Why did he relapse with the electric shit and kill hilmself ?
Why was the watt-hour ticking when everything was unplugged?
Why did he relapse with the electric shit and kill hilmself ?
>why did he kill hilmself
Because he had nothing left, or he was left with very little and he was unsatisfied with it, or at least so he thought. Probably not the last reason why people do it
yea, but why did he relapse ? and why was it ticking?
>Why did he relapse with the electric shit
The whole electric shit is his maladaptive coping mechanism to emotional trauma. It started with him getting the divorce, got better when he felt like he was back on his feet and about to be king shit of turd mountain with the HHM stuff, then when Howard cucked him he realized that the only thing he wanted was now gone.
>Why was the watt-hour ticking when everything was unplugged?
It was all in his head.
>It was all in his head.
That would be absolutely unfair to the viewer and thankfully that's not how this show works.
is that watch powered by a battery?
The numbers weren't changing so it's not exactly unfair that you didn't notice and everyone else did
I think the meter itself ran on electricity.
Bigger question is why was Jimmy so careless that he forgot to turn off his headset when bashing the old people? How did he manage to screw that up of all things?
*which is why it was the last thing he destroyed