Marion Marechal-La Pen

Can someone red pill me on Pen? I read a article saying if she was American she would vote Trump.

I looked her up and besides her cucked views on Gun Laws she seems based as fuck!

How is she respected in France? Does she have a chance at winning? How much more based is she?

Help me out here Sup Forums

She is also cute for a older politician.

>article that made me notice her

Other urls found in this thread:

>asks Marion
>posts Marine

That's Marine Le Pen, you dipshit.

Marion Marechal-Le Pen is the granddaughter of the party's founder..

Help a burger out, I am not familiar with anything political outside of the US currently

Why I started a post, want some clarity!

You dumb fuck that's Marine Le Pen.

Marion is younger.

Now that we clarified the difference between the Pens, how is she doing in the France?

>I read a article saying if she was American she would vote Trump.
She is french, so wondering if she would vote Trump is useless.

>I looked her up and besides her cucked views on Gun Laws she seems based as fuck!
Nobody who want the François Hollande 's chair want to regumate guns and weapons.

>How is she respected in France?
Everybody unroll to she the red carpet.

>Does she have a chance at winning?
30% in 2017

>She is also cute for a older politician.
Not an argument.

I think she has a chance of winning. Depends how many more terror attacks are gonna happen in France between now and their election

Her dad is Sup Forums incarnate and she seems to be a true believer herself. She has moved to make the party more paliatable. A move Hitler himself did to attract communist voters.

I suspect she will do none of hte socialist/fag rights shit she currently promotes.

Her Niece marion seems to be the ideological successor to Jean Marie. A pure catholic traditionalist.

Jean Marie is also responsible for the preservation of the SS songs that get posted here all the time.

They are more or less doing as well as Trump.

Really devoted followers but the centre-right cuckservatives (Sarkozy) and the Socialists (francois hollande) will work together to stop her if they can because of virtue posturing and likely on Hollande's part genuine belief in multicutularalism.

>redpill me on the FN
Funded by Russia, like all eurosceptic parties
Took a former opposition party, watered it down to try and become a ruling party instead
Filled with populists and hypocrites
Claims to be anti-system, against cumulatives mandates, etc
Abuses the system to gain local anchorage, only has a couple "relevent figures" that cumulate several mandates

>How is she respected in France?
Either blindly followed, or despised, little in-between.
>Does she have a chance at winning
Only if the two big parties send very unpopular candidates.
>How much more based is she?
She really isn't.

She's too jacobin.
If she had more respect for Bretainge, Normany or Occitanie she would've won already.

What do you guys think about the funding from Russia?

Jean-Marie Le Pen was based as fuck. He fought in Indochine and Algeria as a paratrooper. He always said what was on his mind, he said that the Shoah was a detail in the history. He created the Front National. The main problem with him is that he is an IRL troll, he often joked about the Jews, the NWO and the arabs in the medias.

Which were their ties with Saddam? I heard that he funded them.


It depends on your point of view. the usual FN supporter wouldn't mind it too much because they often fall for the "Putin is so cool" cliché.
I'd find that annoying in the same way I was annoyed when Sarkozy made us join the NATO while we had very little interest in doing so and it broke a long period of relative non-alignment that allowed France to stay out of some trouble.
the FN meddling with Russia could, if they ever get the presidential office (which I doubt they could) end up with france getting more involved in Ukraine, or Syria, possibly also into other proxy conflicts, etc. Again,just like what happened when we joined NATO. Which is partly to blame for the recent rerrorist attacks.

Does she only hate Mudslimes? Are we African Christians who support France 100 % and wanna live with peace with our white Christian brothers and sisters safe?

Marine Le Pen is the daughter of Jean-Marie. She is a pure politician, unlike her father. Her goal is to win, that's why she banned the "old guard" of the FN. They were too radical for the common people. She wanted to ban her father from the FN because of his jokes about the Jews in the medias. She increased a lot the popularity of the FN.

Regionalism is a meme
It represents a few thousands vote at most

Yeah don't worry


>french nationalism

Marion Maréchal-Le Pen is the nièce of Marine Le Pen. She is a member of the Parliament. She is very catholic, unlike Jean-Marie and Marine who are catholic but don't emphasize their religion in the medias. She sound less intelligent than Jean-Marie and Marine, although she is more based than Marine.

especially these. Had it been about Corsica, then maybe it might change some things but still it would never be enough to have any national impact.
>Regionalism is a meme
To be honest, if the spanish Basque Country gets autonomy (which isn't that unlikely at this point) then its french counterpart might become a little agitated.

No, you have to go back.

She is a politician. Jean-Marie would never do that

My family has been in Europe for 7 years. Where exactly do you want me to go back to?

I miss Jean-Marie

>spanish Basque Country gets autonomy
It already has autonomy you frog
You don't even let people learn catalan in shcools buy you will put islamic classes you are fucking stupid.

To Africa.

Yeah, Jean-Marie was not a fake ass like his daughter.

You don't have to go back anywhere. Just kill yourself and do your part to help Europe.

She was kind of cute around 10 years ago

but she has hit the wall since then

tfw he looks like my dad

Where in Africa m8? I don't even speak the language, don't know the culture nor have I ever set my foot in Africa

He was fighting the good fight, being an edgelord because he could and should. Living in a democracy and having actual free speech means we can have people like him, that's why he was so vital.
Now Marine sold out to get her cumulative paychecks.

>It already has autonomy
Oh, I thought that was still being implemented. My bad.
> you will put islamic classes
Nope. that would go against pretty much every law that frame our school system and establishes the national programs. because secular state, etc.
That said, teaching regional languages should be much bigger than it is. At least it's bigger than teaching arabic in schools.

Good idea, Africa will be the new 'American Dream' when China, Russia , USA and Europe finish to destroy their continent.

lad plz the got centuries of advantage in the territorial model and is a fact

You know french and english, lots of african countries where from Britain or France, they speak those languages over there.
I'm tired of seeing black people everywhere you know?
Blacks are gonna be half the world population in 2100
You are not the minority, we are.

Anyone from anywhere near france is going to be cucked on gunlaws. People don't follow pro gun shit because it barely makes the news. I found this site and they have pretty good updated links like drudge does but the follow guns news only. bookmark it.

Le Pen Trump Pence

it is destiny


She hasn't a chance of winning, 35% max, the party "front national" has been too much diabolized for many years. It will be Sarkozy.

Bretons are leftards.

As long as you're not a dumb muslim criminal, I just don't care.

>Anyone from anywhere near france is going to be cucked on gunlaws.
Your link only tanks about ameriga


You mean Juppé, m8

Let's hope so.
>mfw Sarko-Valls at the 2nd turn

They are only leftards cause it's only the right wing that oposes to any kind of briton identity.
Same thing in Catalonia or Scotland.

I've got the impression leftism is a celtic thing

Best answer so far, thanks French bro

Does the French Media demonize her as much as Trump?

Medias are like "how do we stop da FN ?" and the average young Frenchman probably hates them because "muh racism, bash the fash"

Dude, you have no idea
>visit Occitan regionalist website
>the very first thing you see, written in big yellow letters, before any kind of sovereinty matter or language preservation, "Say YES to a race-mixed Occitania!"
Since that day I never bothered with my own people anymore.

lmao, Occitans, cucked to death

Battle of Muret wasn't enough, apparently

You say that like it's different in the rest.

We don't have this kind of shit, here.

Are you corsican? Alsacian?

Here where?
Paris is blacked

Tourangeau :^)

We've a lot of blacks, arabs, lefists but they're not as bad as yours.

>We've a lot of blacks, arabs, lefists but they're not as bad as yours.
LOL just wait 10 years


We're a proud people.
We're not cucks like Occitans, antifa leftards like Bretons or terrorists like Corsicans or Basques

This has to be one of the funniest fucking pictures on the internet

Proud of what ?

Proud, just proud :^)

There was an awesome fan video compilating all of his glorious moment titled "The Artist", I can't find it anymore

help a frog ?

Not my problem, you living in my peoples countries are my problem, and given the chance I'll solve it.

yup, let's keep the "peaceful" "productive" Africans, worked great in America (and everywhere else Africans set foot)

This is totally not a genetic/evolutionary issue

If he wasn't such a trollish fucker he would have probably be in the parliament as soon as the 90s

>"Come here little boy, the plane is about to take off!"
>"But missié Le Pen, I dun wanna go to Mali!"
>"You'll like it here, do'nt worry"
>"But my parents aren't even malian, they from Senegal!"
>"Who cares?"

Arr rook same

Marine Le Pen Q&A with Oxford Union


Everything you need to know about her. This is also the occasion to confront the cucked views non-French have on her

People have moved to each other's countries for many years. The Greeks had settlers in Anatolia, Egypt, France, Crimea, Italy and many more. The Europeans settled in the Americas, Africa, Australia, Asia. Now we settle too. What's the difference exactly?

desu most french themselves have cuckier views about her

*"Who cares, n'est-ce pas?"

and for the hardcore fans, there is a leftist youtubeurre who impersonates him playing videogames


C'est confirmé ?

French youtuber and leftist it's almost a pleonasm t. jdg

but after watching Bob's twitch I'm not sure about this sentence

>"lol the native Americans allowed Europeans to move to America and got all but killed off"
>"so why would you not let us move to Europe in huge number"
There is no difference, that's the point you fucking "nigger"

Precis som att en neger I Denmark besöker den politiskt inkorrekta sidan på 4kanal

JDG votes for Debout la France

Bob Lennon ? Pas un gaucho ? Le jdg ?

Who care what their political opinions are if they don't insert it in their videos.
At least JDG does not do PS propaganda like this cancer.


>Can't refute my points


the fuck is wrong with this guy's moustache holy shit

alright 6/10

Would the Le Pens re-inter Pétain in the grave prepared for him in Verdun?

Just watch the latest jdg video, he has white-male-guilt syndrome and constantly bash Le Pen's voters and "beauf" culture

But Bob, well... he created Marion Le Pen as a character in his XCOM let's play, even a Trump character. He is obviously against Hillary and mass immigration.

But him slg is pure cancer who uses bad buzz as a promotion. He is an all padamalgam $shill and worst of the worst people (teenager) are convinced by what he says.

It was a warlike civilization back then. You invaded, you exhumed, and you settled. Cultures were spread and destroyed by conquest. Now, we're a more peaceful civilization, with no more conquest. And that should mean that cultures stay where they are, right? No no no, instead you infiltrate us and slowly but surely out-birth us until we are a minority in our own country. Stay in whatever dump you came from and work to turn it into a utopia instead of coming to our utopia and turning it into a dump. You are not entitled to the hard work and struggle of our ancestors and forefathers.

Sincerly, the most cucked nation on earth.

>watching french youtubers in the first place
Is everyone still doing what the anglophones did before, except in french?
last time I checked that was about it
>JDG basically translates AVGN episodes
>first-name "comedians" make shitty videos full of jump-cuts
>lose interest


Comment ça il les bash ?

here have a taste of cancer,and about jdg, he devolved into a magnificient specimen of cuck since he met his girlfriend who is "waaay better than him at gaming" (his own words)

C'est des petites blagues de 2-3 seconds qui ont l'air de rien, mais ça rejoint la stratégie des médias : les électeurs du FN ont rien dans le crâne, c'est que des chasseurs alcooliques et racistes. Mais le plus subtil c'est quand il marque un temps de pause en mentionnant le FN au pouvoir puis rajoute comme pour s'excuser "c'est pas drôle, désolé".

Now, if you want a French redpilled Youtuber, I'd suggest:

On the SJW agenda

On the leftists

Ouais, c'est assez triste en effet

Sinon, cette vidéo est étonnement...neutre. Même si on se doute de l'orientation du lascar rien qu'à son chapeau (*tip* :-DDD)

C'est plus de l'auto-dérision franchouillarde qu'autre chose.
Puis le mec s'était bien fait basher par les féministes rappelle toi ce sac à mec de Mar_lard et autres chiennes de gardes qui l'avaient interpellé sur ses blagues "mysogines" (d'ailleurs cette sale pute a réussi à gratter un post de productrice chez Ubisoft après toute cette auto promotion, pic related, mais ça tu le verras afficher nul par comme par hasard).
Du coup maintenant il fait ses blagues mais il se sent limite obligé de s'excuser après certaine pour pas se faire harceler par les SJW.

Après il est clairement "cucked" mais je sais pas trop ce que tu peux attendre de plus d'un mec de bientôt 33 piges qui vit encore dans son monde de jeux vidéo/anime/mangas comme si il avait encore 15 ans.

I heard that when she was young she got blacked.

>Bob is redpilled
I like the guy, thought I always wondered if he didn't have some sort of disorder. Obviously its a lot of entertaining the viewers, but even during stuff like the Aventures FAQ he act that way. That and the way he move back and forth on his chair. Shit's weird.

Je peux personnellement pas le blairer, il est lourd, bavard et stupide.
J'ai envie de lui éclater la gueule après seulement 5 minutes à l'entendre.