Justin Trudeau intimidates Russia's Putin to end 'interference' in Ukraine

>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a blunt message during a brief chat with Russian President Vladimir Putin: "back off Ukraine or face swift retribution".

>"I pointed out that although Canada has shifted its approach on a broad range of multilateral and international issues, we remain committed to the fact that Russia's interference in Ukraine must cease; that we stand with the Ukrainian people and expect the president to engage fully in the Minsk peace process," he said.


Slav Manlets BTFO

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What will we do? Stop selling them maple syrup? Force the french to rename poutine to trudeau?

he might kill himself so that putin loses

>back off

Which one is it??

Fucking Trudeau and his kindergarten ramblings..

>Ukranian people

no such thing
no such people

He's crying about big bully Russia too. Literally that kid with no friend in school.

dude... Canada needs to get knocked down a fucking grade or two.

Either America pulls away from you faggots or Russia comes over and takes one of your faggoty little provinces just for fun. Either way, a lot of you need to die and your nigger sympathizing president needs to get beheaded.

>face swift retribution

Literally how? Isn't this the guy that thinks killing your enemies is letting them win?


>s-stop it Putin n-now or else


how much would you pay to see justin and putin do an mma fight?

>Trudeau intimidates Putin

Holy shit I am laffin

If russia give us weapon I'd be ready to fight an independence war.

So why is Canada so interested in Ukraine? Is it because Canada is close to Russia or because they have a beef over Arctic?

Canuck-cuck PM BTFOd

that's a fake quote someone made up to see if Sup Forums would believe it

Probably swiftly killing himself..

>Swift retribution
>Trudeau kills himself
>Russia loses

Ukrainian diaspora, AKA minority pandering. "If we shill for a nation they have never seen but identify with we'll secure their vote.

partially because we have a large Ukrainian minority
partially because Trudeau wants to look tough for America
partially because he's a globalist minion



We will never have a Prime Memester as great as him again, the maple leaf forever, lads

Very large Ukrainian diaspora that leached into local politics.
Desire to please big brother USA
Beta male vs alpha male
Stance on gays

t. Nigger president

>American understanding of geopolitical situations
You really think they can just invade us? You think the world works like that?
Also we have a sympathizer sure but your country went one step farther and actually elected a black.


>"back off Ukraine or face swift retribution"

HA! This guy is a bigger pussy than Obama.

No, he literally said he won't retaliate if ISIS attacks because that's what they want.

Trudeau is the greatest memer alive. I am so god damn proud to be a Canadian

Even if I had a ukrainian diaspora this fact alone wouldn't lead me to giving a shit about the country in general


*stabs himself in the balls*

Source my swarthy friend?

I am sure Russia has better things to do than invade likes of Canada.

>Someone says something bad about Canada
>Someone says something bad about the Ukraine
>Get ready for a beat down!

I honestly couldn't give less of a shit of his polices, but he is seriously playing 7D meme chess with the world

He wants them sweet eastern European immigrants to himself
Africans and Arabs aint enough


a lot.

Although Putin has better things to do. Let his good buddy Fedor step in for him

Let him. Anyone who support current Ukraine`s goverment walks right into Putin`s trap.

Imagine the semen from some huge buck that just rode him to orgasm leaking out of his asshole and making that beautiful old library guardrail all wet and cum-crusted.

Self-immolation will do the trick.
JT will show the world nobody messes with Canada's allies.

It's Trudeaus most famous meme

If you attack your enemies , they win

Remember, if your enemy fucks you in the ass. They win.

>hahaha ur president likes black people!!

says the American without a shred of irony

He's so goofy. It's hard to take him serious.

Get fucked Russia, we're coming for you homophobic cucks

-Justin Trudeau

Lots of hohol immigrants there. Many of the Bandera scum since after WW2 too. Kinda like german Nazi`s run to Argentine.

Canada has large Ukrainian population. It's all for cheap votes.

First you need to explain how your government is any better than Ukraine's. You both seem insanely corrupt to me.


It's over


What ended up happening with your South African subhuman fire pokers? And did they ever poke the fire out?

I've heard the meme but I've never actually seen an articleor a video of him saying that. Do you think Sup Forums made it up?

I dont. I am completely ok with you staying ignorant.

Trying to find a source that isn't Israel.

>Actually wanting to be involved in that shitfest

It's all shit. Ukraine, Russia, who cares... Same madness.

literally who would be intimidated by this fuck

We made them work for free and then kicked them out
Based Trudeau strikes again

Kek. Look at the reaction of the black dude in the back.


talking some shit that will settle itself out so he can act like he played an important role.

>dear autobiography
>today i beat russia

I hope Putin bombs Vancouver and Toronto

Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe now, I think. Even poorer than Moldova.

Liberals will do anything just to get some feelsgood points, they simcerly dont give a fuck about these people

Include Montreal.


Laughable. Especially considering Putin was left with NO OTHER CHOICE but to intervene in Ukraine. NATO supported and weaponized the anti-Russian revolution in Ukraine, a country Putin's army was ALREADY STATIONED IN.

Is there any actual justification for Putin being in the Ukraine?

>I pointed out that although Canada has shifted its approach on a broad range of multilateral and international issues, we remain committed to the fact that Russia's interference in Ukraine must cease
>Even though Canada won't actually take part in any wars, or exert any military force to ANYTHING we say, you meanie Putin, stop being so mean by trying to kick out the Neo-Nazis my big brother USA armed!

This isn't even being a paper tiger, this is just pathetic. I'm starting to think leaf shitposting is genetic.

>stick to Minsk
How about you get your Washington backed lackeys to do it.
Pull back the artillery from the contact line.
Change the constitution to give those regions that desire it greater autonomy

But hey, it's not like Canada has any power in the world. They simply are allowed to continue to exist and pretend they matter by the grace of America.

>If you intimidate them they win.

Welp Trudeau, you lost.

don't get it

montreal east only

The legitimate, democratically elected government of Ukraine (which was thrown out in the Western-backed coup, or as the msm calls it 'popular revolution') had longstanding ties to Russia, including close economic ties and military ties. Russian military was in Ukraine already, they had a naval base in Crimea. The Russian 'intervention' was what they had no choice but to do due to our 'intervention' in what is essentially their backyard.

What people don't realize is we can easily destroy Russia. See we Canadians are the superior nation in nato and control it from the shadows. We can start a war with Russia and simply let our British and American puppets do the fighting and dieing for us while we sit back and do almost nothing. Once the dust settles and Russia is destroyed we can claim victory and look like the hero for being there to defend ukrain

We are so progressive we have the worlds first autistic prime minister

>Stands with the Ukrainian people
>Hasn't taken in a single Ukrainian refugee from the devastated regions

Way to play favorites with the Muslims, there.

Jesus I've seen some retarded posts on this board but that one is definitely up there.

The curse of the eternal anglo colony



God, I fucking hate this retard. Should just keep his mouth shut and leave the threats to someone who can back them up.

I mean, does he think Putin is terrified that he'll unleash Canada's vast army of transsexual feminist largefat ponykin stormtroopers?

>Justin Trudeau
>Justin Trudeau
Fucking hell. My sides. Call a fucking doctor.

>borders are artificial lines
>we must help Ukraine defending her borders

Western leftist logic

[spoiler]I kinda want to see Trudeau and Putin go one on one but inevitably they start having sex with Putin being top and Trudeau being a power bottom[/spoiler]

*teleports behind you*

Heh, nothing personnel, Putin

Putin reply:



Go back to your pride parade Trudeau. It's 2016. Canada doesn't have a military.

Whenever I see Trudeau, I always view him as Spenny from Kenny vs Spenny. They look alike, behave VERY similarly and are canadian

Holy fuck our pm seems super scary I bet putin is so intimidated just look what Trudeau got up to this weekend
>another fucking lgbtbbqadhdtv parade in hongcouver
>taking selfies with trannys and faggots
>went whale watching in tofino

Such manly activities

holy shit japan your imagery is vivid

>Russia need to take land that'll make them literal walking distance from your border

Good plan.

I thought i was the only one who did that

thread doesnt even need ruskies to reply.. no one takes trudeau or his 35mil cucknadiens seriously

kek, underrated