When was the last time we played one of these, eh?
Risk Of Sup Forumsotics
how do I play
Color: Red
Name: Germanic Empire
Starting Location: Berlin
Er, read the rules on the right side of the image?
If you can't see the full thing, just click on it to generally expand it, then right click, and press Open Image in New Tab.
Iberian Empire
Once we get to 5 nations, play will begin. Each turn lasts 15 minutes, after that, I will begin to edit it to the circumstances provided by players. If a move is put in after the 15 minute mark, it does nothing.
Well shit this thread is rip
It's on page 1 so maybe no. You could advertise it.
It's not dead yet, there's still hope
Color: Gold
Name: Kebab Republic
Starting Location: Stanbul
OP keep the thread alive or make a new one
Just 1 more player
Sorry I was doing something
Byzantine Empire
Istanbul is taken. Another location?
Castile then
>tfw instant enemy
Reeeee purple.
Move please
Wait, aren't you the guy hosting the other risk game right now?
He's in madrid now, so you should be fine
You need another location.
Tittyfuck, I forgot there is a such thing as tags. Excuse me, I'm fucking retarded.
Also, play has now begun.
Fuck then
I apologize to OP for the faggotry and autism.
Head straight for the Iberian Empire and conquer them. +3
Fill Spain
What the fuck? you said in London
No, I apologize, I'm a dipshit and forgot you were in Madrid. I'm actually fucking retarded. Move for Castille, because I'm direly autistic.
Take Constantine, Spill to Malta and the city in Sardinia, if any more spill to Rome and Napoli
Also, quick tip, PLEASE put what your empire's name is, so I don't have to scroll up to see what it is. Just a quick thing for next time.
Shit I'm used to playing this on Sup Forums. Excuse all future autism. I realize you have names. Keep doing what you're doing.
I'm new to the risk game tell me if im fucking something up
Take Sofia
Go towards Ankara
Yeah I thought I had to move again. Sorry for confusing you OP.
you have a +3 bonus
So could it be:
Start going towards Sofia?
I was just saying that you forgot to put you're bonus in
Yeah, put (+3) at the end of your name, if you could.
Could you switch your name to your empire's name?
You didn't have enough T points to take your cities. Try again this turn.
You got everything, but ran out of T points at Barcelona.
Once again, this time maybe right
Spill to Sofia
if any more take Ankara
Finish off the Iberian Empire. There can only be one of us and that's historical Moor-killing Castille
Take Constantine, Spill to Malta and the city in Sardinia, if any more spill to Rome and Napoli
attack the traitorous castile basterds and rape their wives.
You're dead, muzzie.
Are you there, OP?
Should I take over as OP if he's gone?
You both rolled the same, that's a stalemate, but Castille has +3, and Iberian Empire has +2. Only by a little bit, Castille gets one point.
You got Sofia.
Acquired Constantine, moved one point towards Malta.
Is user RIP?
Also fuck it, OP will play too.
ISIS Legion
Was waiting on Germanic Empire, If they don't move this round, they are officially out, and all their land goes to the nearest nation. So, try and get close...
Also, PLEASE FOR FUCKS SAKE tell me if I miss something.
Invade Malta, spill into the city in Sardinia and Alger
Fill Southern Spain for Castille!
Spill towards Berlin
i'll get the shot.
fugg sorry
i'm +4
Christian alliance?
Sure, we must eliminate the Muslims in Iraq and the Balkans
ISIS create perimeter, instill fear in infidels.
Also, should we create a new thread so we have the chance of bringing more players?
any colour
Well shut me the fuck up then
Guys' i'll be going to kick sum' football, sorry for potentially ruining the game.
If possible, i donate my lands to the great caliphate of ISIS, good luck
this is a forfeit, don't count me in in the future
Can I roll this turn?
Roll to take amsterdam spills fill UK
KEK. You didn't even roll enough points to start out at London. Try starting again this turn..
Ah, thanks mate. It's been nice having ya.
ISIS fills all unoccupied zones, heads west towards Italy to fuck up Carthage niggers.
Fill Southern Spain, fill Northern France. And OP that's not how it works, it takes one tile to conquer a city, not the amount of bonuses it gives.
Take Alger (Using sea routes from Sardinia) spill into Rome and Napoli
No, Castille. I'm the host. I know how this game works. Did you even read the rules?
>annex a city /resources
>when you own this city you'll get n additional bonus pts every turn.
>cost to annex : nx2
It takes 6 T points to take London. I'm OP, I know how it works.
>mfw I get nothing for Palis
Man ceding ISIS a 5 bonus for free was probably a mistake to this games balance. It puts him in a league ahead of the only 2 other players.
Especially since he already had Baghdad which gave him +3
starting in a city =/= annexing a city
enjoy your 3 civs that you actually allowed from quitceding
please, never host a risk game again.
Fucking Sup Forumstard OP, did you even read that you could get a penalty for beelining? And why the fuck did you cede yourself German/Kebab land? Man I'm out, shittiest Risk game and I mean that.
It's ironic how I was going to quit this game and evenly distribute all my land to each territory. Also, the line was 2 wide.
So the game is over then?
Take a look at fucking Romania, that's not 2 wide. Once a Sup Forumstard, always a Sup Forumstard.
Through romania the whole travel line is 2 wide.
This, is 2 wide?
It's about the amount of pieces, not the shape.
Northern Russia