>Lou Dobbs dropping the biggest redpill: Paul Ryan, Hillary Clinton on the same globalist team.

>Hillary says "we are going to raise taxes on the middle class," crowd cheers

>The media constantly lies about Trump's crowd sizes and just about everything else, too.


>Trump in Jacksonville, FL (8/3/16)
>Pence Rally in Phoenix, AZ (8/2/16)
>Trump in Ashburn, VA (8/2/16)
>The OVERFLOW ROOM in Mechanicsburg, PA (8/1/16)

>Donald on O'Reilly: Responds To Obama and Khan, Voices 'Rigged Election' Possibility (8/2/16)
>Trump on Newsradio (8/2/16)
>Hannity interviews Trump (8/1/16)

>Did you wipe the server?
>Compilation of Liberals Predicting that Trump Will Win the Presidency - Michael Moore, MSNBC, TYT
>Hillary Clinton: A TOP TEN Breakdown
>What Trump Must Do to Win
>How Trump Trolling Hillary Clinton Emails is Genius


Other urls found in this thread:

Wow, I can't believe anyone in their right mind would vote for such a meme candidate. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you stupid racists drumpf is going to get destroyed.



Is it possible that the Shilling for Hillary is actually just people shot posting to piss people off?


Some, but they're here, and it's really bad.

So are we, uh, not talking about the CTR dox?

There's no way. People going online, and saying dumb shit to get a rise out of other people? That's crazy!

thanks for making hillary look like even more of a dumb piece of shit


Its a mix of raiders from other boards, websites, and shills. When people react or respond to them it encourages their behavior.

Mods are sliding it and b&'ing people who post the link. It's being discussed on the cripple board.


Help! I oopsie'd my music jigger!

Is there anybody, ABSOLUTELY ANYBODY, who can correct this record??

I will pay you 0.02$ for your troubles, no tips.

Praise Allah infidels; Hillary 2016

Mods are deleting them so apparently we need to post it more.

Nope because they got banned just now

hard to do it when talking about it gets you banned

I know a bunch of y'all saved the images

Put my stance on facebook.. got nothing but likes so far.

I'm not sure how much longer I can take all the shilling going on lads. Please tell me it's not going to be like this constantly until the vote.


>posting an obscene cartoon

>dozens of these people working on the same topic across multiple social media outlets

if it was just people saying dumb shit for TEH LULZ it would be very obvious


Oi vey. CTR is the future right, my Jewish friend?

Reminder: In the last 100 days, the CTR shilling is going all out - This is it for them, now or never, they're going to blow hundreds of millions of dollars to try and get Killary elected.

Good CTR, you're all faggots, even you're director knows he's a bitch



Third one was wrong..

Nice to see those red pills work.

you are gonna have to hunker down it is gonna be a shill storm for quite a while

trump is gonna have to be up again for it to calm down

Rato was CTR all along.

Have a (You) for getting first post.
Gold Star, mein juden

Reminder they'll all be tried as well. They're accomplices.

Hey anybody have a problem with a maga hat taking longer than 10 days to ship? My first one came within 7 days.

Remember to be the worst goyim imaginable bros.

Trump 2016.

They will all face charges and stand before Congress. This I promise.


>"We are going to raise taxes on the Middle Class!"
>Audience cheers

How the fuck did this not make headlines?

She would obviously never be stupid enough to say something like this, so is this proof that her mind is going to mush?

We need to spread this video on social media.

everyone. i have some bad news.. look at this:

guys.... this is bad. 87% - 99% chance of a trump presidency?

that's a 1% - 13% chance of failure... i.. i just can't do this anymore.

i've been a trump supporter since june of last year, when he took that escalator ride to make the announcement.. but this is just.. t.. too much.

i just can't take the risk. i'm s-so sorry, but... this is the end. i wish it wasn't, but... but i just knew it was too good to be.. true. this is the end of donald trump's campaign.

i used to be a trump supporter, but after this... it looks like i'm gonna have to s... start shillin' for... hill.

i'm now r-r-re-ready for.. hilla.. ry.....

I wonder, at what point in their lives, are these establishment cucks corrupted by the higher ups. Like at what point was Paul Ryan approached by big money guys and told "hey, this whole left-right thing is a fraud, so if you wanna stick around you need to play ball and do as you're told". Were they all pre-selected at some point in their lives? Assuming that most of them get into it for the right reasons, where do they become corrupt? Because for about 95% of the Washington politicians to be completely on the same page, they have to have been in the elites' pocket all along. Or are they just slowly bribed with gifts until they themselves realize that politics is a big joke and they're just there to roll in cash? I'm leaning more towards them being selected and pushed into power by elites

Am full on traitor kike, very busy MAGAing and sppreading pro trump memes.
I love you too.

the funny thing is, by saying it's just other shitposters the shills imply that Hillary Supporters have nothing better to do than argue with 15 year old holocaust deniers on Sup Forums. That makes the hillary supporters just as lame as CTR shills, if not more.

But also accurate

They are actually all out of money, the shill's won't last through September. They only have $400,000 out of the $6 Million left. Pic related

Daily reminder that if you're looking for a hail mary in the form of the presidential debates, keep looking. Clinton is an educated politician and a successful debater, who knows how to weasel out of almost anything.

Trump isn't any of those things. He's certainly not a good debater.

>b-b-but he won all the debates!

In the same way a strong but unskilled wrestler can defeat a weak but skilled wrestler just by virtue of power, so too did Trump in the debates. But on a level playing field, Clinton will run circles around him. All she has to do is press him on policy issues and he will just bluster and try to deflect, thats it. The peanut gallery is instructed to remain quiet as well, so his one liners won't get him out on any binds.

Just a fair warning

Trump is throwing his chances out the window with all these stupid comments about things that don't matter.
Why does he keep doing it?

It was funny during the primaries, but now it's infuriating.

He needs to stay focused on promoting his policies and attacking Hillary.

kek fat lib faggot

Yeah, mine shipped after 13 days. Takes a while. Probably because so many people are buying them
Like a cool user said to me
"Its a campaign first and a shop second. Be patient"

Nj here btw, see some trump signs out on houses around me.
Still have yet to meet an actual hillaty supporter.

Thanks juden senpai.
With Jews you win

>about things that don't matter.

if they don't matter why are you talking about it

There are multiple fakes that don't come from trump, are not made in america, and give no money to his campaign. That's all I can tell you.


>the Jews have found out about anime

truly this is the darkest hour

>tfw can't build wall around this board.

>Being that shit at spending

Don't miss this rally!
Lock her up and get a job chants in the line!
Doors are open!

0.05 has been deposited into your account

People are more woke than you think. I see a lot of trump support in liberal shithole NJ, or at least everyone is trashing clinton. I've seen one Hillary sticker ever, and it was on the garden state parkway, and not even someone from jersey. It was some guy from cucked up hipster family from Maine that had a Bernie sticker, two Obama stickers, a hill sticker, and some anti-2a sticker. Anytime politics comes up I tell people I support trump; not aggressively though. I've never been SJW'd for it or even gotten a weird look. The media are only ones creating this hysteria


How the fuck do you blow through that much money that quickly? Jesus.

So much misinformation in this thread. Someoneone should Correct the Record.

I was reading about him wanting to mess around with internet porn so I wanted to ask what is the real deal with what he wants to do as opposed to the epic online news that exaggerates everything and aaying he wants to ban all porn or all obscene porn everywhere or some stupid shit.

I also wanted to buy a trump steak package to support him but I was dissapointed they are discontinued. Is there any way we could get the message to him we want his steaks back?

I made a thread ealier about this but it was slid off quickly becuase of the influx of troll and meta threads.

It doesn't actually matter, does it? What can we do? There's no proof of them posting here. We just know who's involved in CTR as a business, not what they're doing or who's doing it, do we? Like, individual shills I mean. It's not like we have access to pay records. It's not really a dox when Linkedin is public.

Don't believe the polls, they're all manufactured bullshit.

The fact is Hillary is going to have 9 million illegals show up on election day to vote for her. Trump is truly fucked.

>6 million
Oy vey

Anime is the end goal of National Socialism.

Remember to support nationalism and MAGA to prevent this!

Wait what? Link?

id say a good 4th of them, but there are 4 anti trump threads going right now,, they are trying to tear down of his base some.. they are desperate.
really desperate.. assassination attempt will prolly be next.

Wow, and they said replying to the shills was a bad idea. We shoulda done this months ago and bankrupted them before the convention.

definetly some of them. Some of them are probably Sup Forumstards having fun. Most of them are real paid shills though.


I ahven't watched american debates until now, are debates mainly a meme?

What will happen when Trump inevitably wins? Will all the shills leave Sup Forums and will peace be restored? I really loved the Trump Generals from almost a year ago when there was pretty much no shilling going on at all.

This is some next level concern shilling. At least try to be reasonably believable next time.

I wonder how many of these are contracted by the major networks. Looking forward to the congressional hearings. Should be quick.

If Trump wins can we charge them all with treason

By giving them (You)s i guess.
And i am certain of Polish tier embezzeling

Based Dobbs singlehandedly bringing integrity to Fox.

That better not be fucking real.

Stop throwing around words you don't understand. Treason isn't "doing something I don't like."

Hey those young female political activists like to make $12-$15 an hour. That would mean a daily cost of $1 million per day just to counter every unique visitor to Sup Forums, nevermind plebbit and kikebook. I think that's why a lot of anons are saying to wait them out, even though the Sup Forums mods are CTR.

>Endorsements aren't "blank checks" you can just sign whenever you like.



Ignore my shilling.
I'm doing something for jewtube.

>south african and portugese paid shills constantly shitting up the board and good threads with bluepilled bullshit arguements.

Trump general was glorious when the campaign started. Mo money mo problems I guess

So Melania likely committed immigration fraud. You can't make this shit up.

Seriously considering #FeelingTheJohnson

Jesus. this is pretty nuts
holy shit
You're right, there are ero shills here, I can now see it clearly.
Thank you for correcting the record!
Was posted as a reply to me.

In other news and to keep it on topic, who did Trump BTFO today?
I just got back from work.

Is that real?


Maybe 200 people tops at this rally in Arkansas, the Clinton home state.

How can they bluff the people that she has any chance? They must be planning on stealing it. Remember, Bernie used to get 10 people at his rallies for every 1 at her's but she still (((somehow))) managed to win.

Stealing it is the Jews' ONLY option.

It's just a prank bro.

Coming from Ryan, that means nothing kek.

More like mo $hillary mo problems

shit hitler, pham

It's about shilling

If Brooks Brothers can make their suits and ties in America how come the Trump collection isn't?

Why is Donald shipping jobs overseas to China/Pakistan and down to Mexico?

I think it is, based on signs throught britain, and the CCTV camera outside Owells's house
