Look how happy they look, it's like they have no idea what they just signed up for

Look how happy they look, it's like they have no idea what they just signed up for.

You'd think Cavil would know.

I wonder what's going to happen to Cavill's career after all this. He's directly connected to a franchise everyone watches but no one seems to particuarly like, and his other attempt at a tentpole series bombed hard.

He might get Sam Worthington'd, which would be a real shame.


I'd feel really bad for Cavill if after this Tyler Hoechlin ends up being a more positively received Superman on Supergirl.

Cavill isn't hated. I prefer him anytime than Teen Wolf Superman

Jesus Christ look how fucking bright the blue and the red are there. Fuck Snyder and his garbage dark filters.

This, Cavill is not the problem, it's clearly the case of great actor + shit director = shit acting.

Was The Man From U.N.C.L.E. really that bad?

>it's like they have no idea what they just signed up for.
Affleck knew. He tried to warn us. Remember the SDCC panel?

>great actor
Let's not get too hasty, he's not that bad but he's not great either. What you're saying describes Affleck here more.

It's actually a lot of fun, but it bombed HARD.

It's a shame, I'd like to see a few more.

A movie bombing has nothing to do with its quality, mate

>all that positivity is gone in the movie

it wasn't. that's the problem

I can imagine Snyder flipping his shit over them smiling, screaming they do not get the movie.

It didn't BOMB hard. Fantastic Four didn't even make it's production budget back.

Madonna's ex hasn't made a movie that made money beyond the RDJ Sherlock movies, so expecting him to carry off a "tent pole" was not a good idea.

It was a lot of fun, but should have been given a push when in DVD and Blu Ray/Netflix. But yeah, it won't get a second movie.

He's got a career outside the DCEU if he would work on some other movies. Affleck was in Daredevil and Gili, don't forget.

Yeah, my favorite bright blue is gray.

Being in movies that bombed isn't the same as being in terrible movies. Another thing is that Superman is so big of a character that it shields the actor. People remember it as a shitty Superman movie, not a shitty Cavill movie.

It's the consensus that the director and writers are to blame rather than the actors. Well except Michael Cera and Wonderboard maybe, those still make no sense.

Tell that to Brandon Routh.

Michael Cera makes sense so long as logic takes a seat with you in the theater and not in his performance, or the movie for that matter.

>release fun bts photo
>people turn it into a negative

For the love of...

>implying Superman killed his career and not him just being bland as fuck
I had to look up who he was. I'm quite sure his face isn't associated with schlock because to do that, one would have to remember it. And that movie wasn't even bad, just dull and forgettable, like himself.

I actually kind of like him as Superman.

But that movie was garbage.

Oh boy unemployed 20 somethings talking about celebrity careers again.

Say what you want about Snyder, but he didn't make Supes a deadbeat father like Singer did

>they make a lot of money so we just suck their dick regardless of their awful decisions
GTFO, faggot.

>It didn't BOMB hard
Yes it did. $101 million gross on a $75 million dollar budget, not including advertising. It was a disaster, along with being boring as fuck.

But Snyder did make Superman an autistic cynic.

Happy that they got to work on such an amazing movie. Too good for the likes of the normal folk.

He's gonna be rich, I don't he cares much at all. He said in an interview that he does this shit for the money, not for the art. By the time the DCU wraps up he'll be loaded and free to bang all the college girls he wants.

>S-sorry Mr. Snyder, it just slipped–

Why do you nerds think that actors care so much about the quality of the movie they make? Especially when they're actors doing big blockbuster-type movies, not some artsy indie thing. They show up to work, have a bit of fun, then go home and get paid millions of dollars. What part of that equation do you think would make them upset?

No, eleborate.

This. Henry is having fun on set with Ben, banging Amy Adams in his trailer and playing WoW in his down time. He's living the dream.

>Stop smiling Ben or I'll actually film that prison rape scene.

>No you won't.
>*Simmons walks in
>Sorry Sir.

>Why do you nerds think that actors care so much about the quality of the movie they make?
Sad Affleck