
You may post in this thread when your country committed at least one genocide

>inb4 he lives in a meme country that never committed genocide

Other urls found in this thread:

Aren't you people glad we got rid of the Native Americans, so now you only have to worry about the gooks, niggers, spics, hajis, and kiikes! No more scalp-eaters.

Now do the same with the leafs

well we delivered you the cyankali and cyankali accesoires you loved to use so much

This and the fact that you didn't let refugees in during the war is somewhat acceptable


i love genocide

>he actually thinks the holohoax happened

dont forget the gyppos

Neat. I also wonder how many turks are tempted to post ITT.

>Implying we aren't the direct successor to the glorious Iroquois empire

Say what you will, but no one in my family was scalped by a redskin this week. I say they did a damn fine job

I hope you're a troll. That is just a joke we say and new fags jump on board. No one actually believes this.

Thanks for correcting the record.

Also you can't beat Germany with 3

Actually thinks Sup Forums is decent enough not to be irl holocaust deniers

>Father de Brébeuf had his legs, thighs, and arms stripped of flesh to the very bone; I saw and touched a large number of great blisters, which he had on several places on his body, from the boiling water which these barbarians had poured over him in mockery of Holy Baptism. I saw and touched the wound from a belt of bark, full of pitch and resin, which roasted his whole body. I saw and touched the marks of burns from the Collar of hatchets placed on his shoulders and stomach. I saw and touched his two lips, which they had cut off because he constantly spoke of God while they made him suffer. I saw and touched all parts of his body, which had received more than two hundred blows from a stick. I saw and touched the top of his scalped head; I saw and touched the opening which these barbarians had made to tear out his heart.... I saw and touched all the wounds of his body, as the savages had told and declared to us

An account of the torture and execution of St John Brebeuf at the hands of the Iroquois

We're currently genociding white people. Can I post here?

Ayyyyyyy rip native inhabitants.

When you are not a swede go ahead Ahmed

All I'm asking for is an actual order from nazi high command ordering the gassings. The official narrative is they used "euphemisms" to describe it. There would be no reason to do that, they didn't know their codes had been broken. There was no order.

>War of paraguay (we killed 70% of male pop.)
>Desert Campaing (we killed olmost all aboriginal pop.)
>proceso de reorganizacion nacional (30000 commies killed)

Can i post in here kraut user?

We committed genocide on russians, huehue. We also gave 9 jews to Nazis during the war, that counts as genocide according to our media



>bombing Dresden gets you a ticket into this thread, run by a Germonicuck
Good times.

You're the one country with more of a right to be here than anyone else

As far as I know there are no formal written orders about it ( At some point Hitler didn't eaven write down orders anymore) But there are reports from Ghetto Commanders in Poland who said the living conditions are so bad that death would be merciful

hi guys I'm new here
hope to make a lot of friends!

>Forcing the Irish to build pointless walls or starve to death.
>Let them starve anyway

Highlight of the empire


genocide means that they win.....

But I heard your country never committed genocide.
I'm confused..

is that you turkey?


hey there buddy we were just talking about genocides, know any good ones?

Also TIL something about Argentina

Our state media says that every second of white people existing is a genocide of brown people. Does that count?

>turkey is no where to be seen ITT
*audibly keks*

>Turkey confirmed meme country

oh boy do I!


Best thing we ever did.

hey boys

Can't take credit for the Native Genocide. It's not as though we raided and pillaged the Native Tribes. Once we were on the continent, smallpox and shit spread ahead of us through the Native Populations. When whites showed up, most of the East Coast's Native Population was dead. Humanity was not aware of germs, the blankets are probably bullshit.

LOL, not one single turk ITT.

Well: we could try to do, what we *allegedly* did to Jews, on the muslims, to prove it's absolutely possible. How about it?

>map depicting invasions
>shows three large arrows moving in the general direction of the other country, telling you nothing

Anyone else tired of this pointless cliche?

Reporting in

Jasenovac - 100K and more


Parsley Massacre btw, lynched several thousand Hatians

Sorry to break it to you but the emus actually beat you. I have to ask you to leave now..

we literally shipped you 99% of our jews ourselves by train, does that count?

Oh Turkey posters, where art thou?

>tfw 300,000 eskimos, 400,000 injuns, 200,000 beothuks, 400,000 plains-niggers' bloods are on our hands

>90% of the forces were brazilian
>argentina taking credit for Paraguay War


Wow that's dark you guys are in

Not enough Brits in here

if they showed actual troop deployments, that would be treasonous, user.

Plus the catholic church killed 50,000 native children. Feels good man


>But there are reports from Ghetto Commanders in Poland who said the living conditions are so bad that death would be merciful
Nazis proven to be the good guys.


1. Then don't show any meaningless arrows.

2. You see this even in historical textbooks.

You guys are the true champions, we all shall follow you as our great example

one force goes to vancouver, one force goes to ottawa/toronto, one force goes to regina/saskatoon

it's not that hard, user

The biggest shame in German history has to be the holocaust.

Not because it happened (if it even did), but because of how inefficient the operation was.

The fact that it's standard practice in textbooks irks me too.

Just a failure of the fact that graphic design majors know shit all about history.

Come on its Canada you don't need advanced tactics to beat the leaf just use a blower

Maybe that's what the arrows represent?

This desu. Maybe if they had the balls to go through with it sooner rather than making it the final solution they could have done a better job.

Top kek.

Well the U.S. Committed genocide of latinos and blacks but no one says nothing. We aren't allowed to talk about it. We must accept massa has always been right.

Yes goy, invade canada. It's not like our royal mounted moose lumberjack squadron is waiting for you or anything


Canada: The one man army


>War of Paraguay

Nice one Frederico, but no.

Also, FEB expedion during WW 2 that was pretty much a nazi genocide (Smoking Snakes FTW) and the almost 90% of brazilian native indians that we killed. I would say we have a pretty good genocide story.

>Poles quietly pretending we didnt warmonger since the day this country was born.

He's one hell of a sniper too

> implying Germany can post ITT

Holocaust never happened, name one other genocide Deutschcucks commited?

We killed like 100,000,000 Injuns bruh, get on our level

>War of paraguay

Holy fuck good job white friend.

Do buffalo count?

posting in designated genocide thread. If some people were not aware, we had concentration camps during ww2 too

> indicated between 500,000–600,000 people were murdered at Jasenovac

Number of victims ranges from 30,000 to 1,4 million though, according to who you ask

GTFO your own thread kraut, your nation hasn't successfully carried out a genocide.

Sure the radical Muslims you let in will behead you en masse but you can't really call it genocide if its against your own race.

Herero and Nama in our colonies

>tfw no roaches

Well the U.S. Committed genocide of latinos and blacks but no one says nothing. We aren't allowed to talk about it. We must accept massa has always been right. Anyone hear of the paperclip genocides? You probably heard of the Well basically the paperclip genocides was a cia clandestine mandated genocide using fbi and cia funded agents. Its so famous that every event of it has become a conspiracy. This is one of the dirtiest things the fed has done to hurt the latino population. And it involves sleeper camps as well. Remember the term urban latino terrorism. Soon they were using the irish, italian and russian mafias to take the blame for the murders. But when they opened up the file they saw nothing but police involved.

Is this the whitest thread on Sup Forums? Slavs aside ofc

Drop some info about it

They call them "aliens" and area 51. But in reality its symbolic. Alien means immigrants. Area 51 means important immigration center, their important financial sector. Rachel, nevada means racial white wash.

We dropped two nukes and went nuclear holocaust on some slant eyes.

This document proves we've killed more.

Off yellowstone website:

>In the 1800's there were 60 million free ranging buffalo on America's Great Plains and in its mountains. These massive animals were the main sustenance of the American Plains Indians. Due to massive slaughter by European settlers, by 1890 there were fewer than 1,000 buffalo.

Death by starvation?

> That's dark your in

Say Germany, can we take credit for some of the holocaust since we blew up your supply routes supplying your concentration camps?

ethnic cleansing reporting in

They were never supposed to be supplied. What supplies do men and women need that are meant to be killed right away?

Wait a minute ...

>m-moj 1.4 gorilion bre


no genocide yet... we are coming for you crackers ;)