This is where we post all things anti-Norwegian

I'm so fucking pissed right now. They've done it again - killed people in broad daylight. This time a knife attack in London that claimed the life of a burger. What the fuck is wrong with Norwegian people?

Other urls found in this thread:

Found this gem in the papers the other day

Just norwegians out viking. Nothing new or weird about this friend. I don't personally think it's ok to pillage though. #notallnorwegians

In all seriousness, wasn't the guy norwegian somali? as in I have no idea where he has lived most of his life and how he was raised. I'd like more details on this whole case.

>a fucking cheese slicer

Odin demands blood


Either way, it's the bongs' fault for not banning assault knives.

God damn Norwegians, going around Europe stabbing people and shit

Everybody loves Norway, Oesterreich.

What if we all hated on you for giving the world the worst monster in history - [spoiler]Fritzl[/spoiler]?

Eat a dick op, oh wait, you're already busy at it

Norway is a country of peace. #NotAllNorwegians

Knives don't kill people. Norwegians kill people.

"Norwegian", he is a Somalian with norwegian citizenship.

Fucking niggers

And for the norwegian threathening the police in Maine, Portland...
You can keep him, picture related

I wish I was autistic so I could misinterpret this post and the flame you for being a fucking Swedecuck, which you are.

So his kids will be genuine Norwegians, right? I mean, isn't it wonderful how they'll be able to reflect on their proud Viking heritage.

Norwegians are gayer than Denmark, but not as gay as Sweden.

Today there is another case by Dagbladet, where a chick with sense in her head tell her the way it is.
Picture related

Probably, theres always some leftist whore that opens her door for refugees, then they open her vagina.

What would I even hate about Norway?

But Norway is the last decent country in the north.

Way whiter and better than Sweden and Denmark, and less autistic than the Finns. Get your facts straight, Mountainroo. It's the only Scandinavian country not populated by Stephen Merchant clones.


Now the Socialistic Youth (youth part for the sosialistic left) praises the chick in this postFor "standing up to racism". Calling people racists for not flooding the country with rapefugees

These people also think the only place we need diversity is in the overwhite Europe

We norwegians are helping the swedes with their degeneracy by supporting their economy. We shop in Sweden for billions and billions of dollars.

>pic related, I'm a kike who bails out sweden


> Jeg er 16 år og blond som faen

Why should we listen to someone who lives in a country where you can perform sexual acts with animals?

>Hating Norway
Really? It's the most likeable country out of the Scandinavian counties. Along with Denmark. But the knife attack was committed by a """Norwegian""", so now you hate Norway?

So he moved to UK when he was 5, how the fuck is he still Norwegian?

White people are THE most diverse people.

Whenever both whites and non-whites open their mouths about diversity, they offer nothing but skin color and white guilt for nothing.

This is Bergen, though. Bergensers (real Norwegian ones) can in isolated incidents be a little unstable.

>hating on norwegians

Come on now

>Brainwashed cunt whore
I hope she'll get enriched

It's like when American newspapers call blacks "youth". Calling him Somalian would be to """exclude""" him and would also fuel the current right wing surge further which is important to stop than people getting murdered.

Go out and play in yor 24/7/52 rain

*which is MORE important to stop

ikr. Norway did nothing wrong.

I'm not from Bergen, though.

Hakadal faggot here.

Norway has been SOMALED.

Yeah, but you guys also fish Bacalhau, so you're alright.

I love Norwegians. A dog born in a stable is not a horse. A dindu rapefugee squatter born in Norway is not a Norwegian.

Kjerringa med staven hogt oppi Hakadalen
Åtte potter romme, fire merker smor
Såleis kinna Kari, Ola hadde for
Kjerringa med staven

Kjerringa med kjeppen hoppa over bekken
Og så datt ho uti, og så var ho blaut
Og så gikk ho heimatt, og så fikk ho graut
Kjerringa med kjeppen

Kjerringa me sleiva satt hogt oppi kleiva
Og så vart ho vare jutulad'n då
Jammen var det kara' for i verda og
Kjerringa med sleiva

Kjerringa med turua satt hogt oppi furua
Og så kom ein hare hoppande forbi
Han sa, sit du bare, tiritiriti
Kjerringa med turua

Kjerringa ho stridde, så kom ein fyr og fridde
Vil du vera kjerring, skal eg vera mann
Vil du koke kaffi, skal eg bera vann
Kjerringa ho stridde.


What has gone wrong with all these Andersses and Magnuses? Why can't Norwegians be peaceful? Like Muslims?

The terrorist was born and raised in Norway therefore he is Norwegian. Being Norwegian is about that and not about what ethnicity you have. You can have any ethnicity and still be Norwegian. Therefore the terrorist was Norwegian and not a Somali. It doesn't make sense to call him a Somali because he has never been there

Your mass murdering and terroristic tendencies must end. Don't make me come back up there.

Serious though, when are we uniting and liberating Sweden?

Please tell me this isn't a real word, Norge.

>t. pic related

It's the greatest word in the Norwegian language, because it's a middle finger to the left-wing.

Also, did the cunts get tired of shilling for Hillary?

My dog was born in friend's house and raised by me. Therefore he's a human.

Norway has less mudslimes than Denmark, tho.

The mudslimes in Norway are even decently integrated compared to other countries, albeit that doesn't say too much, they are still not very integrated when push comes to shove.

i hope you get kanker

Daily mail: Somali
Born in Somalia, refuged to Norway, granted citizenship, moved to the UK

We are a nation of peace, death to all who say otherwise.

He was 5 years when he left Norway, his first memory probably didn't occur in Norway even.

Fuck off.
That somali nigger is less norwegian than a visiting chinese tourist.

An ape could be raised by humans but in the end of the day, it's an ape.

I would agree to the pic if every rapefugee would be purged at the same time.

this thread is bullying

Yay, my passport will no longer say I'm Danish now

>Serious though, when are we uniting and liberating Sweden?

why not just wait 'til swedistan burns to the ground/possibly gets nuked by ruskyland, and then just divide up the clay like in the good ol' days.

I wish the Norwegian would get out of brit/pol/ desu

Born and raised in isolated Somalian shitfest home without seeing the light of day =/= Born and raised in Norway

You'll always be mine, you precious little snownigger

I was labeled a fucking white male at birth, but I identify as a half horse transgender nigger jew.
Society needs to bend over backwards to appease me or else it's discrimination.

Average murder rates per 100 000 in Scandinavia, excluding the extreme abnormality of Breivik.

Seems good, to be honest.
Think Norway and Finland would be up for that as well

We would actually.

Get that potato out of your throat, then maybe we can talk

B-but the other Danebro said if I'm not born there, I'm not a Dane ;_;

Greenland's flag ruined the pattern


Faen så de jævla inbredde tenåringene liker å snakke. Media har ingen agenda, derfor de putter politiske meninger til forbanna post pubertet ungdom i avisene. 16 år gamle jenter er jo intellektuel power house i disse tider virker det som. GET CANCER


What do you want, Ahmed? Did your welfare money run out?

That's not a reason to commit a suicide. Don't do it!

>half horse transgender nigger jew.
Wow, you must be so oppressed.

You can make that argument if it's concerning countries like the USA, Canada etc. where kind of a core part of their societies is that you can come from anywhere and become american, canadian etc. but I don't think you can say the same for European countries that have much more defined lines of what it means to belong to a certain European group of people.


>a fucking dutch colony

Gonna wait till the 11th here. Appearantly DC made a capeshit movie about us, China and Russia, it will be premiering the 11th

Europe is not the same as before now Europe is multicultural like USA and Canada and ethnicity doesn't have anything to do with nationality in Europe anymore.


Norway texted me earlier to see if he can join. "Like the old days" he says

>Rollo was Norwegian
>England is NORWEGIAN clay
be afraid

Bloggere er snart i regjeringen, hvis de hadde startet ett parti hadde jeg garantert de hadde kommet inn på stortinget..

What the fuck? I think you actually are autistic
>when you hate swedens generous immigration politics so much its all you think about
Wew lad, I knew Norwegians on here are cringy but holy shit

Ehh, I saw your flag and didn't even cared to read you post.


>Norwegian "Warfare"

Daily reminder that you belong with us, not with dumb, smelly Denmark-kun.


I wish he had killed Norwegians instead, faggot people faggot language faggots

You are a Swede. Cuckmate.

You are a Norwegian. Cuck your shit up senpai.

I think it's good Norwegians teach their new countrymen real viking culture! In 20 years there won't be any need for white norwegian "men".

Why are you retards cluttering this thread with your retardation? Can't you do something productive like hate on niggers or post pictures of pretty girls?

Lol i went to check out if it really was a norwegian, because then all the shitskins would be ranting again that "he isn't being called a terrorist because he's not muslimi" (even though mass voilence from whitey happens once in 8 years and theirs weekly) but he's a fucking somalian, it all makes so much sense now


Du fortjener ikke flagget om du ikke snakker språket.

Is red your favorite color? Why do you have a need to paint everything red?

Pic related, it's from my hometown

Look, the Swede is talking about cuckery!

Nah, he's officially Norwegian. Those fucking northmen are regressing back to their viking violence. That's what the media told me anyway.

Sure, i can post some swedish girls

i will forgive norway all its sins if svalbard posts in this thread