Why no World War 1?

>spend exactly 30 minutes in school going over World War 1
>years and years dedicated to World War 2

Why is this? Is this just an american school system thing?

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> Wondering why American public education is shit...

Real answer: No kike guilt

Our role was much less significant than in WW2 and the good vs. evil story that WW2 portrays is much easier to get across to students than a bunch of less clear motivations in WW1.

The US's future (after the war) wasn't impacted as much as it was after WW2. WW2 turned America into the true world superpower, we were attacked on our own territory, fought a theater of war pretty much solo, and ended the war in such a way that stopped a new major war from happening. For the US, WW2 is just 20x more important than WW1 in our nation's current identity.

regular army and warfare outdated and the new era nuclear/button war not wanted on the continent cuz that way everyone doomed

>american education

Why don't we just see the time between 1914 and 1945 as one big event? One thing basically led to another. It's almost like it's one world war with just a few years of truce in the middle.

Also, why not include 1945-1989 too?

Teachers are confuses because it can't be boiled down to simple Evil axis vs allied.... And no "muh Holocaust" lesson to shame goys (whose ancestors saved those Jews)

>fail reply
forget it, sleepless night and lack of caffein ... and daaaamn

The Jewish swindling that goes on at the top of the American Education Board. WW2 has the holohoax, and as we all know, it was the absolute worse travesty to ever happen to humanity. Though American role in WW1 was small, the war it's self is important to America due to America being a western nation. The lives of the men who fought in WW1 deserve more than 30 minutes to a class.

desu everything from 1914 to now is one huge event

it just takes a few centuries before history views it like that


For us it was the opposite

Definitely true. You can even see the current events in Syria and Ukraine for example, as direct results of the first world war.

Because who cares about a bunch of Eurotrash killing each other because their monarchs told them to?

The only significance of WW1 was the Treaty of Versailles.

You're lucky, in Greece history books in senior high school have about 10 pages devoted into the First World War and then just ignore the rest of the conflict and focus on the Balkan War.
The Second World War is even worse, I have my old history book from school here and even verified it, 6 pages.
6 DAMN PAGES on the bloodiest war in human history.
Welcome to Greece.

galipoli no doubt

solidarity with our Aussie confreres

never forget

For the holocaust atrocity propaganda

Too much study into world war one shows how politicians lied to get us into it for globalist aims and how after the war ended people figured this out and forced the government to take a justifiable isolationist stance

I'm in the south, we had 'muh slavery muh civil war' taught excessively rather than the holohoax and WW2
Also 'muh indians and muh trail of tears' too

>Because then you learn the real reasons for WWII

Really though it's a damn tragedy they don't teach it. Only reason I knew anything about it was because my great great grandfather was a machine gunner. He actually signed on as Calvary but that got disbanded and he ended up being a gunner.

Sad as shit that so many people died at Somme, Verdun, Ypres, and they don t even teach about it, not the treaty of Versailles. First mechanized war too.

I think this is why most burgers have such a shit tier understanding of WWII. They literally think it was good Americans vs evil nazis. They don't learn about the bullshit in the Weimar republic after the treat, how Zionist essentially declared war on Germany, danzig massacres, Russian judeobolshevism and FDR funding the commies. They don't learn about international banking driving Germany into the ground.

The more you learn about WWII the more you see the distinction between good and evil fade so they just teach black v white, good v evil.

I agree.

The world war started in 1914 and ended in 1991.

Hey at least you probably get accurate information.

Over in Japan the shit tier revisionists they elected made it so kids are taught about how the benevolent emperor peacefully expanded into Asia to bring peace and prosperity to it. And how the evil Chinamen lied about the tens of millions of them killed and raped in the Japanese genocide across their country... And then the ebil Americans started nuking them for no reason...

What theatre was that exactly

Personally, I had one chapter for World War I and one chapter for World War II (divided with War, and Holocaust

What about the wars in former Yugoslavia, Ukraine, the Middle East? Has the war ended or has it just changed and moved continuously?

>inb4 Australia and Britain helped in the pacific

I got holocaust (((history))) with a bit of ww2 museum tier info from work sheets

Literally was told that Nazi death camp leaders wives made skin lamps.

I remember in high school they barely covered either WW1 or WW2 in history.
easily two of the most defining events in human history in the past 150 years only got something like 3 or 4 class sessions dedicated to it.

And the Mexican American war gets a 5 second reference.
Other wars are undertaugt
WW2 is taught exclusively to see Kike guilt across the world.
Teach your children about this inconsistency. They will learn the truth that way

This, WWI was essentially a European war, we didn't really have much of an influence outside of show of force compared to what the Euros sacrificed.

Its kind of like how I heard the War of 1812 is a footnote to the larger Napoleonic Wars in Europe.

>mfw my school spent just as much time going over holocaust as we did going over the WW2

>it just takes a few centuries before history views it like that
In a few centuries there wont be such thing as history because 99% of humanity will be slaves to the 1% without culture and history, just mindless slaves doing labor.

Mostly because of culture
You can go decade by decade, at least in america, and point out the cultural differences between each
This makes it easier to teach history decade by decade and each one is pretty much considered its own thing
Because american high schools dont feel like telling you what influenced hippie culture, only that it happened

slavbro that's what we've always been and always will be. there will always be history, we just don't know how it will be written

Syria and most of middle east habbenings are direct result of bongistanis and frogs drawing lines to maps on arbitrary basis after WWI.

'muh 6 gorillion.

America was in in WW1 for about 45 minutes so....

Wish the Germans would act more like the nips desu senpai

Same. They stress so when modern liberals are backed into a corner they can "muh civil rights! Systemic racism will come back if you don't take my suggestions" and the young adults brainwashed through school on muh racism fall into line and the conservatives can't take it on
>Mike Pence calling MLK his hero at the RNC

Dont worry, Dice is here to educate you about how important and great your role in ww1 was


> get pacific fleet bombed to shit by japs
> kick their ass almost singlehandedly anyway
> force " honorabru God EMPERAH" to surrender

I remember we spent about 2 months just on the build up towards WW1. Then there was other courses you could take for more details about WW1.

For us it was the war that united us as a country.

WWI is mostly about the build up of tension. WWII is mostly about the actual fighting in Europe because we all know how WWII started. WWII is a more interesting story.

they need to focus on spinning the Marshall deal at the end of WW2 more. WW1 is a good example of how geopolitical struggle should play out. WW2 was thr start of a plutocratic hegemony Controlled through currency and trade. they skim right over how thr Marshall deal actually created the petrodollar . they pass it all off as "war time economy" making america a super power. it had a lot more to do with making thr dollar a powerhouse

what's scary to me is this- Iraq Iran Syria afghanistan are going to be thr Germany of the next big conflict.

they will ally with Russia and seek revenge for what the UN has do e to them

>we were attacked on our own territory
Americans think Hawaii was his territory

>His history teacher was a kike

I feel bad for you. My history teach in hs was red pilled.

Well, the US did give the small boost necessary for the Allies.

Even if the europeans did 95% of the fighting, without US involvment the Central Powers would have won, because after the Russian collapse they had not a two-front war anymore.

Because we must never forget the 60 gorillian.

>american education

It's impossible to romanticize WWI.

Also, the end of WWII was far more significant in terms of impact on the 20th century and beyond.

WWI seems a bit more embedded with colonialism and war for the sake of war (classic European Wars). I do think it is significant that this war led the Bolshevik revolucion which fueled China, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Venezuela, and Cuba and also dissolved the Ottoman Empire which has created virtually every problem in the middle east we see today.

WWII had higher causalities, use of WMDs, and was a war fought over racism (which we call nationalism). As odd as it sounds, WWI seemed more like a "gentlemen's war" while WWII was an absolute blood bath. Civilians were much safer in WWI.

Also we lost 4 times as many men in WWII.

WWI carries that stigma of boring trench warfare.


>WWI carries that stigma of boring trench warfare
you've not seen Blackadder goes Forth?

And also WW1 didn't destroy half of our Cities.

It is because us Swedes for a long time have kept it a secret.

The real war is still going on. It is you to decide who wins.

There's 190 million people in Sweden right now fighting this war.

Our government had a good plan for where to house all refugees. We all have our own space of living for each different race.

Fuck! now I am telling you of this secret and it is no longer a secret. Daimit

Nah, that's not true. Over in the UK, people romanticise it quite a lot: the Christmas truce, the poetry, the unknowing soldiers who went there completely oblivious but fought regardless for us, the poppy fields afterwards.

Yeah, the motivations and reasons are nowhere near as 'noble' but the war itself was.

>german school system
>1 fuckin sheet of paper for WW1
>about 25 hours for jews in WW1
>next schoolyear
>30 minutes for WW2
>over 9000 hours for Jews in WW2
oh Germany

my school never even showed us what a map of europe looks like. we spent like 3 years learning about the different kinds of indians that used live in ms and specific civil war battles and all the presidents and their opinions on shit that doesnt matter

World War One, the context surrounding it, and the events following was the most influential time in modern history. Every major international conflict, social movement, or shift in power since then can be traced back to those early years of the twenty-first century.

How is Hawaii not?



They taught me that the Germans were thoroughly fucked by the treaty of Versailles, and explained the strategic reasoning behind their preemptive strikes against Russia and France (Was it France?). Never learned a fucking thing about Zionism, which if for no other reason might be useful to know how explain where the fuck Israel came from. Also never heard any specifics of how the Weimar republic was so shitty, beyond the fact that it abided by the aforementioned treaty of Versailles.

Any good reads on Zionism and the Weimar republic from an objective historical viewpoint? I'm not really interested in learning about it from Pearson or Henry Ford.

A couple things

>muh 6 gorillion
Gotta keep that indoctrination going ;)

WW2 had a greater effect on global politics as a whole, breakup of British and Japanese empires, separation of Germany, start of the cold war e.t.c WW1 just made everyone poorer and served as a catalyst for WW2

WW1 was just the opening stage to WW2

Incidentally the world order created by WW2 is just now starting to crack

Back then they were saying that about the French Revolution and Napoleon

>holocaust refreshal elie wiesel class every year
>nothing outside the holocaust taught like the halt at dunkirk, Hitler's peace treaties, Haavara agreement, bombing of dresden, bavarian communist revolution, weimar germany, et cetera

>will never be in the best shape of your life, ready to climb the ditches into a wall of bullets fired from primative firearms
Why even fucking live. Uav is fucking cheating.

It felt like we had a massive Holocaust class every year in middle school too.

Other Americans seem to have had the same experience. What the hell is going on? Why are these highly specific atrocities so relevant to 21st Century schooling across the goddamn Atlantic?

>He actually got to learn about WWII
Consider yourself lucky
Here in the south we wrapped up WWI AND WWII in less than a week before spending the rest of the semester on civil rights.

We had more on world war 1 than world war 2 desu

If anyone is interested in the intricacies of WWI
Check out >youtube.com/user/TheGreatWar

Ten minute videos that break the war down on a weekly basis. It's pretty interesting and it doesn't seem biased - he rips into/lauds all nations pretty well.

Every history lesson here is a desperate attempt to paint Canada as the most badass belligerent of every war.

WWI was about the stagnation and collapse of Empires. WWII was hero Americans vs. Nazis.

I've been reading a 7-volume work called "Austria-Hungary's Last War" which does an excellent job of breaking down the diplomacy before the war and covers every last engagement from 1914-1918 on the lesser-known fronts.

It's really disappointing how little they teach of this in school.

Forgot to crop pic, here's some of the sections in the last volume

In History class where I am from I recall spending equal time on both. World War II was much more interesting for me though.

What's more interesting: Jews being gassed or an assassination triangle.


here is american education on wars:
>Our Revolution was amazing dog bless :'DD
>Union and Lincoln free slaves :-)
>Hitlur wuz BAD >:C
>We saved the world with D-DAY :+D
>but we interned the japanese DX

I guess you could call it our Gibraltar.

What in the fuck


Finished listening to this podcast a few week sback, goes really deep into WW1. Five podcasts total, 2-3 hours each.

>couldn't even hold one ridge

>World War II was much more interesting for me though.
ofc it is. Kike genocide asside, WW2 is all about 'murica coming again to save the motherfucking day. It's cool as fuck compared to a 4 year war were everything was dull and people were mostly living like rats in trenches.

I just got back from Yhpres. They certainly have not forgotten the war here. On the tour bus we passed a shell set out next to the road by a farmer for the bomb squad to pick up and disarm. They also found 3 skeletons a few weeks ago.