this is coming from someone who owns two trump shirts, a hat, and a signed book. but how can you even come back from this type of lead.
this is coming from someone who owns two trump shirts, a hat, and a signed book. but how can you even come back from this type of lead.
you can't
trump has no self control and blew it for everyone
He's finally been stumped, and he was the one to do it.
its fucking over, man
post pic of trump memorabilia.
with timestamp
Not even a Trump fag but polls are meaningless until late September-early October.
Remember, Romney was winning in the polls around this time in 2012.
Oh, and you guys should mention that Rasmussen always leans to the right. You can't really blame the pollsters in that case.
>Its another (((poll))) thread.
Fuck off and die.
This. Britbro knows
Do you honestly believe Trump went from +5 to minus 10 in a few days? The pollsters clearly show they are oversampling Dems, minorities and any group that can impact the polls.
Then they weight the results with other variables such as including 3rd parties or not voting and include the ones with Trump losing.
You know damn well they are bullshit. Look at the battleground counties, all but one have a solid trump lead.
I was a Trump Supporter, bought two bumper stickers and a MAGA hat from his campaign.
He clearly has no fucking self control, no idea what "Party Unity" is and he just blew his shot at winning the election.
Now, I'm not voting for Shillary either but I'm legitimately considering voting for Gary Johnson.
It's over. I have been a Trump supporter from day one, but I have to admit that he will probably lose to Crooked Hillary...
These new polls don't make any sense. Even if Trump did something honestly fucked up, his supporters wouldn't leave him for Hillary in this quantity. I don't even think they only changed the methodology of the polls, I think these are completely faked numbers.
They probably got scared shitless when they saw Trump surging after all the terror attacks and conventions recently. So this week they seem to have gone all-out, faked polls, run non-stop "news" attacking minor details regarding Trump, increase the paid shilling by millions (probably where that 25 mil Soros recently donated went to), etc.
Trump fucked up. I will personally blame him if Hillary is elected. She should have been the easiest fucking pushover, and yet he still somehow fucks it up.
How is this even possible? Seriously, this shoulda been the easiest election for us.
I'm just fucking pissed. I'm sorry god emperor, please forgive me.
i even have the fucking christmas card he sent, its just embarrassing now
Yeah, it had to do with his bad response to the Khans. You never, ever say anything bad about MUH MILITARY in the states, even if it was a partisan attack.
He went on by comparing sacrificing a life to building a lot of real estate.
Now the GOP is having a hissy fit over it, furthering the stance that the GOP is divided, not united, over Trump.
Textbook shilling, folks
Try harder next time
95 days, 3 debates and more Hillary emails.
After all the corruption we've seen from Hillary and the DNC seeing polls not favoring Trump is a straight up corruption.
Trump use to tout how well he was doing in the polls. Now the Left is hitting him where it hurts. The Polls.
It needs to be exposed. Good luck.
No, but independents who were undecided would go to Hillary instead of Trump.
Pollsters aren't oversampling dems.
The country is going more and more left and that's all there is to it. It will always become more PC and as soon as those Supreme Court justices are in it's over forever.
CTR faggots fuck off.
>this is coming from someone who owns
How much are they paying you, faggot?
Methodology changed yes, especially with CNN not polling a single person from age 18 - 34. But remember that not all the people in the polls are necessarily Trump supporters, just people who will vote for him. We're not going anywhere, but independents might over this because they don't understand what this Kahn faggot stands for.
You sound like a Bernout.
This. If they truly were being oversampled, you guys should be worried about states like Texas. There's naturally more Republican respondents there.
And the Democratic Party isn't divided at ALL?
i would post a pic to prove but its too much effort and i got dubs anyway so you have to believe me
fingers in ears
hands over eyes
This is how you Make America Great Again
This is essentially the last chance republicans have to win the white house. Ever again.
In 8 years the demographics will already be so skewed with the influx of Mexicans and other immigrants that a white Republican will never hold the highest office again.
no, fuck off
>Polls aren't rigged by corrupt media that has 8% approval by the country, in favor of someone who would keep their existing power in place.
Wew lad, its brexit all over again.
Look at the faggots in this thread. They use correct therminology, but you can bet they are not polacks.
'he blew it with khan, I won't vote for him, even thought Hillary is also bad'
Get the fuck out retards, there is nothing be could say that would make polacks shun him. It is just demoralizing campaign.
Fucking Johnson ruining it for us.
alls he had to do was keep his mouth shut lol. wikileaks has to save us at this point.
>guys I'm not a shill I promise
>proceeds to shill
fuck off CTR
It changed pretty fast, so all you can see that the publics' opinion is extremely volatile at the moment. It can flip very fast. The conspiracy tard in me thinks that Clinton does everything to buffer the fall before the most incriminating E-Mails get leaked.
fingers in ears, head in sand. Sad!
They've won guys, pack it up and leave /pol. Thank you based CTR
Not nearly as divided as the Republican party.
I didn't vote in the polls.
I know Sup Forums didn't vote in the polls. All the people the I know support Trump, didn't vote in the polls.
That's a lot of votes not being looked at.
Polls are meaningless. They don't take into account the millions of supporters that don't give a shit about polling.
Did you vote in any polls?
Rasmussen changed their methods as well, they used to give people a direct option to not vote.
But yeah, every single poll I know of puts Clinton in the lead. Doesn't mean it's nearly as much of a lead as they claim, and it certainly doesn't mean it's not going to change dramatically in the next three fucking months.
That's going to change when they're shipped out. They import them on mass to get votes to keep their power structure intact. Time to go back to a republic, democracy is not for america. The biggest meme is that america is a democracy. No fool, you've been overtaken by globalist internationalists.
Exactly, even if Trump really DID fuck it up (and nothing he did was THAT bad, even if the media fixated on it all week), he's still the presidential candidate that has shown the most love to vets/military/law enforcement ever. Hillary has shown nothing but contempt for them. There's no way this incident would have moved the polls this much, even with independents. Most people who just follow the basics probably don't even know who Khan is.
post pics of your white cocks to prove pol/tard
CTR only hires niggers and frminazis
oh look, another one of these threads
Thank you for Correcting The Record.
Anything can happen, but the more she leads, the harder it is for Trump to dig out of his hole.
post a timestamp of trump merch you own, otherwise your an obvious merchant
>what is the entire field of statistics
wew lad
We know your secrets.
You are losing.
It's all smoke and mirrors.
Trick photography.
Bogus Media reports.
>shilling for an open borders anti gun narcissist faggot
Imagine being one of those neck beard faggots who actually thought the Trump thing ever had a chance.
You fucking idiots
Reagan came back from an over 20 point deficit.
The left uses polls to demoralize the right, because they lie. All the time. Every time.
Never believe their lies.
First the FBI bro came to us in july to lay a fat dump on Hillary, we could see the shills anxiety starting to unravel.
Then he took a significant lead.
Then the career-ending leaks.
You see the (((media))) just had to rally up for a final coordinated hail mary, and the constant fabricated outrage (who really gives a fuck) about the sharia-law supporting kebab at the DNC acting all sanctimonious is what they had. If Trump didn't mention him, they'd make something up.
Don't be disencouraged by CTR, the raids, The Lugenpresse in full North-Korea mode and the skewed polls. They can't keep up this gear for too long. Keep hammering the leaks everywhere.
Remember that Shillary's rallies still can't fill up half a highschool gymnasium.
What is all this new shit about Trump fucking himself over?
Also, if there is a minus 10, can't is just be people getting fucking tired of polling?
> who owns two trump shirts, a hat, and a signed book.
Post them all together with a time stamp
ITT poltards trolling poltards.
...because of the iranian hostage crisis.
one should hope, and not that retards actually think trump is a good candidate
It is obnoxious how stupid they think we are.
Both Trump, and Hillary supporters (the few of the latter that truly exist) are almost impossible to dissuade from their opinions.
Yet these (((pollsters))) paint an image of people changing their minds daily.
Absolutely insulting to anyone with half of a brain.
Don't forget adding literal memes (harambe) to the list of presidential candidates
>amirite my fellow trumpsters
I fucking hate all of you
>They didn't interviewed only my redneck friends
Like the one we just had, where Obama paid $400,000,000 to get back 4 hostages?
Or like the one where Obama gave Iran back $150,000,000,000 for lying about not wanting nukes?
Or like the one where Iran can work on a nuclear program unchecked and be nuclear before Obama gets out of office?
Like one of those?
>we have to believe you
timestamp or suicide.
because I believe the same week of rigged election, daily isis killings, the dnc racism leak, hillary lying, shady obama bucks going to iran in small bills and Hillary gets a bump.
suuuuuree thing sounds legit
what>? fuck I hate trump
Hey guys - this is coming from someone who bought a 12 inch trump dildo and a graduated from Trump University and currently is wearing a MAGA hat fashioned into a diaper. Voting Hilldog now
>nd Hillary supporters (the few of the latter that truly exist)
>ITSSSSSSS A CONSPIRACYYYYY!!!!!!!!! IDS DA JOOOOOOOOOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know you're not supposed to leave those things in for weeks, yes?
Dubs of truth
>Russia comments
>Khan comments
I thinking about going Third Party.
I never liked Trump, but from an outsider's perspective literally everything about this seems suspicious.
Because as much as I despise the man, he's intelligent as fuck. I just disagree with people saying intelligence is such a main factor for a good leader. Intelligence is an amplifier. An intelligent good person is a great person, and an intelligent bad person is an evil person.
The fact that he goes from being able to improvise one perfect sentence after another during interviews or questions to acting the retard like he does now, makes no sense at all. I'm no tinfoil hat type, but it wouldn't surprise me if he actually is a Hillary plant.
Thank you for correcting the record!
That would be a good name for a third party.
>Because as much as I despise the man, he's intelligent as fuck
Noone ever thought Trump is intelligent
My transgender Moms says Trump is a Hitler. I'm voting Hillary so he won't kill any jews..its the right choice.
Oh look, a liberal being childish, green texting insults and pretending to be a conservative as the sole basis of their argument.
Who'd have seen that one coming?
>Not nearly as divided as the Republican party.
How do we know? Because the media says so of course.
He's a political babe in the woods. Even with someone helpfully outing the entire Clinton playbook against him, they keep pressing his buttons and he keeps jumping.
It's pathetic.
To all you faggots that don't think Trump's comments matter here you go, Fox news poll.
Literally 43% of the DNC convention walked out.
but,...... I want things to be great again. Yugely.
No one - not even his strongest supporters, think he is intelligent.
Holland - get back on the recreational drugs and get the fuck out of here
It's easy to mistake whatever Trump says or does as dumb when you hate him, because he's a good actor. His IQ is huge. He just knows how to to make himself popular and in this time, apparently acting a little stupid is the way to achieve that.
So these current events either means he's
1) always been Hillary's political playmate
or 2) He's intelligent as fuck, but the empathetic facet intelligence is retard tier which is now biting him in the ass
Alright, then take it out November 8. Probably the 9th where you are.
I agree.
this is not a real post
>a liberal being childish,
>a liberal
check trip
>and pretending to be a conservative
I'm not a conservative you retard. get out of america and you will know that there are more then 2 political ideologies, you fucking rretard
Literally Hillary is winning in all polls. People tend to follow a winner, so DNC will unite because Hillary is winning. Meanwhile RNC...
>Sup Forumstard will not think this is shilling
>His IQ is huge
>how can you even come back from this type of lead
Replace trump with someone not crazy, like rubio or kasich
Pretty much everyone hates Hillary and they're only voting against Trump
>I'm not a conservative you retard. get out of america and you will know that there are more then 2 political ideologies, you fucking rretard
>guys im really fucking interesting please look at me with all my obscure opinions and ideologies XD
Thanks for correcting the record.
Trump didn't blow anything.
Trump can't force the (((media))) to represent him fairly.
All he can do is stick to his guns and let us fill in the gaps with the sheeple digesting the approved narrative.
>>guys im really fucking interesting please look at me with all my obscure opinions and ideologies XD
>all my obscure opinions and ideologies
>nationalism is a obscure ideology
Whatever murican
>unironically believes that there are only 2 meaningfull political ideologies
>american education
>Trump is down 5 points its over guys. How can he even come back with only 4 months left?!?!
How's the shilling, hillbots? Enjoying hillbux?