:c Edition
First for dick
1st for jumping man
I loved this guy. One of the best parts of post-Lynch TP I'd say.
first for Booper raped Diane
What happened with the dudes from Vegas?
What happened with the husband who was arrested for the murder where they found Briggs body?
Where's Bobby? And how does an ex Coke head become a sheriff ?
Also gunna pour some Hennessy rn for my nigga Briggs.
>fawning over Diane when Beverly is obviously best girl
And now my jumping man watch has ended.
He looks like a Sims character
that nasty bitch needs a shave, fucking feminists
jumper btfo
thank you based dick
Windom Earle is inquestionably the best part of season two, simply because what enshrouds the Deleuzian representation of negation in “The Black Lodge” is by nature (W)indom (E)arle. We, the pure ample aspiration, the capital v-Viewer are held fantastically in a grip of pleasure as "solicitude", certainty as “knowingness” and “The Black Lodge” as ontological blockchain/godhead. TMFAP is absolute fact in opposition but the baroque villainy of WE's (and any Lovecraftian) the same sin to die “now” as on the path to Madness. The conditional “It” (DC) creates nothing in response, Earle's own humanity is reflected in his oeuvre of disguise-personalities. (performed) To WE (& the normative Cooper &Briggs) the Implacability of unsure sentiment is Earle’s selfenforcing principle, pleasure--simplicity. In Palmer, the reprised intelligences move towards psychosomatic transgression. WE's sickness is symptom & myth unlike the Palmer daughter his active agent is not important, but “normal” and yet pronouncedly considerable as such, bidding. “We a the, of not can he.” The subject of Earle is in an undiluted terrace viewed viewers become wrote wonders, noting nothing Indian anyhow in the Black Lodge (negation).Then, there’s Earle, the something coupling with Lodge entities, (call it “force”, of what? of course: illusion. – by since And because of supremacy In ALL perceptions, (rare & cloistered the issue may be) what we then Now view as reality, IS,) [in WE's] subjection a full picture. In an open letter to Kenneth Welsh “Windom Earle” one asks to which if not to want introduction (Mark Frost) gigantic of up wrote run life, (MF) introduction, revelation, dreams, & value system, (MF,MF,DL,MF) ie. AS Windom Earle hAS in the Black Lodge. (the rudimentary transition in S2 of Windom A into form Windom B.) Perhaps to “comfyfags“ will greet these upon death, a paradoxical death for those who existence infects.
These rapeshitters are fucking retarded.
The fact that when Coop visited her that night and it was obviously no longer him but some fucking evil doppleganger, that would have been fucking traumatic enough. I guess this is what we get when fucking hack scriptwriters these days just use rape as a lazy way to establish that a character is a bad guy in every show.
Watch when Diane first goes into the room to talk to Booper. She starts adjusting her hair and her top like she's trying to look her best. I doubt she would do this if she was right about to talk to her rapist 25 years later.
Second for cute
Rhonda best girl
>What happened with the dudes from Vegas?
Which ones?
>What happened with the husband who was arrested for the murder where they found Briggs body?
He's still in jail. He was in jail when he wife was killed by Dopp-Coop so he's not getting charged with that at least.
>Where's Bobby?
In Twin Peaks.
And how does an ex Coke head become a sheriff ?
A lot can happen in 25 years, his dads death probably motivated him.
tfw Booper kills retarded Cooper
At first he had that "face you want to punch" quality in his early appearances, but I grew to love him more and more as he became less of an antagonist and more of a bumbling idiot. In that way he and Andy complemented each other well, even through the lame Little Nicky subplot.
to be fair, rape/murder is at the heart of the original run of Twin Peaks.
oh my god that picture
>not Ike
What do we do about the autism audience? We can't spoon feed them every fucking time
...user, the entire show is about a serial rapist demon.
When he said to her "I will never forget that night Diane" and you saw the look on her face, what did you think she was thinking? Did you think she was thinking "I'm sad because my friend and lover drove off and disappeared"? Is that what her emotions were conveying to you?
Which actress(es) from any of his movies/shows has Lynch NOT fucked?
>She starts adjusting her hair and her top like she's trying to look her best.
This makes sense, a rape victim doesn't want to look like the event affected her life. She doesn't want to look messy or unstable (though she is)
It not just a problem for us, it's a problem for society. It's a tough one yeah. Main problem for us is they cause scripts to have to be more obvious and really hit people over the head with shit, which makes it less enjoyable for us normals.
He's old-fashioned.
dougie strong
Heather Graham, which is why she isn't coming back for season 3.
i'm sure shes the one with the most sex scenes
The Sheriff's desk computer is built that way to prevent Lucy from seeing technology. That is also why Andy uses a beautiful watch instead of a cell phone to tell time. Of course people still uses watches but, you know.
I would.
Lara Flynn Boyle which is why she got all that plastic surgery. He permanently destroyed her ego
>user, the entire show is about a serial rapist demon
Tbh, I'm with Lucy. I wish there was a group like the Amish, except all we do is pretend it's the 90's.
the fact that you can't imagine any way to traumatize and scare someone other than raping them just proves my point
Offscreen crimes of Doppleganger Coop;
>Murdered Major Garland Briggs, beheaded him, and burned his office down
>Raped Audrey Horne while she was in a coma after the bomb at the bank (She had a son, Richard Horne, the guy from the bar who later runs the kid over with his truck)
>Killed the FBI agent in Columbia after Albert gave Jeffries the name
>Raped, beat and abused Diane after going to her house shortly after leaving the lodge, leaving her traumatized
>Tortured, raped, and murdered Annie
>he doesn't realize it was Leland all along
Holy shit it happened again, I got stuck in the other thread
"I'll never forget that night" - This event happened before Dale even left for Twin Peaks. BadCoop only knew about it because he knows everything Dale knows
A serial rapist demon who feeds off human suffering. Inhabiting a man with the memories of Cooper who would want to hurt the people who Cooper cared about the most in order to create the most suffering.
Priority targets in order would be; Annie, Diane, Audrey.
Call it Buzzfeedland
Where they together?
Diane, it's been 8,857 days since I first entered The Black Lodge. As always, these daily messages seem to be the only thing holding my sanity together. The giant tried to offer me coffee again today, but of course it would become solid when I attempted to drink it. At this point I can't decide whether or not the giant is trying to tell me something, thinks I'm still impressed by this trick, or is just a jerk. I tell you Diane, not a day goes by that I don't long for a good cup of coffee. The midget still hasn't returned after he disappeared shortly after I entered the Lodge. No sign of Annie either, who I can only hope found her way out of this place. I'd try to look for her myself but as I've mentioned before, I can't seem to leave this chair. It is a damn comfy chair, mind you. Diane, please remind me to find out the brand of these chairs once I get out of here. I think I also saw Leland poking his head around the curtains earlier, but that may have just been my mind slowly giving into insanity. A thought occurs to me that recording these tapes within the Lodge could mean that these messages when listened to outside may just be reversed, incomprehensible gibberish. This would therefore render the last 25 years worth of tapes completely useless. For your sake, Diane, I hope that isn't the case.
>Coop did not, I repeat, DID NOT stick his penis inside this goddess
what was wrong with him
women want to look best all the time, whores especially, what are you talking about
>Killed the FBI agent in Columbia after Albert gave Jeffries the name
This is the only confirmed one, stop making up stuff
Coop was gay for truman
Lynch and Dern? Probably not. Dern did date Maclachlan for a bit though.
>a bit
4 years
But BOB and maybe MIKE with his arm raped Lelands boyçunny before
Coop is PURE!
>tfw your shame won't allow you to post here anymore
Give jerry iphone
shes still a qt
Are there any autistic theories about the hip-hop beat that plays whenever the office lady shows up?
When is Ben going to run for mayor and build a ghostwood fence or wall to keep those canadians on their side of the border
>tfw I've shitposted for 75 years
Since you're clearly autistic you tell us
Cooper was an early 30's FBI agent and she was a high school student related to the case he was investigating. It would have been unethical at best. Cooper is honestly too pure for this world.
She's old school
It represented the toll she was about to pay.
Lynch playing with audience expectations by playing it frequently before he plays it while manlet murders her. It makes the scene surreal and give it an "off-beat" feeling when the manlet is murdering her while hip hop is playing.
So, Audrey and Big Ed are the only main characters from the original show we haven't seen yet, right?
And donna
Episode 7>2>1>3>4>5>6
>tfw she'll never look at you like this
yeah, but she's not on the cast list to appear (either versions of her).
>His first time putting Cooper back on while shooting the new series? “A little weird. Familiar, but not as familiar as I thought it would be. I’m different. Cooper is — will be — different."
God damn it, Kyle.
have a good day /tpg/
I feel like I have to try an help you guys, so I'm going to try, against my better judgement.
I'll describe two Diane's. One Diane is from the timeline where she was visited by good Cooper before he entered the lodge, who subsequently disappeared and never had any contact with her again. The other Diane is from the timeline where Evil Cooper visited her right after leaving Twin Peaks, and raped, abused and traumatized her before disappearing. Both Diane's have just been contacted by the FBI and told that her close friend that she once loved has just been found after disappearing 25 years ago.
Diane 1: Thought her friend died working on the case 25 years ago. Was heartbroken but eventually moved on with her life but always remembered the good man she knew, one of the kindest purely good people she had ever met. When hearing Cooper is actually alive she is shocked but can't wait to see him again because she knows Cooper and knows that if he has been out of contact this long he either couldn't contact anyone or did it to protect her for some reason. She can't wait to talk to him to find out what happened, is overjoyed that he is actually alive since she long since presumed him dead, and is on the first plane with Albert and Gordon as soon as she hears about it.
Diane 2: Obviously suffering from past trauma. An alcoholic who drinks even more as soon as Coopers name is mentioned. Reacts with rage as soon as Cooper is brought up. Isn't surprised to hear he is alive. When told he is in federal prison says "Good!". Hates him, and refuses to go see him and won't go see him at all until Gordon eventually persuades her. Practically has to be dragged to the interview. Obviously dreading confronting him. Is visibly suffering and in pain when having to talk to him and ask him questions. Breaks down after the interview.
Which Diane did we see in the show?
I just had a thought strike me, /tpg/. Feel free to tell me why I'm wrong and retarded.
Is Mr C the billionaire that owns the glass box?
He's been shown to be pretty good at forcing people to do things (Mr. Todd, Warden Murphy, Phyllis Hastings).
Also, a waterfront villa in Rio isn't exactly a summer timeshare in Orlando. That's big bucks right there.
We're all in agreement that after Doc Hayward brought him to the hospital, he went looking for the owl ring, right? The Doc assumes he went to see Audrey but I doubt DoppelCoop had any interest in her whatsoever. The theory of him raping her in the ICU and conceiving Richard Horne is retarded.
BUT, he definitely raped Diane. He probably showed up at her house looking for his tapes and then forced himself on her. Explains why she is so traumatized
funny, but you can easily play magnetic tape in reverse you silly millenial
How does the warden think he can just sneak out a prisoner under active fbi investigation without anybody asking questions?
Gordon said Coop was Diane's boss. Is it weird that Cooper was sending audio logs to his employee like that? I'd understand if Diane was Coop's contact or whatever for if he were to go undercover or whatever
she'll never murmur sweet nothings in your ear sdrawkcab
The billionaire is Billy Zane
maybe there's 2 andy's too
>The theory of him raping her in the ICU and conceiving Richard Horne is retarded.
She fucked Wheeler just a bit before. She could think it's his baby and no one would be the wiser.
Why would he be called Horne?
Audrey: the doc saw Cooper sneaking out of the hospital near her room. We know there is a new Horne in the show about 25 years old (Richard). Who is a total bastard like the son of a dopp would be. It's not 100% but it's looking like a fairly safe bet at this point.
Diane: 100% confirmed. I don't know how people can not see this given her reactions and her scenes. The people who think she Cooper visited her house before he went into the lodge and that she would react like that just from someone she loved disappearing are just completely wrong and kind of delusional. She is reacting like someone who was deeply traumatized, not a jilted lover. She was visited by Evil Coop, probably right after he left Twin Peaks. Whatever he did left scars that are still there 25 years later.
Annie: This one is complete speculation on my part. But there are multiple reasons to believe it's true. Annie left town immediately after the end of season two and disappeared. Why do I think Dopp-Coop got her? Because she was the only one who could tell people he was a fake, she told Laura but the pages were lost. And she was the one Cooper loved the most, thus the one the Doppleganger would want to hurt the most. If she had got away, there is no way she would not have tried to contact people like Truman and Hawk after leaving town and telling them the good Dale was still in the lodge. Yet we know it's 25 years later and no one has any idea there were two Coopers until right now. That means either she never tried to tell anyone about it, (extremely unlikely) or she was caught by Dopp-Coop right after leaving town, and killed.
>He probably showed up at her house looking for his tapes
i wonder if evil cooper has cooper's memories at all, which is why maj. briggs' flawed dossier was created. to trick him somehow.
That was a weird nod.
Why would he be called anything but Horne if he's Audrey's kid? How do they do it where you're from?
She was his secretary.
The fact that Coop's doppelganger took advantage of Diane and completely turned her life upside down really bothers me.
Anytime I rewatch the original series now, when Coop uses his tape recorder I'll be reminded how he will have 25 years of his life stolen from him. And someone wearing his face will destroy one of his most cherished relationships forever. Honestly bothers me way more than any of the violence or gore we've seen.
Lynch and Frost really twisting the knife here.
You realize the song Sleep Walk predates the movie Sleepwalkers by several decades right?
I love the show but I agree with you as well. It hurts but it's also incredible and it's what would have actually happened since his copy would have wanted to hurt the people he loved the most.
Annie being killed by the Doppelganger if confirmed will be the most painful one, even worse than Diane imo, because the entire reason he accepted being put in the lodge and losing 25 years and his sanity was to save her. So that would mean it was all for nothing.
>Thinking it's anyone but Mr. Tojimura
>Audrey: the doc saw Cooper sneaking out of the hospital near her room. We know there is a new Horne in the show about 25 years old (Richard). Who is a total bastard like the son of a dopp would be. It's not 100% but it's looking like a fairly safe bet at this point.
Ahem, excuse me, but, WRONG
Doc ASSUMED he was there to see Audrey. We aren't even told that he stopped by her room.
THE MISSING PIECES makes it very clear that the only reason he would go there is to retrieve the formica ring, last seen in Annie's possession. Which is why this is literally the first fucking thing he asks about when he wakes up.
You can't just slip into an ICU and rape someone in a coma. Not even in fucking Twin Peaks.
Are you saying that Evil Cooper is a two pump chump who nutted after a couple strokes?
Madchen Amick didn't have anything to do with the song, but she was in the movie and in the diner scene when it started playing.