Ukraine accuses Poland of genocide

>Kiev intends to formally accuse Poland of genocide of Ukrainians

>The Verkhovna Rada will consider the draft resolution on recognition of genocide of the actions of the Polish state against the Ukrainians in the years 1919-1951. Earlier, Warsaw officially recognized the genocide of the Volyn massacre, in which the victims of the Ukrainian nationalists were thousands of peace poles.

How will Poland recover from this?

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you mean east germany and west russia

There's no such thing as Ukraine.
Only a bunch of niggers occupying our land who come to Poland to clean our houses and suck our dicks.

and Ukraine accuses Russia of stealing Crimea, right.

When they are the only ones left in the EU with Germany and are out voted by white guilt and Syrians

Ukraine have similar mentality with kurds.

And thats good. Poles literally asking for this for half a year, what should we do? They retarded and probably would start to whine now.

What is Ukraine?
you mean Polish-Russian Clay

>>Kiev intends to formally accuse Poland of genocide of Ukrainians
shekelmaisters will be proud

>you genocided me Sviatoslav
>no you genocided me Jaroslaw
Fucking Eastern Europe.

ukrops have nothing to talk we literally fund their whole country

behead those who insult poland

the what
>tfw polish death camps and now this
we were the real nazis
it was all a ruse
we will import 400 000 refugees tomorrow to apologize

You should dig more for tubes to find some evidience, Agnieszka.
I bet you will pay reparations soon, you retards always do your best.

and also Romanian clay. dont forget north bukovina. REEEE!

cygan pls go
p-pls no more reparations we already pay jews and british reparations

gib lands, boleslaw!


And that's the Poles. Always first to banter.

>TIL Mariupol isn't part of Ukraine

What is this image even trying to say?


> What is this image even trying to say?
That ancient hohols dug up the Black Sea before starting every civilization out there, of course. I swear, the level of KANGZ bullshit with those made-up ex-Soviet nations knows no limits.

You know North Bukovina is Romanian. Poles must come to accept that Dacians are the descendents of original bloodline so you owe us respect for teritoral integrity.

Oh, all this retarded assblasted poles on polish internet


juts come to Poland cuckrainian i know you want to come here anyway

>>assblasted poles on polish internet

it said to talk with russians about taking some land from ukraine


Congress poland 2.0?

Funny, because Russia is fucking crawling with them.

plz translate this. I dont speak Bolebaslaw

sure thing east prussia

What genocide?

I think he meant that Ukraine as a state can't ask Russia to protect it against stronk Polska.

what a tryhard lmao how is it living for 5 dollars a month

Ukraine powerful.

Russia fear Ukraine blood magic.

haha. now that is funny.

- Ukrainians start an embaressing revolt for their US jew masters.

- Russia no longer friends and wont protect them

- poland stronk invades


You remember the Greek Catholic Church?

Ukrainians will leave the Orthodoxy and then automatically they will look at Poland in a different way

>mfw I was born just in time to witness the Polish-Ukrainian war.

You would think after the shit with Russia, their contested territories in the East, the fact that they randomly shit on the relations with their neighbors (see the moment when they put I believe one battalion or two, of soldiers at the border with Romania because someone dreamed that we would want our lands back), they would lay low a while and fix their internal shit. But no, let's fuck up with another neighbor, take Poland this time. Who's next you pieces of shit, people want to help you and you shit on everyone. Fuck off.

PS: Gib back Bucovina.

>Ukrainians will leave the Orthodoxy and then automatically they will look at Poland in a different way
Funny how the ones who used to genocide Poles were Galicians, with their cuck version of Catolicism.

Oh God, please do it you stupid hohols
That will be the final straw for every pole, even the most pro-ukrainian, to finally cut any goverment aid for that shithole and to kick their asses out of Poland.
I so fucking hope they'll do it.

good old days ivan?!?!?

i wouldnt bet on that happening with the current pope. Ukrainians probably dont want to wash muslim feet

Gib back Bukovina! We are true romans!

Dmytro Doncow was agnostic afaik

Ukrainians and Russians will compare their degenerate countries to Poland and will automatically have sympathy, and will finally abandon Orthodoxy

Sumerian and ainu were not IE

>we take in ukrainian refugees
>we let them keep Lwów (which is rightfully a Polish city)
>we defended them throughout the entire crimea bullshit

This can't be real, this must be some Ruskie plot to destabilize the Polish-Ukrainian relations.

you are literally one of two non-cucked catholic countries. all the other ones are super cucked

You underestimate the stupidity and impertinence of hohols.

or.... just ukrainians being ukrainians

Most people here consider your religious obsession mildly amusing t b h

>>we take in ukrainian refugees
No you not. How many Ukrainian refugees Poland take?
Fucking whiny faggots, stop your lie.
Really dindunuffin tier retards.

No happening.
US is going to unite Poland and Ukraine so it can be easier controlled. Just like the EU.

>we defended them throughout the entire crimea bullshit
Genuinely retarded.
Also, thank you for letting us keep lviw.

So what? The reality will anyway strike them. Russians already convert to islam because they think it's true as opposed to state controlled fake Orthodoxy. I think they may exchange that for catholicism too

Well this is why we are the chosen nation, the Christ of nations right? :^)

Holy shit it's worse than I thought.

No wonder Stalin starved your literally Africa-tier country.

Gib back Bukovina to Romania! Is Dacian clay! we are the romans, you little bitch! romans gonna fuck u up!

>Ukraine doesn't have better shit to do

I bet you genuinely do not understand what's going on.

instead of making economical reforms u make some shitty ass things to piss off your masters

do ukrainians literally believe WE WUZ NOAH!

>Russians already convert to islam because they think it's true as opposed to state controlled fake Orthodoxy
Fascinating story.

>pooland doesn't have better shit to do
Keep digging the hole and prepare for reparations.

Ivans please tell me.
Is Putin still interested in conquering hohols?
Because we surely are.

lmao ukrops are like niggers
You can get some money if you clean my toilet.

So wait, if they are accusing the Polish of genocide (1919-1951), then why are the not accusing Romania and Hungary as well?

We participated in that war alongside our Polish brothers. Might as well hit a rabbit with one shot.

>hohols, we still want Northern Bucovina, Bugeac and Maramuresul de Nord back

fucking shitstain of a country, Ukraine is.

Romania will help conquer hohols if Russia does not feel like it

actually Romanians are cool and they like us and their army isnt shit

No, oppic from some Chinese expo. Don't know much what it's all about.

We would prefer just some lands to be honest. You can have hohols.

our army is basic as powerful as roman legions. wish i could go back and join it

>We participated in that war alongside our Polish brothers.
Really, mate?

Actually we can team up with Romania and split the land.
We don't want to take whole hohols because these fuckers would do uprisings on daily basis.

You don't deserve any glay

this is pathetic. for the last 2 years poles have been shilling how poor ukraine was invaded and how we should protect them. and now they turn on a dime and say they want to invade.

>shitty infrastructure
>cities with dead industry
>minorities who will yell about being oppressed
I don't see anything what we don't already have in our country

Clean my toilet :D

2 million or so
probs more now

Kek Poles never forget anything. They been eternally butthurt since 1939

You're on the same road with your 9/11 you know?

Romania is definitely participating in this. Those motherfuckers have been treating the ethnic Romanian minorities like shit. They are not allowed to study in Romanian, they do not have legal representation in Romanian and they are constantly being forced Ukrainian culture up their ass.

Hell, they even got forcefully drafted in this shitty war, even though most of them wanted to stay home because they didn't had any beef with the ruskies.

>inb4 the Romanian ethnic minority is so small

Hohol niggers, mind you the three historic regions that originally belonged to Romania are comprised of a Romanian majority, with one region reaching up as high as 94%.

I couldn't be more happier if Romania would extend its borders up to Odessa again. Sadly, we couldn't kill all of the Ukrainians there when we occupied it, they were too busy not existing because YOUR WHOLE NATION IS A FRAUD

There will be a genocide motherfuckers. Lwów is Poland.
Wołyń '44 never forget.

>I bet you will pay reparations soon
Wow i actually agree with an (((ukrainian))).
Our government is so fucking weak, we give you loans you won't pay back, we send our troops to train your army and you spit in our faces and our government says it's just rain.

Can you please provide me one (1) refugee status card photo in interwebz please? You know, like this thing Syrians get these days.

Who teh fuck cares, if someone wants to work ok clean my toilet if not gtfo to your shithole Bandera

So you don't take ANY refugees. See? You retarded!

i am not a refugee

The east province of Commonwealth is rebelling again, time to sharpen the stakes.

Daily remainder - Ukrainians is masterrace, and you can suck dick

Kek coming from a guy whose half country is made up by ethnic Hungarian lands and gypsos

Glory to the ROMANS!

and polska is WE WUZ tier nation


Half your country is made up of Aztecs, kikes, and niggers, so why dont you fuck to your mcdonalds and eat shit burgerboy

I hope this thread is an eye-opener for Europeans as to why Ukrainians are seen as retards.

Nice proxy. You can't be this retarded.

i agree
ukrainian women are the prettiest and absolutely lovely
>tfw people marrying ukrop qtes around me while i stay in my basement

Merkel is Polish after all, I think she will help you gladly!
