are also many crappy jobs for you, mostly working on meaningless crap in Excel and PowerPoint all day.
Last but not least, you'll finally understand why the Austrian school is bullshit, and that the same can be said for most of the "economics" you can learn on the internet.
One caveat: simple undergraduate micro or macro are completely useless by themselves, but fundamental to learn the rest.


Fuck off, you don't need to master all of it, we don't even know all of it. With computer science/engineering you litterally do.

The computer has been made from scratch by humans, and we consequently know exactly what every single part does.

>inb4 muh hurr durr I'm a reatrd

not going to college and starting your own money machine by investing smart

You need money first

Philosophy/humanistic studies coupled with a foreign language major (Spanish) taught me that nothing is new under the sun, we are doomed to repeat ourselves, life is incredibly cheap, race matters more in hindsight and expressions of authority are more recognized than rebellions against it. Pretty demoralizing when you couple it with the fact my advisor was a devout catholic and vegan. Interesting arguments in class. Actually won a couple.

Natural sciences.
Dunno why the stupid gringos had to come up with the term "STEM", effectively memetizing the whole damn field.

based as fuck

that and soil science

plant gen here