Hillary is going to let in so many mudslimes that we will have more than Germany. This isn't about Trump anymore. We need someone who can actually win. Who should replace him?
Hillary is going to let in so many mudslimes that we will have more than Germany. This isn't about Trump anymore...
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Too many Trump voters will feel angered at the party for replacing TRUMP and stay home. Let's stay the course
that sounds about right, murika has been shitting up the middle east so much yet hasn't take its share or refs
>Sup Forums wants racewar
>Sup Forums wants to keep immigrants out
Sometimes this place confuses me. How can you pick both options? If justice is dead Muslims don't you want easy access and free reign on their lives no matter what special status they receive from big government?
A terrorist attack on a presidential debate killing the shill and trump sure would be great. Start over with new candidates.
inb4 im now on a NSA watch list for conspiring a terrorist attack.
Everyone in this thread is despicable
We already have niggers we don't need an invading horde of Muslims
>pole wants racewar
Sup Forums is a borde of piece
Having special status niggers obviously isn't enough to get you fags to actually do anything. It's like you're just lying down waiting to die.
Don't you want the racewar?
The race war is going to happen no matter who wins. Sup Forums just wants the immediate enemy force to be as small as possible.
Holy war. Ftfy.
We can't even agree to what type of war we want as a group.
Who cares? As long as you get to pop some negros, right?
some of the most ghetto blacks are Christians senpai.
Fuck off commie cunt. Trump is winning this election, and your well is running dry.
No you sneaky Shill, Trump has lead the US back into the light.
You should stick with Trump all the way. No one else has the balls to get done what needs to be done
Sup Forums is not one person
Yeah I knew someone would say that. Doesn't mean that I don't see a common contradiction from the white supremacist sorts.
It sure seems so tho