>post yfw even with all the desperate shilling going on Trump wins by a landslide coming November
Post yfw even with all the desperate shilling going on Trump wins by a landslide coming November
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We have the best supporters, don't we folks? Doing God's work out there on facebook, son.
How much of a cuck are you, OP?
Who's the one where thousands of people can't find space to pack a rally arena? And who's the one where only a hundred shills end up turning up to their events and has to cancel events due to lack of interest? I know you libtard shills are retarded, but try using common sense once in a while.
The vote will be rigged stay mad trumpkin.
The polls are rigged to. to match the result
The media is on our side.
She is going to win with 10% of the vote. And steal it from trump. And you will never be able to prove the voter fraud.
Don't you know that the majority of machines are owned by companies that donate to the Clinton foundation :)
All whites will die
Refugees welcome
Hillary will reverse brexit
Guns will be banned
Hate speech will be a crime
How does it feel to be wrong, just like you were about Brexit and pretty much everything else in life?
I'm sorry you got left with a double digit IQ and brown skin user, life must be tough on you
Shillary plz.
but it WILL
Trump can have 100% of support and still lose
SHE WILL WIN. Rigged and guaranteed
> muh Brexit
The UK is 80% white, the largest minority group, Asians, make up just 6% of the population.
In the US, by comparison, whites make up just over 60% of the population, whit blacks coming in at a whopping 18%.
The demographics aren't there for you, sempai. Also, if crashing a first world nation's economy and tanking its currency is an example of right wing success, then most of us would prefer status quo "failure."
You are also forgetting, whites make of the majority of those that actually vote here. Blacks almost never vote. The only time they ever put the effort was for King Bongos. Each election year between the presidential election, and this years primary shows that black turnout is very low compared to that of 2008 and 2012. Infact, dem turnout was at an all time low while Rep turnout was +70%.
The uk is 80% white
This fucking angers me. Why did brexit happen
Fucking white people
I can't fucking believe this. Trump's central policy platform is fighting against illegals and building a wall. Turns out his wife is an illegal.
Why didn't the GOP vet him better and find this out before the convention or before he got so far forward in the primaries? Who wasn't doing their job?
Is it time to put in an emergency replacement (Cruz, Kasich, Rubio, Ryan)? Or is it time to swing behind Johnson? Or just focus on downticket races? Or fucking give up and accept that this race has been a disaster and starting looking to four years into the future?
The First Lady cannot be a political liability. She's lied about her education, she's plagiarized, she's a slut, and I can't even imagine what other scandals await us.
Whatever the situation, I've hit a tipping point. This is too fucking much for me.
H-heh there is no way that at least 4 more terrorist attacks will happen in the west between now and November and the WikiLeaks stuff won't be damning at all, h-heh.
What do demographics have to do with anything? All the Libtards were spewing that Brexit wouldn't happen and it did. Also,
>crashing a first world nation's economy
Nigga where? All major indices have stabilised, and Sterling was $1.40 before Brexit, and is now $1.30. THE WORLD IS GOING TO END! Nice Project fear mate. Face it, our economy is fine. The little devaluation might even give us a boost, lowering export prices jump starting our new independence. Many countries have shown interest in signing FTAs with the UK. And most of the libtards have forgotten about it. Soz mate, but what your shillmaster tells you to post isn't worth the paper it's written on
You really need to leave your safe space, I support Trump and all but it's going to be anything but a landslide
Probably even rigged for Hillary
>[Citation needed]
Stupid fucking shill
I don't know Romania the polls have him down -9% to the most untrustworthy canidate pretty sad.
Trump wants to give the Saudis Nuclear weapons
How can you expect people to vote for that?
Brexit happened because it was the will of the hard working people. Just like how Trump got elected,
Yeah fucking racists piss me off
>muh hard working people
Racist lower class. Uneducated scum
Fuck you
Turnour for Dems will be even lower considering who the ticket is. Most the people ticking Crooked Hillary in the biased polls won't actually vote for her, but in Donald's case, all his supporters love him. He's attracting independents and Democrats in the form of Comrade Bernie supporters
>Brexit supporters are racist
>Brexit supporters are uneducated
That kinda attitude is exactly the reason why you lost the referendum. Cry more mate.
Stop that stop that, cultural appropriation is against progressive ideals.
> $0.05 has been deducted from CTR's coffers for this post.
>Hillary will reverse brexit.
Isnt it funny!
Can someone translate this from sjw to english?
Goddamn you all, I am so happy you are losing your cities to more and more to Muslims.
Can't wait till Muslims grow large enough to gerrymander enough seats to help labour win
Rotheram was what you deserved and I hope there's more on the way.
Fuck your. Fuck your people.
And fuck your racism. You are going to be made fucking extinct.
Deal with it.
20 years ago there were no pakistanis. In another 20 years there will be even more.
One by one. City by city. We will take it away from you white racists. And by any means neccesery
Farage should be in jail for hate speech
I hate that man so mich
that's some autistic roleplay you got going on.
>That kinda attitude is exactly the reason why you lost the referendum.
Mate, the referendum was won on the basis of bullshit. And, you know it.
[Europeans Booing]
Working class people need to be denied votes
It's strange that with such outstanding pakis like yourself, more and more people are becoming 'racist'.
Mind boggled.
you greatly exaggerate Trump's influence, when even some of his followers are leaking on to the libertarians.
I voted to leave because i dont like the idea of a non elected non british globalist passing laws for my country. One of my closest friends is Indian.
Another factor was merkels open border poliicy, as tragic as it is that there are so many refugees coming to europe, you have to be an idiot to think that every single one of them was in a situation where migration was there only option. How many fighting age males just up and abandoned their homeland when things got tough? either some of those people are coming here for reasons other than refuge (you may have noticed evidence of this on the news) or theyre cowards.
top kek. This aint America mate, you can't gerrymander seats here, politicans don't have any say on seats.
top kek, They're long gone mate.
Cry more Ahmed, I love your tears.
Go fuck yourself racist
They will outbreed you.
Isn't it funny?
says a man should be jailed for hate speech while literally hate speeching him. hypocracy much?
>everything I don't agree with is Bullshit.
Underage spotted.
None of his followers are leaking on to Johnson. Johnson stands for open borders and is a fucking globalist. Everyone knows that. Stop making shit up.
sounds an awful lot like you want to create a system where by a class of freerange slaves are ruled by the wealthy elite.
Are we being raided? This is not my Sup Forums.
It's cute when shills try to use our language
>those underage girls DESERVED to be raped.
you seem like a nice guy, i hope we meet one day.
You can't be racist against whites
We were raided a long time ago mate. By the Shills. 50% of the posts on here are made by shills. Most of the threads on here are just shills arguing with shills.
oops meant this for the guy you where quoting.
>white girls
>racist fathers having to watch powerlessly
It's poetic justice. And it shoudlent stop until every last white in this island is dead or fled
>says you cant be racist against whites while literally being racist against whites.
Hypocracy much?
Racism is prejudice+power
>wtf I'm a Cruz Missile now
>1 post by this id
Shill's first day on the job.
>$0.02 has been deposited in your account
says the racist
innocent, underage children should be punished because i dont like the fathers, whats the matter, too much of a coward to actually fight the men? you have to go after little girls...pathetic mate, you and your barbaric death cults days are numbered., the tragedy of a these rapes is just that, a tragedy, but hey, millions have died in the middle east and your shitskin muzzie cities lay in ruins....evevry day i feel less and less sympathetic to you and your people. those girls will be avenged, our government wont do it, but theres more to us than our government. Enjoy your life while you still have it hamhead.
You need to need to phone in swat and let them kill you
> what do demographics have to do with it
Are you kidding? Brexit was fueled by xenophobia and a fear of immigration from non white countries. That can be a formula for success in a country whose population is 80% white, but even in the UK the Brexit vote won with an extremely narrow margin.
Trump, running on a similarly xenophobic, anti-immigrant platform, is not living in the UK. His favorability with minority groups (a much, much larger voting bloc in the US) is non existent. If the rightwing could barely pull this off in a snow white country, Trump has no hope of doing so in our glorious melting pot.
So I repeat, citing the upset Brexit victory as proof of a possible, unpredictable Trump victory is delusional. The demographics of the two countries are incomparable.
just get over him, he's done for. don't take my word for it ask his supporters
aside from the fact that that statement is made up liberal bullshit lets just pretend its true;
Muzzies in britain have a certain level of political immunity, this, though diminishing, can be thought of as power. Grown men are certainly more physically powerful than young girls. All the victims where white, this is prejudice. Seems to me that by your own definition its racism and by every actually sensible and logical reason its racism too.
>thinks facts are an "opinion"
Anyone who still does this is a gigantic faggot
Blacks are only 13% and their numbers are actually dropping.
Fuck off back to tumblr you fatty crybaby, piss of you dirty non binary nonce. Get cancer in your eyes
Take tyrones dick out of your ass for one second, and fuck off back to tumblr you filthy blairite fatty scum
>$0.02 has been added to your account
so you admit the only way leftists can win is by cheating?
>my face when shillary shits her pants
> Brexit was fueled by xenophobia and a fear of immigration from non white countries.
First of all, you're an american, so you can't say what votes going on in our country are based on if you don't live here. Brexit was not fueled by xenophobia, or even a fear of immigration. It was fuel by the fact that people wanted to make their own laws, and not have their laws overturned by Brussels. People wanted to have control of their borders, without an open borders policy. These are things shared among all demographics. I know many Indian and South Asian people, all of whom vote for Brexit. Brexit votes has very little to do with race. It was more about political leaning. The liberals voted against it, everyone else voted for it. Bradford, one of the most immigrant dense areas, I know of, voted for Brexit. More immigrant people did vote against Brexit - not because they love the EU, just because they were told it was racist to vote for Brexit, so they just ticked the box they were told to. The same thing is happening with Trump. People want LAW AND ORDER. Trump is not anti-immigrant, he is anti-illegal immigration.He wants to reform the H1b system to allow the very best people to come to America. He is not xenophobic, he is a realist and knows what America is experiencing. The reason he is not doing as well with minorities is because the MSM is sputing that he is a racist etc. etc. NOT Because minorities love Crooked Hillary. The more people learn about Trump, the more people like him - for all races. The opposite is true for Hillary.
It's fact. Niggers literally abort more than they shit living crap.
That only 6% of our population (young black males) does so much killing and rape is a testament to niggardry.
Oh, that's my mistake, I mixed blacks up with non-white Hispanics.
Not that that's any comfort for the Trump hopeful.
Also, according to the US Census the black population itself is steadily increasing. If the percentage is dropping it just means that more people from different minority groups are entering the country.
That shouldn't be comforting to Trump's hopefuls either.
heh. cmon man. How much are they paying you to act this retarded.
Fucking patronising cunt. Keep sulking maggot . We hate you
Keyboard paki Rambo
Jesus Christ, indent, buddy.
> you don't live here, you don't know
So why are you shilling for Trump, Thatcherite?
If Brexit had nothing to do with immigration and everything to do with Brussels, why should Trump supporters look to Brexit as a sign of hope? We're not in the EU, sempai.
Another discrepancy: Brexit was a referendum, the US presidential election is decided by the electoral college. That means that even if Trump can convince literally millions of white New Yorkers and Californians to vote for him, none of those votes will impact the election in any way whatsoever.
So I repeat again, comparisons between Trump and Brexit are dead on arrival and a sure sign of desperation.
We're actually white washing them.
They're all half spanish and carry our R1b.
Mexican + white = 2/5ths bean.
A shit ton of Hispanics also have strong brand loyalty to Republicans.
>steadily increasing
They're population barely increases 2% every decade. It's 'steadily increasing' at an even slower pace now.
Don't be a fucking mong all your life
> a shit ton
Uhhhh, where have they been the last few election cycles?
Cuban "refugees" might squeeze together enough votes in Florida but Obama secured 71% of the Hispanic vote against Romney. Now the Republican nominee actively insults Hispanics, suggests they can't judge him fairly because of muh wall, and literally started his campaign calling Mexican rapists.
Screen cap this. If Trump even gets 10% of the Hispanic vote on election day, I'll post timestamped nudes.
> im a girl btw
>Getting votes
Pic related is from Cleveland Ohio, a '''''''battleground''''''' state
>Who's the one where thousands of people can't find space to pack a rally arena?
Like Bernie Sanders?
Rubber dingy rapids bro
I'm from Ohio and trump is pretty popular. only in cincy and some other few parts is Hilary popular. In fact driving through Columbus I saw a few trump flags and signs in yards.
Keep going m8, another shekel another day.
wtf i hate trump now you sure corrected the record dude
>> im a girl btw
Prove it
>Asians, make up just 6% of the population
No-one actually believes those figures.
Visit London, then come back and tell me it's 6% of the population.
>trump isn't that rich, just ask Mark Chambisky (Mark Cuban)